Studia Prawa Publicznego, 2015, Nr 4 (12)


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    Opłata uzdrowiskowa – komentarz
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Jankowska, Paulina
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    Konkordat podpisany ze Stolicą Apostolską w 1993 r. jako źródło prawa w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Banaszkiewicz, Adam
    A concordat between the Holy See and a secular state is a document regulating the relationships between the two subjects. This article discusses the Concordat entered into by the Republic of Poland and the Holy See in 1993 (in force as of 1998) as one of the sources of law in Poland. First, the issue of international agreements (treaties) is described with particular attention given to the specifics of a concordat as an international agreement. Next, the term ‘concordat’ is defined and its evolution over the centuries presented as a consequence of the change in the legal status of the Vatican and the Holy See, in result of which concordats became agreements between sovereign subjects of international law. Certain concordat theories have been subsequently analysed, with particular focus put on the binding theory of an international convention. The second part of the article focuses on the history of the institution of a con cordat (including the circumstances accompanying its conclusion such as the requirement of compliance with e.g. the laws in Poland), its purpose, character and content. The main goal of the considerations was to analyse the principles upon which the relationships between the Polish state and the Catholic church have been based. Those relationships constituted the essence of the reasons for entering into the Concordat by the Polish state. Although the concluded Concordat maintains and provides for all essential elements characterising a secular state, a potential conflict of its provisions and the provisions of Polish law has been signalled. The article ends with an overview of the realisation of the goals foreseen in the Concordat during almost twenty years of its operation in Poland.
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    Kontrola udzielania zamówień publicznych a nadzór w materialnym prawie administracyjnym
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Horubski, Krzysztof
    The article evaluates the provisions concerning control of public procurement procedures carried out by the President of the Public Procurement Office in light of the current concepts of supervision in the theory of administrative law and public business law, and particularly the current regulatory supervision. The underlying reason for formulating the research problem was the fact that the supervision com petences of the President of the Public Procurement Office are linked to other legal means available to the President and that in the event of a negative outcome of such supervision a direct or indirect influence may be exerted on the legal situation of the contracting authority. The above link is responsible for subsequent activities of the central government administration authority which cannot be seen solely as an examination of the behaviour of the controlled entity for the purpose of determining compliance or lack of compliance with the prescriptive standard arising from the provisions of the Public Procurement Law. The very option of awarding an administrative monetary penalty to a contracting authority or the exclusive, as a rule, capacity of bringing an action in the common law court for invalidation of a public contract entered into in breach of the provisions of the Law allows to conclude that this sequence of legal actions may be qualified as supervision in substantive administrative law. A supervisory impact on the contracting authority in the form of legal means mentioned above becomes even more prominent when combined with a supervision performed prior to the conclusion of a public procurement contract when a correction of the result of the procurement procedure is still possible so that it is compliant with the provisions of the public procurement law.
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    Instytucja wyłączenia sędziego w prawie amerykańskim jako element realizacji prawa do rozpoznania sprawy przez bez-stronny sąd – zagadnienia wybrane
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Grzymisławska-Cybulska, Maria
    Democratic states, regardless their legal system, pay utmost attention to creating guarantees ensuring a fair trial. In the US there is also a two-tier system providing for legal regulations at the federal as well as state level. In the presented discussion federal law is discussed as state law binding for one state only whilst the federal system is binding for the whole country. American regulations of the judge disqualification are rooted in the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution is the most important source of federal law and supreme with respect to other legal acts. Apart from the US Constitution, the American federal law draws from the United States Code. Impartiality as one of the main attributes of the courts is considered particularly important in ensuring the right to the court. All other procedural afeguards and rules are rendered unimportant when a judge’s intent, prior to the proceeding, is to decide in a particular way. Therefore, other mechanisms are put in place in order to guarantee the right to due process. To those belongs disqualification or recusal of judge. Civil and common law systems have permeated each other and it was interesting to investigate this measure outside of the civil law system. The American legal system turned out particularly worthy a note. This article analyses judge disqualification as a due process safeguard in the American legal system. The research into federal law, commentaries and the US Supreme Court’s decisions have allowed to characterise federal disqualification of judge. The results presented in this article include the core conclusions on impartiality and disqualification within the American legal system. Additionally, they contain the impartiality principle construal and explain its role for the state and justice.
