Bohemistyka, 2017, nr 4


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    Jubileusz Profesor Marii Čechovej
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Balowska, Grażyna
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    Komunikace v textu a s textem
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Svobodová, Jindřiška
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    Marie Čechová a její »Život s češtinou«
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Zimová, Ludmila
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    O tožské češtině
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Hrdlička, Milan
    In today’s corpus era, linguists most often work with real language material, with written or spoken texts. Based on the knowledge of the national language development it is also possible to reconstruct unpreserved or fragmentary historical forms of morphology etc. It is also interesting to try to predict a virtual outcome of mutual language effect of various languages that did not take place due to political reasons. In the 1920s, it was considered that the newly established independent Czechoslovakia (1918) would get a former German colony in Togo as a war reparation. This text looks at the hypothetical form of Togolese Czech that could have been formed by the contact of the local native languages, German and Czech as the incoming colonial language.
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    Czesko-łużyckie kontakty językowe od X/XI do XXI wieku
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Lewaszkiewicz, Tadeusz
    The influences of Czech are evident in medieval and later Christian terminology as well as religious and Biblical Sorbian writings up to the 19th century. From the 1840s onward, Czech intensely affected the lexical system and style variations of literary Upper Sorbian. The Pful dictionary (1866) and 19th century Upper Sorbian writings (mainly the press) document over one thousand lexical units derived from Czech, only some of which found either a permanent or temporary place in Upper Sorbian. Bohemisms are much less frequent in Lower Sorbian, the penetration occurring mostly via Upper Sorbian.
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    K některým případům nestandardní vokalické délky u zájmen
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Janečka, Martin
    This article concerns with pronouns ní, jí, naší and vaší in accusative singular form which is non-standard for this case. I try to point out a possible connection between pronunciation of these pronouns and their written forms in Czech National Corpus. I especially focus on reasons, why a language user (writer) chooses long final vowel in accusative singular also in contexts, where it is not in accordance with the paradigm of given pronoun, as it is described in grammars of Czech. I explore differences in function styles in the corpus SYN2015 and differences in regions in the corpus SCHOLA2010. I also observe, which prepositions are related to non-standard accusative pronouns.
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    The function of biblical passages used as graves inscriptions found in the Zelów’s necropolis
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Balowska, Grażyna
    Graves inscriptions, which are subject of analysis in the present paper, are a basic element of the sepulchral space of the Evangelical Reformed Parish burial ground in Zelów that brings together the descendants of Czech religious emigrants. It is assumed that the tombstone inscription is a linguistic and iconic message with a defined, conventionalized structure, containing both obligatory and optional verbal elements. This analysis will cover non-obligatory verbal elements represented by final formulas in the form of quotations from the Bible, mainly from the Old Testament (passim the Book of Psalms), less frequently from the New Testament (passim the Gospels). Biblical passages testify to the relationship of the deceased and the tombstone’s founder to God; moreover, they express the desire to commune with God and hope for the reward that is the eternal life.
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    Falešná argumentace a verbální agrese v politické komunikaci
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Svobodová, Jindřiška
    ture of communication in interpersonal exchanges and in mass media as well as in political discourse. The aggression in the socio-psychological sense is based in instinctive self-defense (or defense of one´s own territory); seen in the broader framework of social interaction, aggressive communication occurs in two forms: a/ as a hostile aggression which is impulsive, driven by anger and primarily aiming at harming the target; b/ as an instrumental aggression which is premeditated as a means of retaliation or obtaining some goal. Analyses of dialogues should demonstrate that the aggressive/openly offensive communication can be seen not just as a borderline case of impoliteness but, more accurately, as a parallel phenomenon, a communicative strategy which can use vulgarities but can dispense with them as well. An offensive and inconsiderate communicative strategy does not necessarily imply openly vulgar communication or the usage of derogatory language. On the other hand, using argumentative fallacies, i.e. arguments ad hominem rather than ad rem, may belong to the examples of inconsiderate and offensive communication strategies. Předkládaný text je věnován problematice verbální agrese, a to zejména v mediál- ním politickém diskurzu. Agrese má v původním sociálně-psychologickém smyslu původ v instinktivní sebeobraně a v obraně vlastního teritoria, v širším rámci spole- čenské interakce se pak projevuje ve dvou formách, a to jednak jako impulzivní reakce na starší či aktuální podnět, jednak jako komunikační nástroj záměrně užitý při dlouhodobém dosahování vlastních cílů. V předkládané analýze chceme dokázat, že verbální agresi nelze ztotožňovat s pragmalingvisticky chápanou kategorií nezdvořilosti. Jde o primárně útočnou komunikaci, která nemusí být nutně spojována s užitím hrubých či vulgárních výrazů, ale v níž se (a to zejména v prostředí politické komunikace) objevuje útok na tvář oponenta spojený např. s užitím falešných argumentačních strategií.
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    Expressional accentuations in quotes as applied in Czech scientific and theoretical texts
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Schacherl, Martin
    The paper explores the style of a selection of contemporary Czech scientific texts representing contemporary Czech scientific discourse, which comprises professional monological monographs written in Czech in the last decade. Through exploring a re- presentative selection of texts, our research endeavoured to verify the occurrence or non-occurrence of linguistic concern which is deliberately used in contemporary Czech scientific discourse to interrupt (1) the emotional and stylistic neutrality and (2) the relative comprehensiveness, lucidity and clarity of the professional expression. Linguistic concern and stylistic activation in contemporary professional texts are in most cases signalled graphically, by quotation marks. The authors thus indicate to the recipient the occurrence of a stylistic marker, or generally dissimilarity of stylistic norms. Formal separation of the device from the text is an important dialogical means connecting the author and the recipient of scientific discourse. Most often it features simplifying terminology; (non)exact expression; complementarity; the vacillating or transient terminology in the field. The authors use quotation marks to signal graphically not only means that are contradictory to scientific style, such as professiona- lisms; expressions meaning ‘so as to say’; imprecise, ambigous and vague expressions (which in humanities and social sciences occur in the foundation text); but also means of expression conveying subjectivity and expressivity; sporadically meta- phors. Humanities and social sciences even feature graphically signalled authorian detachment from the content; hyperbole; or possibly irony. The stylistic activity of the quoted means of expression consists in their manifest contextual stylistic value. Manifest activity of diverse linguistic means separated by quotation marks represent the most forceful way to activate the neutral presentation of present-day Czech profesional texts. Their frequency and stylistic activity in all excerpted monographs in the defined groups of fields confirm the authorial ambition to achieve a more original diction of professional discourse. The graphical distinction from the foundation text proves the continuous respect for the stylistic norms of theoretically professional communication.
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    Jubileusz Profesora Jana Kořenskiego
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Balowski, Mieczysław