Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne, 2008, nr 1


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    Państwo Związkowe Białorusi i Rosji
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2008) Kakareko, Ksenia
    Russo-Belarusian integration has assumed the form of a Union State by virtue of an agreement signed on December 8, 1999. The agreement regulated mutual relations between the states and provided concrete details of a common state, which could in the future transform into a state that would be a model illustration of the notion. The paper analyzes the stage of statehood the union state is currently at and how advanced the in tegration process has become.
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    Komunikat z badania postaw młodzieży wobec wyborów parlamentarnych 2007 roku na przykładzie uczniów klas trzecich Liceum Ogólnokształcącego w Opalenicy
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2008) Lebiotkowski, Andrzej
    Method of diagnostic poll was applied in the survey of youth attitudes at the Opalenica Senior High School. Out of the overall population of the Comprehensive High School Complex, day students of the last year of senior high school were selected. These were the students who could take part in the parliamentary election for the first time in 2007, that is who enjoyed suffrage rights. The survey was conducted on October 17, 2007.
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    Socjotechnika antykonsumpcji w warunkach globalizacji
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2008) Łukasik, Mariusz
    The efficiency of activities related to the sociotechnics of anti-consumption is crucial to maintain the stability of a modern democratic system. This is of course, if we assume that the present direction of changes which establish the social and economic factors of life of societies (mainly the polarization of material status of various social groups) will be maintained. If the present tendency was to be reversed the activities related to the sociotechnics of anti-consumption would not be necessary, at least to the extent required at present. Then, the anti-consumption attitude would be likely to return to its original form, and it would again become the expression of protest against the social order, or a whim of elite groups.
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    Science fiction – złudzenie czy proroctwo przyszłości ?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2008) Lisek, Marcin
    Science fiction is considered to be something worse, trivial entertainment for the unsophisticated. Is that right? The world around us is filled with numerous technical gadgets; if we take a closer look at them and compare them to the inventions present in science fiction we will discover frequently surprising futurological nature of this branch of literature. Science fiction is inspirational for scientists as it shows them potential developmental paths of the existing technologies, but it also predicts the birth of utterly new sciences. The questions posed by science fiction authors also concern the future society and the condition of the human being. This science fiction becomes a prophecy of tomorrow, showing us what future threats we may encounter as a result of improper application of the technologies of today.
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    Problematyka etyki politycznej w badaniach politologicznych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2008) Ossowski, Szymon
    The opinions presented in the paper and the problems raised in the considerations on political ethics confirm that there is no holistic, systematic approach to political ethics as a significant realm of research, or even a separate subdiscipline within political science. Although the issues discussed in the paper are significant and interesting, they do not create a cohesive and holistic research proposal. These are significant opinions in the discussion on the problem of political ethics, yet they are limited to the analysis of detailed issues. Therefore, it is necessary to identify an appropriate method to study political ethics from the point of view of political science.
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    Dynamika zmian migracyjnych przed wejściem Polski do Unii Europejskiej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2008) Adamczyk, Anita
    The migration to and through Poland formed a part of global processes that were shaped by such factors as wars, poverty and the violation of human rights. Since the early 1990s, Poles have become the witnesses to phenomena they never experienced before. Social and political reforms, the opening of Polish borders, liberalization of en- trance rules, and the beginning of the negotiations on Poland’s membership in the EU structures brought about irreversible changes in the social, political and economic realms. The migration processes that used to bypass Poland have become a reality. In the beginning of the 21stcentury we faced new challenges, related to the matters of refugee protection, increased crime rate among foreigners or illegal border crossing.
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    Unia Europejska na łamach drukowanej prasy lokalnej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2008) Jurga-Wosik, Ewa
    The first publications concerning the European Union appeared in the local press in the early 1990s. These messages were concealed, i.e. they did not provide direct information about the functioning of the EU. The political campaign to saturate local press with EU news commenced when Polish cities and towns commonly began to declare collaboration with the cities and towns in EU member states (‘partner cities’ or ‘twin towns’). Direct announcements concerning the EU appeared in the late 1990s. The significance of this information was growing (that is a quantitative and qualitative increase of such releases in the press) as the negotiations on Poland’s accession to the EU progressed.
