Roczniki Socjologii Rodziny, 1999, tom 11

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    Zachowania żywieniowe członków gospodarstw domowych znajdujących się w sferze ubóstwa w warunkach zmian systemowych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1999) Michota, Ewa
    Households, basic micro-units, producing goods and testifying services, and organizing process of consumption, are simultaneously the very sensitive barometer of socio-economic situation of the country. Changes of the system in Poland brought many of unprecedented changes in the life of millions of Poles and their households. These transformations especially painfully touched such groups of our society, which are under the impact of distinct pauperization. This creates not only barriers in adaptation of oneself to new circumstances of working, but also in satisfying of basic needs. Qualifying nutritional situation of household, in groups of incomes below social minimum, especially is worth to pay attention: processes of transformations in sphere of nourishment and their estimation, changes of quantities and qualities character of consumption of food, evolution of; nutritional customs, of mealings satisfactions.
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    Partnerstwo w małżeństwach młodych dorosłych a jego realizacja w sferze seksualnej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1999) Relich, Aneta; Matuszewska, Mirosława
    The main problem of research presented in this paper is: Does the level of psychic bond between spouses has influebce on the level of partnership in sexual sphere? The empirical investigation was carried out in 1998 with 30 couples of students’ marriages (15 couples having the low level of psychic bond 15 - having hight one). The Ss answered the questionnaire composed of 16 questions with multiple choice of reaction. The questions concerned the different aspects of sexual partnership. As a result of this analysis the following conclusion was draw: There is no correlation between the level of psychic bond and the level of sexual partnership.
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    Obraz rodziny w opiniach dzieci z rodzin dysfunkcjonalnych. Komunikat z badań
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1999) Jodłowska, Małgorzata
    Family is the basic environment of man’s life and his/her comprehensive development. However, family can also be an environment posing a threat to the proper development of a human being The research focused on the picture of family as seen by children from dysfunctional families, i.e. families that pose a certain danger to the abovementioned development. The picture of family as described by the author reflects the patterns of family life, as well as the model of family life (cf. Kłoskowska A., 1983). It is a subjective way of perceiving and defining features of an object, a phenomenon and a process, functioning in the human mind, used by the human being to express evaluative opinions. This is verbalisation of the state of psychological comfort, which is the effect of satisfaction of basic desires and needs - the desire o f acceptance, recognition and safety (Thomas W. J., in: Siemaszko A., 1993, p. 232). The opinions of the children who took part in the study were taken as the indicators of the picture o f family. In the article the author focuses on problems which are not only factors contributing to the dysfunctionality of family but which determine the picture o f family as presented by research participants. The problems include: family break-up (separation and divorce), death o f one spouse (including suicide), many children in the family, poverty, bad health of one spouse (chronic disease, disability, mental handicap), alcoholism.
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    Skutki rozwodu rodziców - z perspektywy dorosłego życia
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1999) Brągiel, Józefa
    The study involved 100 adults, who experienced parental divorce at some point in their childhood. They evaluated the effects of the divorce from the perspective of their adult life. All of them claimed that because of the divorce they experienced feelings of unhappiness, hopelessness, loneliness and fear. They felt that even in their adult life parental divorce continued to dis their self-image (78%), marriage (62%), sexual relationship (62%), friendships (48%), alcohol consumption (64%). There was no single person who would claim that parental divorce did not affect his or her life in a negative way.
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    Systemowa charakterystyka środowiska rodzinnego wielokrotnych sprawców czynów przestąjczych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1999) Radochoński, Mieczysław
    The paper presents the results of the studies carried out on families of 303 prisoners diagnosed as a recidivists (group R). A control group of 292 normal families (group P) also was included for further examinations. The objective was to compare both groups in regard to selected demographics and results of instruments measuring systemic properties of the families (e.g. Family Cohesion and Adaptability Scales, Parent-Adolescent Communication Scales). The families of origin both compared groups of subjects significantly differ in regard to such systemic properties as internal cohesion and adaptability. The families of recidivists also present distinctly lower level of abilities regarding communication between its members. Most of the families belonging to group R come from less privileged social classes, often are disrupted and characterized by high rates of marital separation, chronic unemployment and dependence on the state.
