Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza, 20, z. 2, 2013

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Recent Submissions

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    Gwarowe nazwy ubiorów w Słowniku warszawskim
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne” i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Borejszo, Maria
    The article discusses slang lexis related to garment names, documented in Słownik języka polskiego [Dictionary of Polish Language] by Jan Karłowicz, Adam Kryński, and Władysław Niedźwiedzki (vols. I–VIII, Warszawa 1900–1927). Many of the words are unknown to literary Polish of the first decades of the 20th century, and some differ in their pronunciation, structure, or meaning from garment dictionary used in standard Polish. As the research suggests, the slang material documented in the dictionary is not only rich, but also varied in terms of form and meaning. Characteristically, many words are unstable. Słownik warszawski contains particularly many words for outer garments. Unfortunately, the editing layout of entries in the dictionary makes it impossible to localize the origin of each garment name, and consequently to link it to a particular slang. The explanations of words in the dictionary are usually very short, which often not enough to reconstruct the look and purpose of a garment.
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    Trójca Święta w „Hymnach kościelnych” i w pieśniach kościelnych
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne” i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Breza, Edward
    The author has been for a longer time making excerpts from church hymns used in Roman Catholic priests’ prayers (breviaries) and liturgy, as well as in church songs. The excerpted material relates to (artistic) designations of Mother of God, Christ, Holy Ghost, and the Saints (cf. footnotes in the article). In this way, the article describes the names of persons in the Holy Trinity. The collection is of use as philological documentation, for historical research in European and Polish piety, and as help for preachers, religious instructors, and Christian literary authors.
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    Polskie nazwiska od nazw ptaków
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne” i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Zierhoffer, Karol; Zierhofferowa, Zofia
    Based on a dictionary of contemporary Polish surnames, the article collects surnames that are identical as bird names, and includes the number of persons who bear such names. The number is surprisingly high (642 277 persons). The article demonstrates, through examples, how various qualities of birds motivate the metaphorical use of bird names as nicknames, and subsequently as surnames.
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    Współczesnej publicystyki prasowej oblicza różne
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne” i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Wojtak, Maria
    The analyses presented in the article suggest that contemporary column writing can be divided into the basic mainstream and modernizing sub-currents. The mainstream is flexibly inscribed into the tradition of press publishing, and characterized by recentness of problems discussed (although historical ones are not avoided), importance of themes, defense of values accepted as primary in our cultural area, and convincing persuasion, based on argument and logical support for opinions, reference to authority, and an attitude of care for common good, as well as elegance and precision of wording, careful crafting of expression, its imaginative and suggestive quality. Modernizing sub-currents, on the other hand, should be perceived as experimental activity, authored subjectively, polyphonic, exposing and satirical, provocative and appealing to readers in the consctruction of a common world view, based on common interests, and community of ethical principles, language, and laughter (interestingly, these parameters do not have to co-occur). The phenomenon of mixing all currents in a text seems to be the most typical quality of contemporary column writing. The functioning of media content with a given dominant introduces a modernizing stir into this order. The article presents a more careful analysis of several examples of these tendencies.
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    Znaczenie słowa i zasada wewnętrznej motywacji cech semantycznych
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne” i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Tokarski, Ryszard
    The meaning of a word has a layered structure with the clearly distinguished center (prototype, lexical meaning) and – the further towards the peripheries – with semantic connotations more and more weak-established in the system. Giving-up of the purely structuralist understanding of connotations (verified by semantic and morphological derivatives, collocations, repeatable lexical oppositions, or various tests) has created a danger that semantically irrelevant components may be recognized as relevant qualities. The article proposes a rule for verification of weak connotations. Underlying the principle of internal motivation of qualities is the conviction that the meaning of a word is internally structured, while each quality, especially weak connotations, are motivated by the overall structure of meaning and are explained in the context of this structure.
