Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia, 2014, nr 16


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    Front Matter
    (De Gruyter Open‎, 2014)
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    A comparison of selected aspects of Finnish and Polish public libraries
    (De Gruyter Open‎, 2014) Antczak, Mariola
    The article presents and compares the general situation of public libraries and readership in Finland and Poland at the beginning of the 21st century, based on selected statistical data on the topic. In order to correctly understand the library policy of Finland – a country in which it is impossible to implement cultural policy without taking into account the geographical and natural conditions of individual regions – the most important data on the country are presented and compared with data on Poland. Statistical schedules, online reports on the activity of public libraries, libraries’ homepages, legislative acts and professional library science magazines, among others, served as source materials for the conducted analysis. The comparative method, documentation analysis method and statistical method were used to achieve the assumed objectives. Considering the limitations on the article size, a decision was made to select a few specific aspects of the topic for analysis – the most important ones in the author’s opinion. Among others, these included information on public libraries made available in both countries, contemporary government policies implemented towards the institutions that the author is interested in, conducting qualitative and quantitative research, generating reports on the research, as well as the governments’ compliance with international and national standards of the quality of library collections, personnel and services
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    Myten och dess arvtagare. Historiska och skönlitterära berättelser om folkhemmet
    (De Gruyter Open‎, 2014) Żmuda-Trzebiatowska, Magdalena
    The paper’s aim is to indicate the mutual relations between contemporary Swedish literature and the academic and political discourse on the welfare state’s crisis. The article’s first part discusses the genesis, evolution and meaning of the term ”Swedish folkhem” as it is understood today, i.e. as a political vision underlying the Swedish welfare state which with time has become a metaphor and a myth. In its other part the presence of historical narratives on the Swedish folkhem in five autobiographically inspired novels on childhood and growing up is investigated (Jonas Gardell’s "En komikers uppväxt" (1992), Lena Andersson’s "Var det bra så?" (1999), Mikael Niemi’s "Populärmusik i Vittula" (2000), Torbjörn Flygt’s "Underdog" (2001) and Susanna Alakoski’s "Svinalängorna" (2006). Analysing the chosen examples, the author of the paper focuses mainly on the issue of how the narratives known from political propaganda and debate are transformed, commented and used in a literary text to construct a collective identity.
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    Sanselige verdener. Poetik og repræsentation i Dea Trier Mørchs rejsebøger
    (De Gruyter Open‎, 2014) Schab, Sylwia Izabela
    The article deals with three travel books ("Sorgmunter socialisme" (1968), "Polen" (1970) and "Da jeg opdagede Amerika" (1986)) written by Danish graphic designer, writer and political activist Dea Trier Mørch (1941-2001). In focus of the text analysis is the question of poetological aspects, a.o. of the position of the three texts in relation to travel books as a genre and the narrative strategies, which are used by the author to represent the visited countries. As the analysis will reveal, Mørch (as author and protagonist) can be understood as a modern sentimental traveler – both in terms of the structure of her narratives and the existential dimension of her travels.
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    Immigrants in Finland as one of the problems discussed in Leena Lehtolainen’s novels
    (De Gruyter Open‎, 2014) Kokotkiewicz, Martyna
    Leena Lehtolainen belongs to the most appreciated Finnish authors of crime fiction. One of the significant features of her works is that she discusses some most alarming social issues in them. The problem concerning immigration and its different aspects can definitely be considered as an example of such an issue. Since the problem of cultural antagonisms, racial hatred and xenophobia has been widely discussed by many other Scandinavian authors of crime fiction as well, it is worth analyzing how Lehtolainen herself approaches the problem. The aim of this article is to discuss some aspects concerning the problems of immigrant societies in Finland, basing on one of Leena Lehtolainen’s novels, Minne tytöt kadonneet, which main subject could be described as a collision of two completely different cultures and attitudes to the reality. Its aim is not, however, to discuss any formal aspects of the text, since such a kind of detailed analysis cannot be the subject of one article only. That is why the article concentrates on the plot of the novel and its possible relations to some actual problems the Finnish society faces. Taking it all into consideration it may be seen as an introduction to a wider analysis of Leena Lehtolainen’s works.
