Przestrzenie Teorii, 2013, nr 19

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    Staropolskie ciało, jakie było, każdy przeczyta
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Obremski, Krzysztof
    The 9th issue of the magazine published by the Faculty of Languages, Nicolaus Copernicus University, i.e. “Litteraria Copernicana” is the subject of this review. The issue is entitled “The body in early modern Polish literature”. The informative value of this magazine mostly lies in the fact that early modern Polish literature has begun to be read in a manner that is characteristic of the contemporary humanities which are concerned with this peculiar topic of studies, i.e. the body.
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    Filmografia – nauka pomocnicza filmoznawstwa
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Hendrykowski, Marek
    Is filmography a personal hobby of archivists or an integral part of film history? Based on the analysis of the achievements in this field from the last two decades, Marek Hendrykowski interprets filmography as an important part of contemporary film studies. Filmographic research shows at a glance what was precisely happening in the film world. This kind of knowledge and important information based on various authentic sources is something absolutely necessary in the scientific procedures of film research. Film history needs authentic facts as its basis and source of constant inspiration. This is why catalogues, registers, indexes and books including filmographic information are called indispensable companions in archival film research and standard works of reference in the world’s film archives and all film libraries.
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    Potencjał ewolucyjny metakrytyczności na przykładzie powieści graficznej „Strażnicy” Alana Moore’a i Dave’a Gibbonsa
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Wróblewski, Michał
    This article discusses the impact of self-awareness and metacritical tendencies within the texts of popular culture on the development of genres in the politypical chain. The preliminary analysis proposed in the second part of this paper concerns the contemporary comics, which represent the blurring of boundaries between “high” and “low” culture. The author chose Moore’s graphic novel Watchmen as the subject of this brief study. The novel exemplifies evolutionary changes associated with a metacritical attitude introduced in the area of schematic, American superhero graphic stories.
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    Poezja konkretna w trzech obszarach językowych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Kremer, Aleksandra
    This paper analyzes different paths of the development of both the movement and the notion of concrete poetry in three linguistic regions. The German-language konkrete Dichtung turns out to usually denote the original, historical shape of the movement, which was partly created in German- speaking countries and which has been treated as a literary phenomenon. The Englishlanguage term concrete poetry is a much broader category which also encompasses visual poetry and avant-garde texts that are distant from the sources of concretism in its early form. The Polish understanding of ‘poezja konkretna’ [concrete poetry] was influenced by both German- and English- language books and by the movement’s regional version, which appeared in Poland as late as in the 1970s. The selected linguistic areas allowed the author to show three basic ways of thinking about concretism, i.e. about its initial, international, and regional versions.
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    Przyrządzanie wizerunku Murzyna w antologii „Niam niam” Edwarda Kozikowskiego i Emila Zegadłowicza
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Wojda, Dorota
    The article presents an interpretation of texts published in 1923 as a collection of translated African poetry, which was in fact a literary mystification. The concepts of postcolonial criticism are used to analyze some racial stereotypes that have been updated by the authors of the performance and to demonstrate how they project their own ideas of regionalism and primitivism on the characters in their poems, thereby committing an act of symbolic anthropophagy
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    Dusza, monstra i życie na Księżycu. Teoria antropologiczna w barokowej „scientia curiosa” Wojciecha Tylkowskiego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Raubo, Grzegorz
    The article deals with the main points of the anthropological theory presented in the work of a baroque encyclopedist Wojciech Tylkowski which is entitled Uczone rozmowy [Learned Conversations] (1692). This theory combined the elements of theology, philosophy, science and common knowledge. It was presented as scientia curiosa, i.e. a convention which was used during the baroque era to popularize science. The most important aspects of the theory are: the concept of the human soul, four temperaments, the structure and operation of sense organs, the reasons for monstrous births, origins and manifestations of insanity, care of a guardian angel for a man, speculations about the idea of plurality of worlds and the possibility of people living on the Moon.
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    Lingwizm jako antropomorfizm. Wokół poetyckiej historiozofii Zbigniewa Bieńkowskiego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Stankowska, Agata
    The sketch presents the reconstruction of Zbigniew Bieńkowski’s theory of linguistic poetry. This author who is classified by critics and researchers as a member of linguistic poetry movement is by no means uncritical of its various perspectives and accomplishments. This complicated approach is reflected in the dispute that Bieńkowski was engaged in with Karpowicz and the poets of the New Wave in his critical sketches. He unfairly accuses them of being too minimalistic and of paying too much attention to linguistic experiments. He claims that distrust of language and its communicative functions in New Wavers’ programs overshadowed the broad philosophical and ideological functions of word games. Instead he proposed his own poetological project “Trzy poematy” [“Three poems”], where avant-garde traditions mingled with symbolist ones and called for breaking the numbness of language for broader, idealistic purposes. Referring to Vico’s historiosophy, Bieńkowski wishes to treat linguistic poetry both as a tool (a trick) and space for intervention, whose final purpose is to rebuild the anthropogenic locus amoenus in language.