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    Świerk, drzewo proste
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne” i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Szcześniak, Krystyna
    The article discusses the place of the spruce in Slavic and Baltic customs, folk medicine, chants, and superstitions. The research has demonstrated that the tree has many meanings in Slavic culture (it is treated there as a female tree, which is suggested by its name in East Slavic languages), and although it seems to be straight and simple (because it is the way it grows) it has turned out to be a liminal tree of borderlands, connecting life with death, and allowing for a reconciliation with inevitability of passing, facilitating the passage of a dead person’s soul to the other dimension of eternal life. The spruce combines the joy of wedding (because it is included in the wedding tree) with the threat of infertility (if it is planted too close to home). Additionally, it protects cattle from witches and evil spirits (for the first pasture outing, cattle was driven with a spruce twig, or a tree was laid before the building from which the animals were driven out). Its blades, twigs, and cones were widely used as designates in folk medicine chants, and for infusions, extracts, and ointments used externally and internally as medicines.
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    Potoczna onimia poznańska w świadomości mieszkańców miasta
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne” i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Piotrowicz, Anna; Walczak, Bogdan; Witaszek-Samborska, Małgorzata
    The article, which analyses material acquired through poll collection, focuses on the awareness of inhabitants of Poznań (aged 35 to 85) of colloquial urban onymes, and is related to an earlier text by the authors, which presented results of the same poll among students of the Faculty of Polish. It turned out that commonly known and used names constitute almost half of the onymes listed in the poll (Akumulatory, Bema, Botanik, Ceglorz, Chwiałka, Dąbrówka, Deptak, Krzyże, Kupiec, Marcin, Marcinek, Okrąglak, Paderek, Pigalak, Raczyńscy, Raszeja, Struś, Szamarzewo, Teatralka). The stability of urban onymy in the language of inhabitants of Poznań is confirmed by phenomena such as: 1) transfer of names on new urban objects (Adaś, Akwarium, Ceglorz, Gargamel, Kanty, Krzyże, Młyn, Paderek, Szamarzewo, Teatralka); 2) extension of referentiality of names because of changes in extralinguistic reality (Chwiałka, Dąbrówka, Marcinek); or 3) creation of new urban onymes (Bulaj, Cyryl, Biblia), including derivates (Bema – Bemowo, Chwiałka – Chwiała).
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    O regionalności siedemnastowiecznych kazań pogrzebowych. Część 1: druki lubelskie
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne” i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Pihan-Kijasowa, Alicja
    In the 17th century, funeral sermons were a frequent type of public address. Over six hundred of such sermons were published in Poland at the time. They were published by presses all around Poland, so that each region is represented in the production. Consequently, funeral sermons are a good source for research in regional varieties of Polish in the 17th century. The article presents the problem on the example of printed material from Lublin, published in the press owned by Paweł Konrad, Anna Konradowa, and Jan Wieczorkowicz. The inspection of the texts has shown that they represent typical qualities of 17th-century standard Polish, as well as regional differential and frequency-based qualities. Because sermons were written not only by authors from Małopolska, it can be assumed that their language was largely influenced by editors and printers.
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    Badania nad językiem religijnym w Polsce w latach 1988–2013. Osiągnięcia – perspektywy badawcze
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne” i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Mikołajczak, Stanisław; Rybka, Małgorzata
    Polish linguistic research into religious language has been developing dynamically after 1988. From the beginning, they have been conducted in a wide context, and although the process of their integration is limited, it has been consistently advancing. The research in religious language in the last fifteen years have concentrated in two tightly cooperating research centres: Kraków and Poznań. Religious language, as discussed in studies published there, is widely understood as a variety of standard language used in all situations related to the sacrum. The results of research initiated and conducted by the Zespół Języka Religijnego [Religious Language Group] and the proceedings of conferences organized by the Department of the Grammar of Contemporary Polish Language of the Institute of Polish Philology at the Adam Mickiewicz University, are published in a Teolingwistika series, and in continuing volumes of Język religijny dawniej i dziś [Religious Language Now and in History]. Researchers in religious language set many tasks for themselves. They search for reasons for the contemporary crisis of religious language in Poland. They are also faced with the fact that there is no dictionary of religious language, and no synthetic study that would describe religious language in a historical perspective. Researchers also want to investigate the language of young religious persons, and of new evangelism, and the influence of contemporary media on the ongoing changes in religious communication. It is particularly important that the research is not limited to the religious language used in Catholic Church in Poland.
