Journal of Gender and Power, No.2, Vol.2, 2014


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    Contens (Joural of Gender and Power Vol.2, No.2, 2014)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014)
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    Editor’s Preface: Pandora’s box. Gender and Power
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Gromkowska-Melosik, Agnieszka
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    Womanhood—contemporary paradoxes of equality and exclusion
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Judzińska, Aneta
    The article analyses currently emerging patterns of womanhood in the sociocultural context. The author, using the feminist discourse, attempts to answer the following questions: What positive changes (based on the idea of gender equality) had taken place in terms of how the pattern of womanhood is culturally constructed? Are there still such areas in the contemporary model of woman’s life, where we observe certain forms of discrimination, based on a stereotypical attitude (in both: biological and cultural sense) towards gender issues? The author, by adopting the gender perspective, analyses fundamental areas in women’s lives: professional career and private life, to verify the level of their social (re)construction. Her reflection is also enriched with ponderings about the place of womanhood in popular culture. Through references to numerous research findings taken from the professional literature (mostly Polish), she tries to demonstrate that there are two opposing forces that influence womanhood: the first one bases on the mechanism of stereotyping and gender discrimination (determined by the essentialistic perspective) and the second one promotes equality discourse (determined by the perspective of social constructivism). In conclusion, the author makes the assumption, that contemporary patterns of womanhood balance on the line between two worlds, in which deeply rooted tradition (conditioned by the biological determinism) coexists with modern egalitarianism. The specific discrepancy between outer and inner (self)perception of the social and professional roles women play causes many dilemmas and forces them to make difficult decisions in life.
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    Women and philanthropy: The U. S. experience that could be transferred into the Ukrainian context of higher education
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Krasulia, Alla
    An overview of women’s philanthropy and analysis of examples of philanthropic support for educational institutions in the USA will be presented. Issues of gender charity will be discussed and suggestions for creating fundraising opportunities for universities will be outlined.
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    Decoding multisyllabic words: Structural analysis in reading by groups
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Pierson, Melinda R.; Gowan, Dustin
    An age appropriate, research-based systematic program that teaches a flexible strategy for decoding multisyllabic words may be the foundation for increased reading abilities of middle school male and female students struggling with grade level text. To meet this need, the REWARDS reading program (Archer, Gleason & Vachon, 2000) was used with struggling 6th grade readers with learning disabilities (LD). The quasi-experimental research design used in this study is non-randomized control group (n=20), pretest­ posttest design. The Basic Reading Inventory along with DIBELS measure of reading fluency were the instruments used to calculate findings. In a five week period, students’ decoding levels increased by 1.72 grade levels, instructional reading levels increased by 1.45 grade levels, while the reading fluency rates were increased by 28% at instructional reading levels and 17% at grade level. Decoding ability was highly correlated to reading comprehension with the relationship of .88.
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    Birth of cyber-supermothers
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Ortynecka, Alicja
    The study aims to reveal and to describe a new type of mother—cyber-super¬mother, which combines household duties with professional responsibilities by taking professional activity in the Internet. The study analyzes new model of maternity combining elements of traditional (motherhood as an instinct, conviction regarding personal care of a child, etc.) and modern model (postulate of self-fulfillment, blurring the boundaries between the private and the public sphere, gender equality, etc.).
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    Children’s literature and the politics of gender*
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Jarkovská, Lucie
    The article discusses children’s literature as a matter that can become highly politicized. While often viewed as apolitical, stories for children have always been subjected to hegemonic ideologies and mediated dominant norms. The analysis focuses on gender dimension of this normativity and shows that the attempts to create gender subversive stories for children have to face not only the conservative backlash but they also have to deal with wider cultural context and contemporary meanings of childhood. The last section of the article shows that no matter how gender balanced or stereotypical a story is, the interpretation lies with children themselves. Thus, researchers analyzing messages in children’s stories always have to take into account young readers and their diverse ways of understanding.
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    Black heroes and heroines in cinema.Representations of Afro-American identities in the “Blaxploitation” movies
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Drozdowicz, Jarema
    The cinematic genre of Blaxploitation is a significant example of how the popular culture influences certain identity patterns. In this case the this relation is being examined on the issue of contemporary Afro-American identities. This paper attempts to answer the question of the mechanism of identity construction in the context of new media, and cinema in particular. Thus the Blaxploitation movies are being regarded here as a phenomenon which is in large extent typical for other identity constructions in the context of a global cultural change occurring in the last decades in the West.
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    The elusiveness of progressive masculinity: Gender differences in conceptualizations of nontraditional gender roles
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Calton, Jenna M.; Heesacker, Martin; Perrin, Paul B.
    Traditional masculinity has been thoroughly explored in psychological research, but its counterpart, progressive masculinity, has undergone relatively little scientific investigation. To determine whether this lack of attention to or understanding of progressive masculinity is mirrored more largely in mainstream culture, we examined how men and women conceptualize and experience gender roles in their everyday lives. Participants were randomly assigned to describe a time in which they had behaved either traditionally or progressively with regard to their gender. Over 80% of men and women in the traditional condition and women in the progressive condition provided condition-appropriate examples. However, men in the progressive condition only provided progressive examples 17% of the time, suggesting that many men may not have an understanding of progressive masculinity. Additional themes, implications, and directions for research on progressive masculinity are discussed
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    Education towards difference and inclusion. Two types of discourses —to positive pedagogy*
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Kwieciński, Zbigniew
    The main goal of this article is description of two educational discourses pertaining to differences, their acceptance and eradication or alleviation. The first is the special needs pedagogy, which has seen a dispute between the enthusiasts of institutional and social integration of the disabled with people, communities and institutions dominated by those within a given norm. The second is characteristic of the critical pedagogy and sociology—concerns people and social groups who are culturally and socially excluded and marginalised, both overtly and covertly.
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    National crisis and the challenge of education*
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Shapiro, Svi
    The main objective of this article is showing that in USA is a crisis of meaning and values—one that leads to a debasement of human relationships, accelerating materialism and greed, and misplaced fixation on celebrity and glamour. In this context there is a compelling need to articulate a new bottom line for education—one that offers a different vision for edu-cating our children that directly and cogently speaks to human purpose and meaning in the world that that they will inherit. In this article I try to describe that new vision of education— the pedagogy of peace.