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    Wsparcie psychiczne człowieka w rodzinie
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1999) Sokal, Urszula
    Systematic approach to the family stresses the important part it plays in the development of all the entities that create it. A particular kind of interaction characterised by versatility, intimacy and endurance is the basis to create an interpersonal relationship. In this case, a substantial part is played by both the parents’ example and relationship with the grandparents, who have an efect and thier children and grandchildren. A family should support its members in the process of creation of feeling of safety, love, dependence, independence, man’s value, approval and family’s integration. Appropriate communication is one of the conditions for a family’s effective role. It facilitates the fulfilment of life’s objectives.
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    Funkcja wsparcia społecznego w rodzinie
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1999) Filipiak, Grażyna
    The article shows how the expression social support can be understood in science of sociology. The social support is taken as an object of analyse - it is proposed as a method of operative concluding. The CBOS’s outcomes are analysed. Three variables are recognised: emotional upholding, self estimation upholding and social upholding. By comparing these variables and CBOS’s convey some characteristics of social support in polish families are shown. It is stated that emotional support in the family is strengthened in order of precedence by: religiousness, welfare and rural society. Social upholding is grounded on competence and welfare. Disadvantageous for emotional upholding are indifference to religion and municipal environment; for social upholding: strained circumstances, low competence and municipal environment. The lack of self-estimation upholding in the family is also observed.
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    Szanse życiowe dzieci z różnych kategorii rodzin
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1999) Taranowicz, Iwona
    The transformation of political and economic system in Poland also means the change of social system. Other skills and features of personality become important. We are interested in how families socialize their children to life under the new social conditions. In our study we are focused on: 1. additional educational activities, 2. retreats, 3. features of personality which parents prefer, 4. children’s own money. Results of 209 interviews made among families which have children at school age indicate the significant relationship between the socioeconomic status of family and each of issues that we studied. Family socialization strenghtens existing social inequality.
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    Teoretyczne i metodologiczne problemy badań stereotypów. Cz. I
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1999) Nowak, Waldemar
    The article deals with controversial, both theoretically and methodologically, issues concerning stereotypes. The author begins with philosophical principles of “entity” of stereotypes referring to A. Schaf’s statements. In further parts of the text the author introduces definitions, well known in bibliography, of W. Lippmann, G.W. Allport, U. Quasthoff. Further on the author analyses stereotypes from the point of view of social psychology, analysing statements of Z. Cholewiński T. Mądrzycki, I. Kurcz, H. Tajfel. The author also raises the question of linguistic idea of stereotype reporting on the conception of J. Bartmiński, J. Panasiuk, W. Chleboda and U. Quasthoff.
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    Człowiek niepełnosprawny jako „inny" w ujęciu koncepcji socjologicznych i w świetle badań socjologiczno-psychologicznych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1999) Kotlarska-Michalska, Anna
    Despite such research on the genesis of social prejudice against handicaped people, there have not been found all the factors. Attitudes to handicaped people - according to the results of the research - are conditioned by numerous factors of social, cultural, demographical, economical and psychological type. They are also conditioned by handicaped people’s own attitude to their disabilities. Sociological research has proven that society creates many obstacles in social life of handicaped people. More painful for them are social obstacles than the architectonic ones. Psychological research concentrates on the genesis of social prejudice and its result. Society’s negative attitude to handicaped people results mainly from the lack of knowledge on the needs of those people. Painful is also the fact that children copy stereotypic behaviour of adults and play games with handicaped children rather unwillingly. The process of breaking stereotypes and prejudice has to base on bringing the new generation up in respect for handicaped people.