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    Instrumenty procesowe przeciwdziałające nadużyciu prawa do żądania wyłączenia sędziego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Bińczyk, Agnieszka
    The institution of disqualification of judge is an important guarantee for the constitutional right to impartial court. However, when it is used for purposes contrary to its ratio legis, it harms the authority and good reputation of a judicial system. Instruments which can be used in the administrative court procedure to counteract abuse of the right of a party to motion disqualification of judge have been provided for in the Act of 30 August 2002 on the Proceedings before Administrative Courts. They may also derive from judicial decisions. These instruments have been analysed with a view of establishing whether they are sufficient to prevent abuse of such right effectively. First, however, the institution of disqualification of judge has been outlined. The Act of 9 April 2015 amending the Act on Proceedings before Administrative Courts introduced substantial amendments to the procedural instruments which been discussed separately as the instruments from before and after the date of their enforcement i.e. 5 August 2015. As the analysis showed, administrative courts have not elaborated uniform mechanisms of action in relation to a motion for disqualification of judge. Consequently, not all actions help to speed up the proceeding. Moreover, a fine for submitting a motion in bad faith available to an administrative court to apply to the entity submitting a motion in bad faith has been eliminated too hastily. On the other hand, the new regulations concerning a motion for disqualification of court and resubmittal of the motion for disqualification of judge have been assessed positively.
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    Declaration of nullity as a fundamental defect of an administrative decision (not only in the Czech Republic)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM) Frumarová, Kateřina
    Artykuł poświęcony jest kwestii wadliwości decyzji administracyjnej, która ma miejsce wtedy, gdy decyzja nie jest zgodna z wymogami przewidzianymi prawem. Można wyróżnić kilka typów wad, a najpoważniejszą jest ta powodująca jej nieważność. Nieważną decyzję można zdefiniować jako nieistniejącą: jest to prawnie nieistotny skutek działania organu administracyjnego. Ponieważ nieważna decyzja z prawnego punktu widzenia nie istnieje, nie wywołuje też jakichkolwiek skutków publicznoprawnych; nikt nie jest obowiązany do poszanowania nieważnej decyzji i jej przestrzegania. Artykuł odnosi się szczególnie do istoty i natury nieważności decyzji oraz przyczyn nieważności. Autorka przyczyny te przedstawia, odwołując się do konkretnych przykładów z praktyki. Uwagę poświęca również procesowi prowadzącemu do usunięcia nieistniejącej decyzji ze sfery prawnej. Skoro nieważna decyzja administracyjna nie istnieje, nie może być ani zmieniona, ani uchylona, zatem jedyną właściwą procedurą jest autorytatywne stwierdzenie nieważności takiej decyzji. Artykuł koncentruje się na wskazaniu, kiedy nieważność decyzji może zostać stwierdzona bezpośrednio przez władze administracyjne, a kiedy przez sądy. Podnosi również kwestię konsekwencji prawnych nieważności, w tym zagadnienie szkód spowodowanych przez akty nieważne. Powyższe problemy są analizowane głównie w odniesieniu do Republiki Czeskiej, ale celem opracowania jest przedstawienie także rozwiązań dotyczących nieważności decyzji przyjętych w niektórych innych krajach europejskich. Kwestia nieważności jest rozważana zarówno w kategoriach aktualnej legislacji, jak również doktryny i praktyki orzeczniczej. Autorka ukazuje najbardziej poważne braki w obecnym ustawodawstwie czeskim związane  z kwestią nieważności decyzji administracyjnych oraz formułuje w tym zakresie postulaty de lege ferenda.
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    Europejski Komitet Praw Socjalnych wobec porządku prawnego Unii Europejskiej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM) Jasudowicz, Tadeusz
    The European Committee of Social Rights has frequently encountered a situation in which it had to formulate an opinion on the legal order created by the European Union. What must be noted is that all EU Member States have earlier been members of the Council of Europe, signatories of the European Convention of Human Rights, or, although in varying degrees, committed under the European Social Charter. Consequently these states as well as the Communities they created, are obliged to respect and observe the rights protected under the European Conven tion of Human Rights ECHR) and the European Social Charter (ESC) and almost all collective complaints before the European Committee of Social Rights concern EU Member States. The Committee consistently held that restricting the exercise of the rights provided for in the ESC to EU citizens only is inconsistent with the scope of the undertakings covered by the Charter and constitutes its infringement. It also stressed that both, during the making the law phase as well in the law implementation phase, all obligations arising from the Charter must be satisfied. Contrary to the viewpoint of the European Court of Justice which adopted an approach of implied compliance of the EU’s legal order with the ECHR’s system, the Commission did find any grounds for adopting a similar approach in the ESC’s context, which should be considered a shame. Despite its positive opinion of the legal order created by the EU, the Committee nevertheless emphasises the distinctness of its system and points to the inefficiencies of the law and its practical implementation by Member States which do not always observe the accepted standards of the Social Charter.
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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