Studia Edukacyjne, 2012, nr 20
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Item Rozwijanie motywacji uczniów do nauki(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Cywńska, MałgorzataDeveloping motivation to learn is extremely important for the whole process of education. Race of skills (competition), often occurring in the classroom, causes negative motivations to learn, destroys students' love of learning, and promotes the winning over others. Whereas the activities aimed at self-improvement that ensure equal opportunities for success for students by rewarding them for their curiosity, creativity and desire to seek new information, promote the induction of positive motivation to learn. Viewed as a general disposition, or permanent tendency, to see learning as something natural that brings certain cognitive benefits, or as a state in which, in any given situation, we get involved in certain activities in order to master notions and skills, learning motivation is a value that is hard to overestimate in today’s world. A central figure in developing this motivation is a teacher. Acting as both a manager and a leader, the teacher creates a learning community within a classroom that is based on mutual help, that instils a sense of security, and is conducive to success. A teacher with manager-leader qualities is one who imparts his knowledge in a clear and attractive way and employs diversified teaching strategies that involve information processing and skill acquisition. Among other things, encouraging learning motivation in children entails offering them unconditional acceptance with conditional acceptance of their behaviour, nurturing their sense of competence and effective action, and developing their self-esteem and sense of internal control.Item Zasoby opiekunów osób starszych i ich uwarunkowania(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Brzezińska, Anna Izabela; Wójcik, SylwiaThe research aim is identifying factors which may have an effect on the attitude of carers of the elderly towards their work. The goal is also to specify the areas where support could be offered to enable caregivers to experience the feelings of pleasure, involvement and sense in relation to their work. The study encompassed 98 participants, workers of four care homes for the elderly located in the Wielkopolska region. The study was conducted by means of two questionnaires: The assessment of the size of possessed resources and The perceived importance of possessed resources. The resources investigated were divided into two categories: subjective (internal) and environmental (external). The importance of the resources proved to be more significant for caregivers than their size. Furthermore, the respondents assessed current resources as smaller and less important as a source of support for them in difficult situations than the resources coming from earlier periods of life. As a result of the performed cluster analysis (k-means method) five subgroups of carers were identified according to the similarity of the assessment of both the size and importance of their resources; the subgroups were labelled: “Uncritical faith in the environment”, “Critical of the role of the environment”, “Malcontents”, “Critical of oneself”, “Convinced about one’s worth”.Item Nowe obszary edukacji - trójwymiarowe światy wirtualne(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Topol, PawełAutor porusza problematykę trójwymiarowych światów wirtualnych i ich miejsca w edukacji. Są to jednocześnie środowiska edukacyjne i społecznościowe, jak i narzędzia edukacyjne w rękach nauczyciela lub ucznia. Światy wirtualne 3D są w momencie tworzenia tekstu zjawiskiem stosunkowo mało znanym w Polsce. W pierwszej części rozdziału podano krótką charakterystykę tych światów. W dalszej omówiono pokrótce największy z nich – Second Life wraz z kilkoma przykładami wirtualnych kampusów oraz instalacji o zastosowaniach edukacyjnych. W kolejnej części autor formułuje kilka implikacji dla pedagogiki oraz dla nauki.