Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2013, vol. 40, nr 1

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Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2013, vol. 40, nr 1. As facetas da filologia portuguesa de hoje. Reflexões teóricas e metodológicas (red. nauk. Mikołaj Nkollo)


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    Les jeux de mots – déconstruction et reconstruction de sens
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-03-30) Georgiana, Burbea
    The present study aims at analyzing puns from the front page of the newspaper Canard Enchaîné, more precisely the deconstruction of meanings and the reconstruction of new meanings by means of this linguistic process. As it is shown by the specialized literature, the nature of the pun itself actually reveals the lexical or semantic organization of all pre-constructed material. The puns used in our corpus will extend, as we shall see, from polysemy and ambiguity resulting from the multitude of meanings that a word can have, to the construction of portmanteau words: « Pour Standard et Poor’s : Cet accord Mercozy, c’est de la poudre de Berlinpimpin » (Canard enchaîné, 4754), the construction of new words : « Après l’annonce surprise du référendum le choeur des 26 européens : On s’est fait Papandréouter » (Canard enchaîné, 4749), to finally arrive at the use of defrosted structures, as in the example: « Sommet à Bruxelles pour sauver la Grèce et l’euro. L’Europe peine à reprendre du poil de la dette » (Canard enchaîné, 4734).
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    Algumas observações sobre os possessivos em português
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-03-30) Małgorzata, Wielgosz
    The linguistic description of possessives is controversial. In traditional grammar they are defined as carriers of the meaning of possession or belonging; however, this paper intends to prove that in many cases such a meaning does not appear, and therefore, the possessive semantics of adjectives and pronouns known as possessives is a myth. Moreover, this article’s aim is to show the importance of context in the interpretation of the real meaning of a possessive. in order to confirm these hypotheses, and given the scarcity of works concerning Portuguese possessives, studies on English, Spanish and Polish ones carried out by various authors have been analyzed. What is more, some data from Reference Corpus of Contemporary Portuguese (CRPC) have been examined. First of all, two different classifications of possessives are presented. Then, some cases of possessor deletion are shown, special attention being paid to the forms of expressing inalienable possession. After that, some structural characteristics of possessives are described, as well as their function as determiners. Finally, the paper shows the role that cultural and situational contexts play in the interpretation of the meaning of possessives.
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    Os verbos ser, estar, ter e haver no “Leal Conselheiro” de D. Duarte: Achegas para um quadro linguístico do século XV
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-03-30) Paulo, Osório; Lisete, Gaspar
    Being a text of profound personal introspection, the Leal Conselheiro was born to give voice to King Duarte´s meditations on the real problems of human life and Portuguese people. His message was one of social projection and had a pedagogical purpose of national dimension, though it meant to cause an effect on the Portuguese moral and cultural identity that he wished to see guided by timeless principles of Christian nature. Created in the Middles Ages, the book will also be a testimony of change and innovation in place, especially because this is a moment of linguistic transition and emancipation in which new and old forms need to coexist. In this essay we will be particularly focused on the verbs ser, estar, haver and ter, observing their semantics and syntactic proximity, achieving a study that involves the intrinsic relation between ser / estar and haver / ter. We’ll analyse their evolution in order to explore common traces and meanings, but also the contexts that mark their individuality. Finally, we shall move towards the research provided by our corpus aiming at its quantitative and statistic treatment. We’ll define the behavioural traces that involve the variables studied and we’ll support the results on a specific group of syntactic and semantic criteria. Conclusively, according to the results, we’ll point to the years between 1428 and 1430 to mark the birth of the manuscript. Placed on the beginning of the middle archaic period, the text reveals mostly cases of variation of forms, not necessarily the total consummation of change.
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    As construções recíprocas nos textos portugueses arcaicos. Um subsistema gramatical em vias de surgimento
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-03-30) Mikołaj, Nkollo
    The main goal of this paper is to identify various methods of expressing reciprocity encountered in Old Portuguese texts (from 13th to 15th centuries) and to account for putative evolutionary mechanisms conducive to their emergence and their subsequent shape. Most of the grammaticalization pathways documented in human languages have been implemented in Old Portuguese, as well. Only syntactically built reciprocals will be taken into account; their lexical counterparts, where reciprocity is an inherent semantic property, will be evoked incidentally. Peculiar characteristics exhibited by ancient Portuguese reciprocal constructions comprise: a shaky selection of determiners distributed over the bipartite indefinite "um ao outro" and its varieties, a rather peripheral, though clearly distinct exponent "d’huũa parte e d’ooutra" designed to highlight a twofold (and not manifold) internal structure of states of affairs, a remarkable mobility of "se" and, finally, a blurred distinction between "entre eles" (preferably anaphoric) and "entre si" (used seemingly at random, with either indefinite and definite objects). Compared to other incipient Romance languages, a system built around this set of markers was rather scanty. It relied on numerous makeshift solutions, as typically do the languages whose particular grammatical areas are merely on the point of coming into existence.
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    A perspectiva comparativa do pretérito perfeito composto, pretérito perfecto compuesto e present perfect
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-03-30) Sylwia, Mikołajczak
    The aim of this paper is to highlight a problematic use of the Portuguese tense Pretérito Perfeito Composto in comparison to the use of English Present Perfect and Spanish Pretérito Perfecto Compuesto. A great number of mistakes in use of this tense is observed in the students’ production in their L3 Portuguese as a result of apparent similarity between the Portuguese and the Spanish tense. The article is expected to present differences in temporal and aspectual approaches of these tenses. The use of Portuguese construction is much more restricted, limited in fact to the imperfect, repeated or prolonged actions that continue in the present. However, the apparent similarities in form provoke the students to transfer the tense constructions from the other languages. We observe the mechanisms of transfer and try to underline the essential differences in usage of these tenses.