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    Bierni pisarze i wyrozumiali czytelnicy. Instytucja i interpretacja w polu badawczym antropologii literatury
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Kopkiewicz, Aldona
    This essay presents a polemic against the anthropology of literature. The author examines the relation between the ethics of interpretation and the discourse of the anthropology of literature as well as cultural studies. She also shows theoretical conditions under which a textual subject appears to be weak and passive and thus becomes just a field in which a researcher can inscribe various cultural identities. In this way a researcher tries to restitute the subject after its poststructural “death”, but he/she might do that only by mediation through social and cultural identities, which he/she actually examines. On the practical level this entanglement causes a situation in which writers and artists create works that fulfill institutional expectations. It would be therefore necessary to establish to what extent an anthropological approach towards a text enables us to invent new models of subjectivity. Without this it would be difficult to consider literary/cultural studies to be a truly critical discipline based on independent, yet collaborative reflection to be found in theoretical and artistic texts alike.
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    Hybrydy wciąż młode…
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Legeżyńska, Anna
    This is a review of Paweł Majerski’s book Hybrydy. O „młodej poezji” z lat sześćdziesiątych (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, Katowice 2011) [Hybrids. About “young poets” of the 1960s]. The author discusses the history of this literary group and interprets the literary output of some poets. This book is very important for Polish post-war literary history because it restores the importance of the generation, which was discredited by younger writers of the so-called “generation of 1968”.
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    Wstrętne przypadłości ciała w poezji Eugeniusza Tkaczyszyna-Dyckiego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Kijek, Dominika
    This article presents a confrontation of consciousness with bodiliness and physiology which can be observed in the poetry of Eugeniusz Tkaczyszyn-Dycki. Dycki points out that there is no such thing as a disembodied consciousness and makes the attempts to cross borders which are determined by language. He tries to get through to the semiotic sources of subjectivity, paying attention to the fact that a human is not able to get out of the cultural burden. The body and physiology, in this poetry, have the transgressive potential which invalidate binary oppositions. The sublimation of abject, putting emphasis on the processes of disgust/rejection as the foundation of self-image formation, allow Dycki to weaken the power of the symbolic system and episodically elude the paternalistic order.
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    Strona redakcyjna
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013)
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    Erotyka pieniądza
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Faulstich, Werner
    Money, which is a phenomenon of the economic system, can be perceived from the perspective of eroticism, which is a phenomenon that is embedded in the interpersonal system. Eroticism is based on a drive and it means some particular attraction or inclination to someone. The following questions arise then: What kind of attraction is it? How should this inclination be understood? Eroticism entails the convergence of desire and a promise, which can only be captured from the perspective of cultural studies, i.e. by situating money in a cultural system. The eroticism of money is an attractive topic as its meaning goes beyond the boundaries of a system and society, which is why also those who are not competent in the field of economics can take a stance with regard to this matter. The cultural aspect of money has been discussed occasionally so far. As for cultural studies, the analysis of money mostly entails two approaches: historical and critical. This is because one should analyze the issue of money from the historical perspective while keeping a critical distance and not being afraid of making evaluations.
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    Sztuka rozumienia i sztuka widzenia. Dwie rozmowy – z Danutą Danek i Krzysztofem Hejkem
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013)
    Two interviews: ”The art of understanding”, with the professor of literary history, Danuta Danek, and “The art of seeing”, with the professor of art photography, Krzysztof Hejke, are connected with the issue of the publication of the manuscript written in 1849 by an outstanding writer Stanisław Morawski (1802–1853) preserved in the Polish Library in Paris, entitled “Memoires about Maria Szymanowska” (containing, among other things, a romantic treatise on music, unknown till now), as well as with the set of art photographs taken in Lithuania, in the land estate of the writer.
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    Demoniczna transcendencja. Motyw faustowski w „Lśnieniu” Stanleya Kubricka
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Kościelski, Kamil
    The interrelationship between literature and cinema is usually reduced merely to the connection between a book and its screen adaptation. Thus, a great many of the viewers of Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining would analyze its relation and fidelity to Stephen King’s novel. The reasoning presented in this essay stands in opposition to this tendency because various minor details of a movie may refer to other literary texts as well. In addition, a link to other works of art is often more meaningful and relevant than a reference to a book which was the basis of an adaptation. Therefore, it can be demonstrated that Kubrick alludes to Johann Wolfgang’s Faust in a variety of ways in The Shining. The comparison of the movie’s protagonist with the eponymous character of the play makes it easier to comprehend the cinematic character’s complex personality. This explains the content of The Shining even though the plot is based upon another literary text.
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    Modalność aporetyczna. Wokół jednego wiersza Piotra Sommera
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Telicki, Marcin
    The author of this article analyzes and interprets Piotr Sommer’s meta-textual poem Czym mógłby być [What could it be]. The basic critical formula of “aporetic modality” is a property of language (which is improved in the poem) that reveals the impossibility of formulating clear hypotheses about writing poetry. And so, Sommer’s poem turns out to be a specific deconstruction of a poem – by speaking the poet conveys a message about the impossibility of speaking. The assertion becomes a doubt, and the poem, understood as a structure, exposes its non-constructive, and thus, maybe, its truly lyrical face