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    Niezwykłe losy pierwszego drukowanego przekładu Koranu na język polski
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne” i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Łapicz, Czesław
    The first translation of the Quran, printed and published in 1858, was signed by Jan Musza Tarak Buczacki, a Tatar and Muslim from Podlasie in Poland. Today, however, is is known that the actual translators were two Philomats from Wilno, the priest Dionizy Chlewiński and Ignacy Domeyko. They performed the task in the 1820s for the Muslim Tatars of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, who over generations had lost their knowledge not only of liturgic language (Arab), but also of their ethnic languages and dialects (Turkic). In this way, Lithuanian-Polish Muslims cut themselves off from the roots and sources of Islam. However, the attempts made by the translators to gain acceptance of Russian censors to publish the Polish rendition of the holy book of Islam were not successful. Only in the 1850s the acceptance was granted, after efforts made by Jan Murza Tarak Buczacki, whose name was put on the title page posthumously by the publisher. At the end of the 19th century an anonymous author, probably a Tatar and Muslim, converted the printed translation, authored by Buczacki, into a traditional hand-written Tatar tefsir: the Polish version was overwritten by hand in the interlines, and synchronized with the Arab lines of the original Quran in Arabic. For dogmatic and religious reason, he transliterated the text form Latin alphabet into Arabic one, without changing the content of the translation. The manuscript is now kept in Museum of History of Religion in Grodno. This is the conclusion of the complicated history of the first Polish translation of the Holy Book of Islam.
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    „Dobra Czytanka wg św. ziom’a Janka” a tradycja polskiego stylu biblijnego
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne” i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Lisowski, Tomasz; Wiatrowski, Przemysław
    The topic of the article are selected aspects of the language of Dobra Czytanka wg św. ziom’a Janka, which is a stylized hip-hop slang version of the Gospel According to St. John. The article presents a selection of lexical and phraseological devices that depart from the traditional canon of Polish Biblical style. The features include various modifications in Biblical onomastics, forms of address, and in phraseology and fixed Biblical phrases. Such transformations lead to a specific desacralization of Biblical content. However, the desacralization occurs only as opposed to the texts that perpetuate the traditional Polish Biblical style, which is characterized by hieratic quality and ritualization. The authors of Czytanka make the Biblical content clear and comprehensible for representatives of hip-hop subculture, following the principle of dynamic translation of Biblical text.
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    Standaryzacja tekstowa inwentarzy wiejskich z XVII wieku
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne” i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Kość, Józef
    Textual Standardization of Rural Inventories in 17th Century occurred in the process of official language communication during the inspection of royal land manors, which was conducted between 16th and 18th centuries. The repetitiveness and stability of structure of this process of language communication, and the official conceptualization of inventoried stock, as well as the inspectors’ intention to be communicative, shaped the 17th-century standard inventory, which consisted of stable textual components, i.e. official terminology, parallel syntactic structures, initializing and finishing formulae, and composition of text, which conformed to the universal accounting formula used for tax purposes: revenue – cost = income under taxation. The constitutive unit of this structure, which for practical purposes reduced description of listed objects, is a categorizing inventory including groups of people, properties, objects, and sources of income in money and in kind. The 17th-century rural inventory, as a textual pattern embedded in the language consciousness of state officials and reinforced legally by treasury instructions, cumulates the uniform and repetitive forms of official language, and approaches the modern form of inventory, which prefers tabular and form-based approaches.