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    Demokracja a państwo prawa
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2008) Grochowski, Robert
    The paper aims to demonstrate the meaning of the notions of democracy and a state of law in relation to the Constitution as the fundamental law. All these issues are related to the contemporary social and political situation of Poland and the European Union. It is observed that in the state of law, civic fredoms and rights are helpful in separating the public from the private. Democracy is the rule of the people who need to be headed by a direct ruler. The notions of the ‘state of law’ and ‘democracy’ become mu- tually related to the Constution, referred to as the fundamental law. The paper shows the contemporary status of democracy, compared to the state of law, and it provokes the question whether we should lay our own foundations of democracy which wouldspond to our social and political reality.
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    Czwarta władza – media a ład prawny demokratycznego społeczeństwa
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2008) Torczyńska, Monika
    It is far from controversial to state that the media the ‘fourth power’ in the reality of a contemporary democratic state. The media play key role in the implementation of the legal order ensuring every subject an inalienable right to obtain and spread information. The current position of the media is a result of more than just being an intermediary in the social circulation of the news which is relevant for the members of a given community. Ass media able to create a new political, legal or business establishment. On behalf of the society itso exerts prssure on state authorities in order to enforce desirable legal and political decisions (e.g. the amendments of law). This leads to the following statement: “Liberal doctrine attaches such a great importance to the role of the media as the watchdog of democracy that it assigns it w the status of the fourth power in the state”.
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    Wolność wypowiedzi i prawo do krytyki a lojalność wobec członków samorządu zawodowego – rozważania na tle orzeczenia TK w sprawie art. 53 Kodeksu Etyki Lekarskiej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2008) Skrzypczak, Jędrzej
    The subject of this paper is the analysis of regulations approved by the medical profession self-governing bodies, which introduce the principle of professional loyalty. The reason undertaking subject was provided by the April 23, 2008 decision of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal on conformity of Art. 52 of the Code of Medical Ethics with the Polish Constitution.
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    Systemy relacji między państwem a kościołami i związkami wyznaniowymi
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2008) Gołda-Sobczak, Maria
    The systems and models of relationship which are presented lead to a unanimous conclusion that the present globalizing world leaves no room for intolerance; however, the integrist and fundamentalist tendencies keep reviving. The concept of civic society, the state of law, the standards of the EU and Council of Europe provide a clear indication for states to develop such relations with respect to the law on religious denomination that will prevent religious minorities from being, or feeling, discriminated against. The establishment of standards which are friendly for all churches and religious asso- ciations is only the beginning, though. The next stage involves political activity and the interpretation of the regulations allowing for the elimination of discrimination from the realm of actual relations.
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    Augustianizm Benedykta XVI a oddolna nauka społeczna Kościoła
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2008) Hordecki, Bartosz
    For several decades Joseph Ratzinger has been an influential co-architect of the grass-roots social teaching of the Church. Since his nomination as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith he has also become one of the most important demiurges of the top-down sources of this teaching. J. Ratzinger, or Pope Benedict XVI, compared himself to a ‘pack donkey’, who faithfully and persistently follows Christ. It seems that making reference to Bishop Hippona, the Bishop of Rome excessively underestimates the perversity of ‘God’s sheep’ listening to him. The works of J. Ratzinger lack appealing warnings against the theopolitical reception of Augustian thought.
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    Dostęp do informacji publicznej – zagadka i parawan
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2008) Sobczak, Jacek
    Article 3a, introduced to press law, is of immense importance, which is underestimated in practice. In respect of the press access to public information, it makes a journalist’s rights equal with the rights of any subject who can apply for public information. The legislator, who amended the press law, failed to define the notion of ‘public information’ referred to in the above-mentioned regulation.