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    Wzory współzależności pomiędzy jednostką a rodziną
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1999) Wrzesień, Witold; Żurek, Aldona
    System transformation in Poland caused changes in the functioning of the family. It changed quality and character of relations between this social institution and her members. Presented article is the attempt of creation of the conceptual model essential for the further empirical research of the realisation of the patterns of interdependence between individual and the family. Pattern of interdependence is a set of norms and values responsible for the means of perception of the family by the individual and the mechanisms of interaction between the individual and the family. Patterns of interdependence determine the process of role taking and process of performing social roles within and outside the family. Apart from that they help to define individual sense of psychical comfort and quality o f life. There are several sources of interdependence between the individual and the family: a) models of practical careers existing in the society; b) individual aspirations, needs and justifications; c) quality and the character of the family life. The first part of empirical research enabled to select four basic patterns of interdependence between individual and the family: 1 ) fami ly as a manner of life; 2) family as chance and barrier of the individual activity outside the family; 3) family as a perspective of selecting choices; 4) family as a social base for the individual.
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    Związki rodzinne w Wielkopolsce
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1999) Szafer, Katarzyna
    In the begining of the 20th century in Poland land aristocracy had founded unions of the families. In Wielkopolska which was a part of Germany in this time, four families (Chłapowski, Żółtowski, Moszczeński i Szuman) founded their unions to the begining of the Great War. Every of this union had the statutes and funds for their activity. Membership had laws and duties. Ideas of union were consolidation of family, material help for member who needed it, helping young members to get the education and upbringing of young people. Unions of the families performed also different functions of family. I used achievements of Poznań School of Family Reserch to show how these organisations realised them in micro and macro structure of Polish society.
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    Kobieta wiejska w Polsce w latach dziewięćdziesiątych. Wybrane aspekty charakterystyki socjologicznej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1999) Wachowiak, Anna
    Democratization of life in country- family, in the sphere of egalitarian partition of assignments, is far less advanced in country- family, than municipat. More and more often, in due as man seeks of work beyond rural occupations, functions of women become extended for new duties. Traditionally, in the process of socio-cultural transformations reaching in the country, large part of them played country women. This role is difficult to estimating only in economic categories. Country woman more and more often understand, that dilemma of greater engagements in agricultural production, or in work sacrificed to house and to children, is only ilusoric antynomy. Aims as work on farms and household are on a first sight different, however work spent here and there serves to different but bothly important dimensions of existence of family. So country-woman in period of transformation system in Poland are confronted with new, difficult to realization goals.
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    Polish Women and quality of life: a preliminary research report
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1999) Stycos, J. Mayone; Wejnert, Barbara; Tyszka, Zbigniew
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    Przemiany rodziny polskiej doby odrodzenia i oświecenia
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1999) Żyromski, Marek
    This article begins with the analysis of demographic situation in Poland in comparison with the demography of other European countries. The demographical development of Poland was diminished by many wars in the second half of XVII century and the beginning of XVIII century (in 1500 A.D. ca. 6 persons per 1 km2; in 1650 A.D. - 11; in 1772 A.D. 19 persons per 1 km2). The presentation of Polish family was placed on the wide background of macrostructural relations. We can observe a greater significance of the ascribed status in Polish social structure than in cases of Western societies. The social advance was quite often connected with the prosperous marriage. The great role of family relations in case of Polish nobility and gentry can be observed. There was a strong position of paterfamilias, similar to the situation in ancient Rome. Unfortunately, the high degree of mortality limited the duration of marriages.
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    Ku społeczeństwu postindustrialnemu. Kondycja rodziny polskiej w dobie przyspieszonych przemian
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1999) Tyszka, Zbigniew
    The Polish Family of the nineties which exists in the society of connected phases of transformation is nowadays on the borders of social transformation from industrial to postindustrial family. Transformation forced the direction of changes from economies centrally steered to market economies. This creates model of state in which citizens and their families become more or less responsible for their own fate and material standard. The state helps only such families, which in spite of their own best efforts are not in a position to remedy their own, very often difficult situation. In the first period of transformation stress prevailed in most Polish families, resulting from sudden, previously not existing threats (unemployment, threat of loss of work, high inflation, high prices). In the second period, in circumstances of economic growth, a considerable number of families had already adapted themselves better to new circumstances and showed greater subjectiveness. However, passive and worst educated part o f society stays in situation o f stagnancy and in poverty.