Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2005, vol. 32

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    Les propriétés temporelles des noms abstraits à l'exemple des formations à préfixe « -inter »
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2005) Nkollo, Mikołaj
    The present paper deals with temporal properties of noun phrases whose head is a nominal lexical item with an inter- affix. The whole description is based on the linear concept of time. The key notions used in the following account are precedence in time, momentary thing, interval and coincidence. They originate from mereology. If the inter- prefix is added to a continuous nominal root, the whole noun phrase designates two identical states of affairs or two homogenous activities. The temporal relations holding between them are characterized in terms of overlapping of two intervals. As for nouns that represent non-continuous notions, the inter- affixation results in naming two simultaneous events. The chronology of the latter is described in terms of coincidence of two momentary things. The paper comprises necessary definitions and numerous examples.
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    Los colores y su semàntica en las expresiones fraseológicas españolas
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2005) Szałek, Jerzy
    Analysis of Spanish idiomatic expressions containing chromatic components provides us with more knowledge of the structure of the modern Spanish phraseology. Studying the difficult to perceive semantic interdependence occurring between the compounds of a given type, allows us to draw a few vital conclusions and also to present the specific character of the Spanish language in respect of perceiving and understanding the world through the symbols of colors (Sp."idiosincrasia española"). From the point of view of phraseology, Spanish phraseological units containing colors display various degrees of both stability and idiomaticity and their ultimate meaning can be diverse; on occasions they can even be opposite in meaning in the frame of a given type
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    L'évolution des voyelles accentuées latines « i », «e», «o», « u » dans le système phonétique français
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2005) Pawlik, Janusz
    The goal of the present paper is to present the evolution of the Latin stressed vowels i, e , o . u in Medieval French. Special attention is paid to the fate of the labio-velar sounds o, u, which coalesced in Vulgar Latin into a close-mid vowel o. On the other hand, the Latin ü is known to have turned into ü (y) leaving thus a gap in the phonetic system of Medieval French. We think that the close-mid labial o should have immediately changed its pronounciation and transformed into a new u. Notice that according to many phonetic studies, (almost) any phonetic system in the world holds the vowel u. regarded generally as one of the three universal sounds (i, a, u). Beyond that, we propose a slightly modified relative and absolute chronology of phonetic changes suffered by the French stressed vowels, often yielding rising and falling diphthongs.
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    El índice de inseguridad lingüística en la radio local almeriense
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2005) López González, Antonio María
    The linguistic confidence rate provides us with information about the level of convergence or divergence between the sociolinguistic consciousness and the performance inside a speech community. This causes the stabilization of the linguistic varieties, when the coincidence occurs, or the linguistic change, in the case of discrepancy. For the analysis of the linguistic confidence, it is necessary to compare the attitude to the linguistic performance. This phenomenon is what this article aims at: To show and to analyze the correlation between the journalists' sociolinguistic attitude and the performance during the daily local broadcasting in Almeria (Spain).
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    Titre-t-on sur le Net comme on titre sur papier - de l'évolution du titrage médiatique
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2005) Jereczek-Lipinska, Joanna
    All media are equipped with a specific code of writing bus since always avenement of media causes the appearance of a language even of a technique of writing suitable for the media in question. Each one of these media forges its own technique of communication which continues besides to evolve just like changes its support. We propose to recall this evolution like perceiving the advent of the specific language through one of the elements essential of the media account of the newspaper industry and the cyberpress with knowing titration. It is a challenge by knowing that the Internet is not media like the others but a multi-media support, it thus includes all the media in one. Our objective is to define the stage to which the cybertitre in this evolutionary diagram is.
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    Parlez-vous cyber ?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2005) Gajos, Mieczysław
    The development of new technologies forces their users to employ the language forms which ensure quick and effective forms of communication in the cyberspace. A specific Internet argot is created both at the lexical and morpho-syntactic level. The aim of the article Do you speak "cyber"? is an overview, typology and the analysis of basic lexical forms used by the French Internet chat-users. It is an attempt to look at the French cyber-speech in the context of linguistics and glottodidactics.
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    Pojecie „biedy" w jezyku polskim, francuskim, angielskim
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2005) Dyoniziak, Jolanta
    The aim of this article is the semantic analysis of the lexeme bieda in Polish, French and English. The author shows that the semantic contents of this lexeme in Polish is different than in the other two languages. The author claims that owing to a large amount of usages of the lexeme typical only for our language, it is a specific, cultural language item.
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    Addenda et corrigenda la „Flexiunea verbală în limba româna"
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2005) Cychnerski, Tomasz
    This paper introduces the necessary modifications and supplements to the work Verbal Inflection in Romanian, published in 1999 by the same author. The main modifications are: a new phonological inventory applied to the morphological analysis, a new functional definition of the subjunctive mood, the elimination of the infinitive from the inflectional system, a new type of inflectional root distinguished - extended root, a new set of affixes. They refer to all the inflectional phenomena and cause many minor changes of formal and functional nature.