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    Identitetens etablering og opløsning i Stig Dalagers romanbiografi "Det blå lys"
    (De Gruyter Open‎, 2014) Cymbrykiewicz, Joanna
    The article features the issue of identity building and disintegration as it appears in Stig Dalager’s biographical novel on Marie Curie, Det blå lys (The Blue Light) from 2012. It also discusses the problem of the narrator’s (and hence the author’s) presence in the text, which makes one dwell on the biography’s actual role in contemporary literary practice. The article’s stance is that biographies, including biographical novels, are typically produced with the contemporary reader and his expectations in mind. That is the reason why they focus on these issues in the protagonist’s life that may be of universal interest and not necessarily reflect the depicted person’s actual experience. As the novel communicates a postmodern view on human life, it is identity and problems with its establishment and disintegration that seem to be central for the work’s expression. In order to illustrate the process of identity building and deconstruction three key aspects in the protagonist’s life have been chosen for a closer inspection: the national, the feminine and the professional. The analysis shows that identity, as described in the novel, is a volatile and changeable phenomenon which is constantly transformed and redefined and thus can never be preserved and seen as a monolith. In order to discuss the above mentioned issues some ideas of Hayden White and Zygmunt Bauman have been used.
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    Substantiviske komplekse ord med subkonfikser i moderne dansk
    (De Gruyter Open‎, 2014) Rajnik, Eugeniusz
    The article discusses various definitions of the Danish term konfiks (præ- and subkonfiks) as well as other, more recently coined, terms (e.g. komplekse ord) used within Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and German word formation. Section 3 includes a list of nominal subkonfikser present in modern Danish as well as examples thereof. The listed nouns have been classified based on whether their first component can exist independently or not. The summary section includes, amongst others, the productivity of subkonfikser as well as various restrictions regarding their use.
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    A short research in Danish cardinal and ordinal numerals on Indo-European background
    (De Gruyter Open‎, 2014) Garczyński, Błażej
    The article focuses on the Danish numerals 1-1000. It presents their Proto-Indo-European, Proto-Germanic, Old Danish and present forms whilst providing additional information on their development and corresponding numerals in other European languages. It focuses primarily on the vigesimal counting system, whose traces can be found in Danish, and which is the source of some unique forms unseen in other languages. Therefore, special attention is paid to the numerals of the series 50-90. Though these appear to be unique and exotic, the article shows that they are not to be perceived as an anomaly but rather a different path of development within the language Moreover, a brief explanation of the origins of the vigesimal system in Danish is provided. Also, several units of measurement showing traces of the vigesimal, duodecimal and sexagesimal systems are discussed. Finally, language reforms aimed at changing the numeral forms will be shortly portrayed.
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    Ett litet språks spår i översättarvärlden. På jakt efter ett svensk-polskt översättningsspråk
    (De Gruyter Open‎, 2014) Data-Bukowska, Ewa
    This paper looks into the issue of Swedish-Polish translationese as a manifestation of the Swedish centre impact on languages in the world via translation. The term “translationese” is used to describe a specific language created in translated texts, among other things in Swedish-to-Polish translation. Such a language may be postulated to influence contemporary Polish in some domains due to abundant translations of Swedish literature in Poland in recent years. What features can be then ascribed to the Swedish-Polish translationese, not only from a lexical but from a grammatical point of view as well? The paper addresses this question thorough an analysis of a Swedish literary text and its 33 Polish non-professional translations, which are assumed to maximize the tension between Swedish and Polish in translation underlying the development of translationese. However, the intention is not to characterize such a language as a whole, but to test some hypotheses in its delimitation. The propounded hypothesis is that the occurrence of a postulated feature in the majority of the collected translations may be seen as an indicator of this feature’s existence in the Swedish-Polish translationese as such. The following features are identified: frequent use of short sentences, possessive pronouns in an NP, underspecified expressions and repetitions of lexical items, as well as desolation of fixed phrases. The presented research may be an impute to a broader corpus-based contrastive study.