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    Integracja językowa w dziejach polszczyzny
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne” i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Dubisz, Stanisław
    Linguistic integration is a set of processes of regiolects, dialects, and slangs, into one language, under influence of social, economical, and political factors that lead to national unification. The process of integration occurs continuously and imperceptibly in the entire history of a language. In the history of Polish, language integration has three particularly important phases: Old-Polish period (10th to 15th centuries), the interwar period (1918–1939), and the second half of the 20th century (1960–1990). In the Middle Ages, integration was aimed at introducing Polish into written record and elevating it to the rank of an ethnic language. During the interwar period, the aim was to solidify the position of standard Polish among regional varieties and to strengthen its codification. In the second half of the 20th century, the aim was to popularize standard Polish in several variants.
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    Łódzkie urbonimy w okresach utraty niepodległości
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne” i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Bieńkowska, Danuta; Umińska-Tytoń, Elżbieta
    The article discusses urban place names in Łódź in three historical period when Poland was not independent: during the partitions, the First World War, and the Second World War. The analysis focused on ways of German and Russian intervention into urban place naming in Łódź. It describes naming techniques (translations of Polish names, adaptations to foreign phonetic and writing systems, renaming) and the goals of foreign intervention into Polish place naming. The conclusion is that Russian and German interventions during the partitions and the first world war were mainly aimed at cultural assimilation, and consisted in use of Russified and Germanized forms. During the Second World War, on the other hand, Germans were consistently instilling elements of Nazi-German culture and history in place names.
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    Zapożyczenia greckie i łacińskie a polsko-rosyjskie kontakty językowe
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne” i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Behrendt, Sonia
    The article presents an analysis of 140 random lexemes of Greek and Latin origin excerpted from Słownik kieszonkowy polsko-rosyjski i rosyjsko-polski [Pocket Polish-Russian and Russian-Polish Dictionary] edited by I. Mitronova, G. Sinicyna and G. Lipkes. The corpus is, according to lexicographers and linguists, an effect of mutual influences of Polish and Russian languages. The opinions on origins of words differ among researchers, and the article attempts to verify the previously accepted judgements by M. Vasmer, W. Witkowski and Z. Rysiewicz, based on informations included in monographs by D. Moszyńska, H. Leeming, S. Kochman, and in historical dictionaries of both languages. With reference to almost 75% of the analysed material, the direction of loanword acquisition proposed by Vasmer, Witkowski and Rysiewicz has been confirmed. However, for about a quarter of the random sample of words, the accepted opinion is not confirmed by more recent historical dictionaries, nor by the lexical material provided in the monographs. The article proposes new results for the direction of loanword migration in this group of vocabulary.
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    Wojenne i powojenne losy językoznawców wileńskich
    (2013) Bednarczuk, Leszek
    The author focuses, after brief outline of wartime highlights in the life of Professor Zygmunt Zagórski, on short biographical notes of prewar linguists from Wilno, who after the war moved to various research centres in Poland and abroad: Olgierd Chomiński, Jan Otrębski, Erwin Koschmieder, Halina Turska, Józef Trypućko, Czesław Kudzinowski, Wacław Cimochowski, Antoni Szantyr, Zofia Abramowiczówna, Stefan Oświęcimski, Danuta Turkowski, Anatol Mirowicz, Max Weinreich, Stanisław Stankiewicz. Additionally, there are discussions of several scientists who approached linguistics in their research: Kazimierz Moszyński, Konrad Górski, Maria Renata Mayenowa, Maria Aleksandra Rzeuska, Czesław Zgorzelski, Józef Bujnowski. The article concludes with an reprint of a poem by Józef Bujnowski, written on hearing the news of disarmament of the Armia Krajowa resistance army.
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    Profesor Zygmunt Zagórski (1926–2013)
    (2013) Rybka, Małgorzata
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    Profesor Zygmunt Zagórski – wspomnienie
    (2013) Trybuś, Krzysztof