Bohemistyka, 2018, nr 2


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    Óndra Łysohorsky – poeta laski czy europejski?
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO) Balowska, Grażyna
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    Poslali nám to k posouzení
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2018) Hrdlička, Milan
    In prepositional clauses of purpose (ADV Fin), a whole range of primary and secondary prepositions are used. Their speech distribution rules are complex, particularly in the case of the original prepositions which are virtually missing semantics. The most frequently used are pro+Ak, na+Ak and k+D, which in some context can be synonymous (materiál pro/na/k opravu/ě střechy). Besides other cases, the preposition pro+Ak is used to express address (Přinesl to pro děti), na+Ak is used with deverbatives (Dal jim to na hraní, na psaní) as well as with a wide range of nouns in general (Jeli tam na rekreaci), k+D comprises nouns expressing a mental activity (Poslali jim to k rozboru), za+Instr refers to relocation with the aim of contact (Vydal se do ciziny za zkušenostmi). Nonetheless, many examples arise from language usage, and thus foreigners find them difficult to learn.
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    Český román v čase »kamarádů svobody«
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2018) Moldanová, Dobrava
    The study Český román v čase »kamarádů svobody« (Czech novel in the times of ´friends of friedom´) is devoted to the first period of writings of Fráňa Šrámek and Jiří Mahen (1905-1924). Both authors who belonged to the anarchistic bohemian goup roused interest by the expressively lyrical style of both their playwright and early prosaic works. Their first larger works, Šrámek´s novels Stříbrný vítr (Silver wind, 1910) and Křižovatky (Crossroads, 1914) and Mahen´s Kamarádi svobody (Friends of freedom,1909), represent a new variant of the novels of lost illusions. This type of novel was introduced to the Czech literary context during 90ths by the generation of „moderna” (Mrštík, Svobodová, Svoboda, Sova). The generation that debuted at the beginning of the 20th century connected this literary type with the easing of fixed composition and with aiming on capturing emotional state and sensual experience of the literary characters.
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    »Being a dancer is not only a passion« – dance forms in the prose works of Milan Kundera
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2018) Cieliczko, Małgorzata
    The author of this article analyses the way in which dance and the dancer function within the prose works of Milan Kundera. Preceded by an introduction which analyses the figure of homo saltans from a cultural perspective, this review of the topic of dance (understood phenomenologically) presents four literary aspects in which it reveals itself. These perspectives are not conflicting, but neither are they complementary. The first relates to ritual rites of dancing in a circle, and their (crooked) reflection can be seen in the socio-political experience of the 20th century. The second presents dance as a narrative element, which asks questions about its own nature, and therefore has an autotelic and universalising character. The third aspect presents a metaphorical understanding of dance movement, while the fourth relates to philosophies of the dance and the dancer, as proposed by one of the protagonists in Slowness, leading this persona away from aesthetics towards the experience of public life. According to the author of this article, dance is used by Kundera to discover more interesting layers of the human condition, but much here depends on the reader.
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    Neviditelná krajina v Nezvalově poezii 20. let
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2018) Čolakova, Žoržeta
    What is noticeable in the 1920s, when Czech modern poetry and Vítězslav Nezval in particular express their avant-garde quests through the felicitous poetic program, is the aesthetic distancing from the romantic melancholy and respectively from the interpretation of landscape as an object of contemplation and a mediator between the human soul and the universe. The preference of poetism for civilization diversity and metropolitan dynamics and its superficial disregard for nature are the reasons why this aspect of Vítězslav Nezval’s poetry has remained outside the field of literary research so far. The main objective of this paper is to discover and outline the manifestations of artistic treatment of nature in Nezval’s poetry even when he denies its place in modern poetry in general. The paper focuses on those transformational processes of anti-mimetic nature through which the image of the landscape is no longer perceived as a reflection of the real entities of nature but as a fictional entity based on the principle of collage.
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    Miniaturowe perspektywy urbanistyczno-krajoznawcze Karela Čapka
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2018) Skibska, Anna Maria
    Miniature urban-tourist perspectives of Karel Čapek – in the essay, I make an attempt to cast some light on the Czech writer’s affection for detail of which poetics wields a description of space discovered by the author of Hordubal during his European voyages. Derived from a concept of “small nation”, interpreted – on the contrary to Milan Kundera – in the spirit of affirmation, this affection is expressed by a specific rhetorical dialectics of litotes and hyperbole which generates a narrative about small and often one-time “memorials” to the places visited by Čapek.