Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2010, vol. 37, nr 1

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    La questione del dono nella poesia di Eugenio Montale
    (AMU Press, 2010-06-30) Malicka, Paulina
    The purpose of this article is to present a new interpretation of Eugenio Montale’s early poems from the perspective of the gift theory which, ever since the publication of Bronisław Malinowski’s Argonauts of the Western Pacific and Marcel Mauss’s anthropological study Essai sur le don, has become one of the most fruitful interdisciplinary conversations among anthropologists, philosophers, scholars and economists. The paper is focused on the genesis of gift in Montale which coincides, in a certain way, with Heidegger’s concept of Dasein thrown into the world which has alredy been given to it. The analysis of different passages from Mediterraneo session will then appear as a new interpretative horizon of Montale’s poetry governed by the immense power of gift that interacts within the triadic relation: refuse – receive – repay.
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    Simpatías por el Mal: El discurso persuasivo en “Sympathy for the Devil” de los Rolling Stones y “Jesucristo García” de Extremoduro
    (AMU Press, 2010-06-30) Gregori i Gomis, Alfons
    Dealing with discourses produced in Contemporary Popular Music, it is usual in contemporary youth’s imaginary to find rock considered as metonymic with authenticity, remaining as a movement an outstanding extension of Romanticism. Then, when drawing out its motifs from Satanism, successful rock lyrics need a rhetorical stylization in order to construct persuading songs beyond traditional morals. The main goal of this article is to analyze and compare this kind of stylization in Rolling Stones’s Sympathy for the Devil and Jesucristo García, written by the Spanish band Extremoduro, taking them both as examples of popularized dramatic monologues that present the topic of attraction of Evil performed by devilish figures.
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    La letteratura “pulp” ossia “Giovani cannibali”, il “Neonoir”, la “Scuola dei Duri” o il “Gruppo 13”? Le polemiche sui confini del nuovo genere letterario
    (2012-05-31T07:43:26Z) Firlej, Agnieszka
    The paper aims to present pulp as one of the main genres of contemporary Italian literature. This extreme kind of noir was born in the 1990s and immediately gained popularity among readers and caused controversy amid critics: from high and flattering opinions to complete rejection. The author examines the origin of the genre and the story of its development in Italy. She also describes the distinctive qualities of this kind of literature such as dark topics, eclectic form and mixture of languages. In addition, the paper shows various visions of pulp represented by different groups of authors: a serious and uncompromising or a light and amusing way of depicting the violence, inherited from Quentin Tarantino.
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    Le tradizioni come identità: la Baìo di Sampeyre
    (2012-05-31T07:42:23Z) Olcese, Gianluca
    During the last Baìo in 2007, I interpreted carnival as an occasion to investigate popular traditions. Agricultural feasts have been present since ancient times, sometimes hidden behind the veil of other meanings: today they represent a way to allow the present society to feel itself as a continuation of the past. The communities of small local areas show a representation of their identity through ancient rituals – like manifestations, such as the Baìo – to sew their relationships with the modern territory. Those rituals also demonstrate several, and sometimes unexpected, connections with different cultures of the present and the past.
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    Las cartas y diarios de Guatemala de Andrzej Bobkowski como ejemplos de traducción intercultural. Propuesta de un nuevo enfoque traductológico
    (2012-05-31T07:41:17Z) Kasperska, Iwona
    The aim of this paper is to introduce a new approach in translation studies which is an intercultural translation. Based on the methodology of postcolonial theory, the manipulation school and polysystem theory, it allows for an analysis of texts originally written in the language of the target culture. Application of this new framework is exemplified by diaries and letters of a Polish writer, Andrzej Bobkowski.
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    La obra de Ricardo Palma anté su época: ¿crónica y/o testimonio?
    (2010) Sagermann Bustinza, Leonor
    Ricardo Palma, one of the most distinguished Peruvian writers, is known worldwide thanks to his Peruvian Traditions, a series to which he dedicated a considerable part of his life. The objective of this paper is to present other aspects of his literary and journalistic activity and to assess the value of his writings from the perspective of contemporary chronicle and testimony.
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    Literatura y realidad histórica. Un reencuentro con Ezequiel Martínez Estrada y su interpretación del Martín Fierro
    (2010) Rosales Rodríguez, Amán
    The purpose of this paper is to critically review some of the main theoretical tenets in Ezequiel Martínez Estrada’s pessimistic stance about the Argentinean history and society of his time. Focusing on his critical remarks about the so-called «literatura o poesía gauchesca» as well as on his enthusiastic assessment of José Hernández’ Martín Fierro, the achievements and missing points in Martínez Estrada’s skeptical diagnosis will be underlined and put in broader philosophical context. For the Argentinean writer the controversial notion of a “superimposed reality” – as he infers its existence from the Martín Fierro – captures a kind of ambivalent metaphysical concurrence among the literary creation, the geographical setting and the sociopolitical state of the country.
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    Sulla simbiosi spazio-corporea all’esempio di „Treno di panna” e „Tecniche”
    (2012-05-30T08:53:19Z) Kornacka, Barbara
    The article About the Symbiosis of the Space and the body on the example of „Treno di panna” and „Tecniche di seduzione” by Andrea De Carlo is the analysis of space related to physicality in two novels by a contemporary Italian writer. An animate body expressing emotions and succumbing to the influences of the milieu’s moods becomes engaged in bilateral relations with space; the body integrates with it as well as interferes in it, exceeding its own spatial constraints. The article is also a suggestion to read contemporary Italian prose through the prism of the theory of a German neophenomenologist Hermann Schmitz. The most important issues of Schmitz’s theory are presented and illustrated from the literary perspective: the notion of the Lieb i.e. the body which is alive, dynamic and perceives; the notion of feelings seen as atmospheres which are spatial feelings; and the concept of the living space. The analyzed examples illustrate the compatibility of the Italian writer’s literary intuition with the newest philosophical theories.
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    Le corps de Roland Barthes
    (2010) Loba, Mirosław
    The aim of this paper is to present the relationship between body and linguistic and literary signs in the work of Roland Barthes. The main problem is Roland Barthes thinking on semiotic representation of the body as an ambivalent process of selfconstruction and alienation.