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    L opposition entre nom et verbe : le problème de l'infinitif
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2005) Bulikowski, Brunon
    In this article the author considers grammatical properties of the infinitive in the French language. Because the French infinitive possesses properties both typical of the verb and of the noun, in order to define its grammatical status it is necessary to mark the boundaries between the two mentioned categories. To illustrate the complexity of this task the author refers to languages in which verbal-nominal opposition differs from that in the French language. Both morphological and syntactic aspects have been here taken into consideration. In the final part of the article the author quotes an interesting theory of G. Guillaume which allows the classification of grammatical categories, the infinitive included, on the basis of the relation of semantic character occurring between them.
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    « C'est la vie qui exagère » : quelques remarques à propos de la mort de Balzac dans « La 628- E8 » d'Octave Mirbeau
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2005) Vareille, Arnaud
    In the novel La 628-E8 declaring his disgust with art, as if looking for a confirmation of his feeling, Octave Mirbeau dedicates three subchapters of his work to Balzac, in order to create a biography, taking into account only the figure of the writer as a man, leaving out his oeuvre. But while the text seems to be a farewell with literature and with its effect of artificiality, praising the virtues of the text-document containing elements which are exclusively the author's own, a fragment which describes Balzac's death makes the word emerge in all its complexity: the word as an evidence of reality or as an invention. Thus, through its nature of elusiveness, it becomes a reconciliation between literature and life.
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    „Mundus inversus" ossia sui principi carnevaleschi nella pubblicità televisiva italiana
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2005) Kornacka, Barbara
    Carnival rules in Bakhtin's understanding as a system of inversions of the hierarchy of rules concerning the most varied aspects of life and culture is a key to comprehend the texts and pictures of Italian TV advertisement of the 1990s which appears as an element of carnivalization of modern Italian culture. Mésalliance and family relationships between people, values and concepts which are distant from one another in the hierarchy, profanations and lowering present themselves in advertisements as examples of carnival inversions on the vertical axis. However, the topsy-turvy world is a polar inversion on the inside-outside axis. Masks and travesties covering the reality mean directing to the inside what is usually outside. Eccentric behavior and attitudes determine a reverse direction of polar carnival inversions, however ambivalent pictures make distant semantic fields close. Carnivalization of Italian TV advertisement confirms a thesis about carnivalization of postmodern culture.
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    « Farces et Moralités » d'Octave Mirbeau
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2005) Kaczmarek, Tomasz
    Octave Mirbeau was an anarchist and radical writer who is known today for his powerful indictments of French society. He wrote to revenge this society for his upbringing. That's why the article treats of the dramaturgy of the author of The Torture Garden set within the wide frames of expressionism. A key enabling to decode the unconventional writings of Mirbeau lies in the plane of subjectivity, and specially in the Farces and Moralities, considered as dark comedies, in grotesque style. The article corroborates the contention about the original character of Mirbeau's Farces affecting the expressionistic aesthetics.
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    Octave Mirbeau et les clivages du moi
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2005) Lair, Samuel
    Mirbeau's inner world, with its hidden treasures, its disorder, its constructive incoherence, creates a literature in its own image, violent, disparate and generous. His entire work is part of his contemporary Viennese master's one. Subconscious deliberate mistakes, sublimations, perversions, original scenes, neuroses... Everything leads the reader to integrate the biographical element into the very act of creation. The regressive attitude of his earlier novels which translates into a desire for fusion with Nature turns in the 1890s into a will of self-construction eventually opening onto a confident vitality and an enthusiastic belief in modernity. But this decadent literature, no more than a naturalistic one, should not be reduced to a psychoanalytic analysis. Should they exist, these elements are subjected to a literary transmutation which urges the reader to conceive his own personal myth rather than sense a neurotic divide. Torn between an intellectual demand and a spiritual expectation, it seems nonetheless that Nature, the element of inspiration for the author, lets us feel a prospective deep division.
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    Polemistul Eugen Ionescu din « NU » si năzuinta lui spre centru
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2005) Cofan, Alunita
    Our analytic research proposes an exegesis of young Eugene lonescu's polemic pages in his tome of critique published in Romanian in 1934. Our analytic perspective will consider the meaning of aesthetic values in literature and critique in order to impose a minoritary culture on a universal level. The critical nihilism in NO comes as a result of the pressure of the author's longing for the recognition of true cultural values; a pressure which cannot accept any compromise. Eugene Ionescu is a Robespierre of inter-war Romanian critique, who wanted, through a combative critique, to open a way for the Romanian culture towards the center of European culture. Abstract. Lair Samuel, Octave Mirbeau et les
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    Définir le paradoxe : de la logique à la linguistique
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2005) Wołowska, Katarzyna
    The linguistic paradox - considered in a perspective of the discourse analysis - appears to be a mechanism rooted in two relations: the oppositional one (contradiction or contrariness) and the junction obtaining between the same components. The interpretation of the paradox can also be implied (or, sometimes, even forced) by using terms or markers directly stating its presence {paradoxical, paradoxically, it seems paradoxical that, etc.); still, each componential opposition can be neutralized in the discourse, which makes contradiction and contrariness canceled on the level of semantic interpretation to have later the paradoxical sequence integrated into the "doxical perspective".