Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2012, vol. 39, nr 1

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Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2012, vol. 39, nr 1 Raconter l’histoire dans la littérature francophone de Belgique (red. nauk. Joanna Teklik)


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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012-06-26) Teklik, Joanna
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    Les tribulations parisiennes de l’officier écrivain : l’oeuvre autobiographique de Yasmina Khadra et son accueil en France
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012-06-26) Pawlicki, Jędrzej
    This article describes Yasmina Khadra’s autobiographical work composed of two books: "L’écrivain" and "L’imposture des mots" and its reception in France. The main purpose of this study was to establish the literary genre of these books, which implies determining whether Khandra’s work represents an autobiography or an autofiction with reference to P. Lejeune’s and V. Colonna’s theoretical studies. The dividing line between two genres in Khandra’s works refl ects his inner split between being either a solder or a writer. The presentation will also help to understand the controversy resulting from Khandra’s participation in Algerian civil war. Moreover the analysis is related to modern Algerian history.
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    Le trio hergéen : un tournant dans « Les aventures de Tintin »
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012-06-26) Chéron, Sophie
    Before Captain Haddocks’ and Professor Calculus’ appearance in "The Crab with the Golden Claws" (eighth album, 1941) and "Red Rackham’s Treasure" (eleventh album, 1944) Tintin doesn’t have strong links with the other characters. His youth, dynamism and resourcefulness are his only characteristics – he has no past, no name, no family, no occupational ties. The two new friends Hergé gives him provide the last ten albums of The Adventures more consistency, humor, and a proper space which were missing until then.
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    Le voyage à travers l’histoire dans l’oeuvre romanesque de Françoise Lalande
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012-06-26) Zbierska-Mościcka, Judyta
    From "Daniel ou Israël" (1987) through "Noir" (2000) and "Une Belge méchante" (2007) and as far as to "La séduction des hommes tristes" (2010) Françoise Lalande’s narratives aspire to give account of the history of human kind, not limited by any specific time or space. In her works, Europe’s history is mixed with history of the world, social with political history, the ancient one describing fate of the Jews with present times, giving account of the events happening before our eyes. The author, convinced of writer’s necessary involvement, reacts to all signs of injustice and brutality so characteristic for the 20th century’s history. Lalande tells us how to live the history playing, according to the author, a key role in creation of our identity. Something that she, as a Jew herself and citizen of the world, is fully aware of.
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    Le récit biographique face à la grande Histoire : « Les éblouissements » de Pierre Mertens
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012-06-26) Lis, Jerzy
    Pierre Mertens’ novel Les éblouissements, published in 1987, is a fictionalised biography of a famous German poet Gottfried Benn, who made the biggest mistake of his life agreeing to support the National Socialist regime during several months. Mertens reconstructs the poet’s life trying to understand the reasons of his commitment, considered by the intellectuals of that time to be a betrayal. Mertens’ text is an illustration of the relationship between the individual and the historical past and, at the same time, an example of problemising the biographical factor in relation to Great History. Playing with the double signification of the word ‘éblouissement’, the novelist offers his own interpretation of the German poet’s double life.
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    Raconter pour témoigner : la guerre et l’Occupation dans le champ littéraire belge au sortir du second conflit mondial
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012-06-26) Teklik, Joanna
    Over the period directly following the Second World War, continuity and discontinuity were closely interwoven in the Walloon literature. From one hand, esthetic models from Interwar period were still present and no novel concepts appeared in the writings of Walloon authors. From the other, however, a large number of new State-run institutions were inaugurated. The hardships suffered during the war, seen mainly as an instance of disruption, are abundantly described in literary works, especially in testimonies. It is in this context that Arthur Haulot, Belgian poet and novelist, made prisoner and taken to Dachau, created his literary poignant output. His writings are marked by harsh experiences undergone in camps.
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    Jean Muno, témoin de son temps
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012-06-26) Bizek-Tatara, Renata
    Jean Muno is the writer who does not introduce History into his fiction until his penultimate work – "L’histoire exécrable d’un héros brabançon" (1982). The autobiographical novel shows, very often in a humoristic or even ironical way, the most important events of the years 1925 – 1981: World War I, the Prague Spring, the May of ‘96 and the Belgian language and identity issues. Muno gives up the humorous tone only when he writes about the Belgian unitary problem and he does it in an oblique way by introducing the secondary character of Madame Eendracht – an evident personification of Belgium. Her appearance indicates significant stages of the country’s historical evolution and allows the reader to track the institutional changes of the 1920s till the reform in 1980, which puts an end to the unitary state and makes Belgium a multiethnic and multilingual federal country.
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    Cathérine Le Grand dans les écrits de Charles-Joseph de Ligne
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012-06-26) Pychowska, Joanna
    Charles-Joseph de Ligne (1735-1814), a Wallon and European Prince, subject of the Austro-Hungary Empire, a heartbreaker of the French Europe, is considered the most famous representative of literary cosmopolitanism. War, love and writing were inseparable in his life. He took part in numerous military campaigns, serving both Austria and Russia, as a Russian colonel, a commander of the order of Maria Theresa, and an Austrian fi eld marshal. He authored various texts related to war; he admired heroism of Charles II, Conde, the tactics of Frederick II, the strategies of Napoleon, Catherine II. The latter was immportalized in de Ligne’s various texts representing different literary genres. The Prince was clearly fascinated by the Empress, and he depicted her in a positive light as an educated person, both agreable and determined. Can we, however, talk about the documentary character of his work ? Instead, the Prince seems to be a documentalist-interpreter.
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    Aux confins du fantastique et du réel, le légendaire plus que l’historique
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012-06-26) Quaghebeur, Marc
    Taking as its starting point two crucial moments of the Belgian history – the events that took place in 16th (the reign of Charles V and afterwards) and in 19th centuries (from the Battle of Waterloo until the Belgian Revolution in 1830) – the paper demonstrates how non-French literature written in French was born in a country where this language actually came into being, but which, nevertheless, never came as far as to acquire the status of a nation state. Belgian literature in French never became able to convey either the History, or its relationship to the world or its identity in accordance with French interpretative models and French narrative standards. The paper sheds a light on how, in 19th and 20th centuries, European historical events – esp. the two wars – affected slight details of the initial pattern, but failed to contest successfully both the reluctance to see the History as a device to grasp the Sense and the preference for privileging the fabled, the legendary and the fi ctitious at the expense of factual realism.