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    Contributos para uma análise sintática dos objetos cognatos em PE
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-03-30) Celda, Morgado Choupina
    The present paper aims at discussing selected syntactic aspects of cognate objects in European Portuguese, along the lines of Distributed Morphology (Haugen, 2009). Cognate objects may be readily discovered in numerous human languages, including European Portuguese (Chovia uma chuva miudinha). It is assumed in papers devoted to their English counterparts that they belong to various subclasses. Indeed, some of them are genuine cognates (to sleep a sleep...) or hyponyms (to dance a jig; Hale & Keyser, 2002). It turns out that in European Portuguese, they can be split into four different categories: (i) genuine cognate objects (chorar um choro...), (ii) similar cognate objects (dançar uma dança) (iii) objects hyponyms (dançar um tango) and (iv) prepositional cognate objects (morrer de uma morte ...). There are, then, significant differences between various classes of cognate objects: whereas the genuine ones call imperatively for a restrictive modifier and a definite article, the remaining ones admit it only optionally. It might be concluded, then, that a lexicalist theory set up along the lines of Hale and Keyser is unable to deal successfully with distributional facts proper to various classes of cognate constructions in European Portuguese. That is why the present study is conducted more in accordance with syntactic principles of Distributed Morphology, with a strong impact of hypotheses put forward by Haugen (2009).
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    A reinterpretação do sebastianismo em Fernando Pessoa
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-03-30) Monika, Świda
    The present paper depicts alterations undergone by the sleeping king motif (sebastianism) in the writings of Fernando Pessoa. The data to conduct the study were collected in thematic anthologies and several unpublished pieces. The myth of the King Sebastian was given a congregational dimension by Pessoa, thus conveying his cultural and identity project subsumed under the metaphor of the spiritual empire. Pessoa introduces some readjustments in the way the historical king is to be conceived of. In his theory, Sebastian becomes the figure of the individual effort on the way towards the national renewal. The messianic character of D. Sebastião is defeated in this theory despite having been associated with the figures of either Jesus or the Antichrist. The messiah of the Portuguese foundation myth is replaced with the idea of great man and the task to be carried out in this field, included the metaphor of the Fifth Empire, gains a cultural character. That is why Pessoa’s theories must no longer be interpreted in messianic terms. The Pessoa’s transformations of the sebastianism analyzed in this article are the starting point for the new national narration in the poetic cycle of "Mensagem".
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    Entre internacionalização e esquecimento: o fenómeno do Fado e da Copla andaluza durante a ditadura
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-03-30) Nina, Pielacińska
    The main objective of the article is to analyze the socio-political situation and the other factors determining the development of music types such as Fado and Copla during the dictatorship times in Spain and Portugal. These genres were used for the political and propaganda purposes. Many artists like for example Lola Flores or Amália Rodrigues have become famous exactly during the regime times, however, their real success can be measured with the arrival of democracy. Copla which represents the image of Franco’s Spain has been replaced by some new music genres and it has never been reborn as it had happened in the case of Fado. This Portuguese music genre was a subject of changes starting from 60’s. Significant modifications have been done in both: lyrics and accompaniment; Fado survived the anti-Fado period (1974-1975) and from the 90’s until present experiences an ongoing rebirth. Studies on Fado’s and Copla’s popularity may also prove to be crucial in understanding the phenomenon of transculturalism. All the factors that boosted the process of internationalization of this music in the twenty-first century should become an object of a multifaceted analysis.
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    Entre a submissão e a rebeldia – o retrato da mulher moçambicana em “Balada de amor ao Vento” de Paulina Chiziane
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-03-30) Renata, Díaz-Szmidt
    The purpose of this article is to analyze the psychological stance of Sarnau, the main character of the novel "Ballad of Love in The Wind" of the Mozambican writer Paulina Chiziane. The writer describes the Mozambique of today, which is divided into tradition and modern life, ancestral and native way of life. The analysis of the novel shows that Paulina Chiziane breaks the stereotyped image of the woman by representing her as a being aware of her inferior social situation and as a being who intends to oppose the sexist and patriarchal society. Sarnau must face up to the cultural clash resulting from the encounter between the Western and African cultures. She lives in a polygamous family and has to find her place within this family and within the society. Chiziane’s protagonist tries to change her situation in order to find her identity as a women, mother and African wife.
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    Pessoa e Saramago – diálogo de eruditos
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-03-30) Wojciech, Charchalis
    Portugal has been always on the periphery of the main history, also the literary history, so that in order to go out of the localism of the poetry, F. Pessoa created a group of poets whose purpose was to create a modern Portuguese poetry. José Saramago, going in the same direction dozens of years later, seems to have been a slave of the concept of portugality created by F. Pessoa. Both authors are interconnected in a surprising way, as if one could not exist without the other. Saramago’s novels are influenced by Pessoa’s literary creation, like a great part of the contemporary Portuguese literature, both poetry and prose. The paper depicts the influence of F. Pessoa on J. Saramago and discusses the phenomenon of portugality and the role of Pessoa in its formation.