Glottodidactica, Vol. 17 (1984)

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    Les traits prosodiques dans l’enseignement d’une langue étrangère, à l’exemples du français
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1984) SYPNICKI, Józef
    The prosodic features play a prominent part in the communication process; some linguists — like André Martinet — even assign them a higher priority than correct articulation. Next to the delimitative function, they often introduce various grammatical, semantic or subjective information. They also indicate the structuring of an utterance. These various functions ought to be described in theoretical papers on glottodidactics and taught in foreign language. The analysis of some selected papers, handbooks and other language teaching materials shows that prosodic features are handled insufficiently. The author of this paper recommends changes in this field to improve the foreign language teaching.
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    he role of age in second/foreign language acquisition
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1984) Arabski, Janusz
    The article starts with the traditional notion of the critical period hypothesis (Lennne-berg) showing its limitations as the only explanation of children being better language learners than adults. The latter portions are devoted to the description and interpretation of variety of studies which show different factors responsible for the fact that children are not necessarily superior acquirers to adults. The decisive factors causing the differences between the two groups are: 1. physical, cognitive and psychological differences, 2. different conditions in which they acquire a language, 3. different inputs they are exposed to.
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    Errors made by Arab university students in the use of English prepositions
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1984) MUKATTASH, Lewis
    English prepositions are an everlasting problem for Arab learners of English. The study aims at discovering the type and cause of errors which Arab learners make in the use of English prepositions, as well as the type(s) of strategies which they use in the process of acquiring these prepositions. Seven groups of English prepositions whose members tend to be confused for each other due to interference from Arabic are presented and discussed separately from those error-types that are not caused by LI interference.
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    Der sprachliche Fehler im gesteuerten Fremdsprachenunterricht im Gefüge der Interimsprache und der Sprachnorm
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1984) SKOWRONEK, Barbara
    Along with the growing interest in the living language there appeared the necessity to treat foreign language teaching from multidimensional perspectives. This point of view has found its justification in the treatment of speech norms on the one hand and the treatment of language errors in the foreign language teaching with glottodidactical norms and an interlanguage in order to retain the integrative nature of foreign language teaching.
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    Zusammenbildungen in der deutschen und polnischen Gegenwartssprache
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1984) Bzdęga, Andrzej Z.
    The aim of the paper is to give an appropriate structural interpretation of a very productive kind of word-foimation which results from simultaneous composition and derivation processes, and in German word-formation is called “Zusammenbildung”. After some general statements on the importance of word-formation rules in foreign language teaching the author is trying to describe two different types of “Zusammenbildung’' in German and their counterparts in Polish, pointing at several striking correspondences, and some inadequacies in their up to now interpretation.
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    Valenztheorie und Konfrontation
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1984) Dębski, Antoni
    The theoreticians of valence have, from the beginning, shown interest in applying it to pedagogical grammar, which found an expression in attempts to produce a “productional” grammar. However, the concepts of valence have not, so far, taken into consideration the lexical combinatoriness of the verb resulting from its semantic valence. The author points out the lack of precision in the description of semantic valence by means of abstract features of meaning and suggests that the description should be complemented, for didactic purposes, with a lexical representation of those features. Such a model of description makes it possible to capture the complicated relations of equivalence between languages and the restrictions in the semantic and lexical valence of particular verbs.
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    Unterrichtsphasen bei der Beherrschung einer Lehreinheit
    (1984) PFEIFFER, Waldemar
    The author distinguishes a lesson period from a didactic unit in glottodidactical materials. One unit of a text-book is usually covered during several successive lessons. We distinguish four phases in the preparation of the material of this unit: presentation, automatisation, contextualisation and testing. The author sees the most important premises of a communicative oriented system of foreign language teaching in relation to cognitive processes of perception in the phase of presentation, reproductive and integrative exercises of automatization and productive exercises of contextualisation.