Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 1995, nr 4


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    Spis treści RPEiS 57(4), 1995
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1995)
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    Ubezpieczenie emerytalno-rentowe w latach 1989-1995
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1995) Jończyk, Jan
    The paper is not a continuation of the history of insurance presented in an Ossolineum publication describing the insurance system in the years 1920-1989 but is rather an analysis of the transformations of the system and laws in years 1989 - 1995 with regards pension and retirement policies. Despite the fact that during the investigated period the constitution was amended a number of times, the principles of pension and retirement insurance remained unchanged. Moreover, in practice the tendency to provide for the after retirement period and to pay pension benefits even at the cost of salaries and wages was stronger than ever. This was evidenced in the fast growing compensation rate (ratio: average pension benefit to average pay) and - in the aspect of the financing of insurance benefits - high insurance premiums and increased amounts of government subsidies. The paper contains a critical analysis of the statutory changes in the insurance system which were introduced in the analysed period. Major legislative mistakes made in 1989 - 1990 were particularly emphasised as they led to a considerable financial inefficiency of the system and created adverse effects on later changes introduced in 1991 - 1995. In the conclusion the author states that the mistakes committed earlier were due to insufficient knowledge and not the result of the absence of the political will and wish to carry out reforms of the system (and thus the common opinion has been rejected as not proved); however, the existing defect in the transformations of the pension/retirement insurance system may negatively influence the future development of the whole process.
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    Uwagi na temat programu reformy ubezpieczeń społecznych w Polsce
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1995) Piotrowski, Włodzimierz
    The author agrees that the social security system in Poland needs to be reformed. However, he disagrees with certain aspects of the draft proposal of the reforms presented by the government. Not only social insurance system but the whole social care and security system must be reformed. The insurance programme referred to in the paper does not include health insurance, unemployment insurance and insurance against employer's insolvency. The author fully agrees with the attempt to restore benefits paid during the illness of the employee, disability benefits or pensions paid to the elderly, or the family benefits. However, the author disagrees with the proposal included in the draft to maintain social security benefits at the level of social support benefits. Although the role of the state in the area of social care should be limited, other types of benefits, an retirement benefits in particular, must not be lowered to the level of social care benefits paid to the poorest. As far as some more detailed questions are concerned, the author postulates a more radical change in the accident insurance which may and should also have a preventive function. For that, however, it would be necessary to implements far more reaching changes in the structures which provide that type of insurance than the ones proposed in the draft.
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    Zabezpieczenie wypadkowe a reforma ubezpieczeń społecznych
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1995) Jędrasik- Jankowska, Inetta
    The paper presents an opinion in the discussion concerning a draft proposal of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies concerning the reforms in the social security system. A special attention has been given to accident and injury at work insurance, injuries and injury benefits as well as pensions for retired workers unable to work after an accident at work. The author postulates restoration of the recourse in relation to the insured enterprises, including private ones. In the context of the existing legislative regulations in Poland, the draft proposal referred to in the paper received a critical review. Although, generally speaking, the proposed division of the social fund into three separate funds (pension fund, sickness/disability fund and accident fund), is justified, in the opinion of the author of the paper two of those funds and benefits from those funds will overlap. Both the sickness/disability fund and the accident fund will be used to source eg. benefits for the disabled and rehabilitation benefits. Therefore such a division will not be cost-effective.
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    Doświadczenia okresu stosowania ustawy o zatrudnianiu i rehabilitacji osób niepełnosprawnych z 9 maja 1991 r.
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1995) Sieradzki, Maciej
    Understanding that the short time of the Act being in force does not give a full picture of its practical implications, the author nevertheless presents a critical opinion of the regulations and provisions of the Act. The Act was made in haste and hence its many imperfections both in the area of its structure as well as the functioning of institutional solutions it has created, generality and ambiguity of provisions which allow different interpretations or the lack of compatibility of the Act with all types of requirements from the disabled (eg. design of buildings and other structures). Cases of the Act being applied but not generating any measurable or substantial benefit for the disabled have also been identified.
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    Systemy zabezpieczenia społecznego na przykładzie RFN
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1995) Piasny, Janusz
    In the paper there is an attempt to answer two basic questions: — what types of developed market economies function today and what kind of social security schemes they offer; — which of those models could be a desirable one for Poland. Answering the first question, the author presented a brief characteristics of: — the system of individual capitalist market economy; — the system of social market economy; — the system of market economy in a welfare state. From the point of view of the existing conditions and possibilities of transformations, the most useful model for Poland seems to be the second one mentioned above i.e. a system of social market economy implemented in Germany. Therefore, the majority of considerations contained in the paper relates to the functioning of the German model of the social security system and its principles in Germany, including: constitutional and legal protection of social benefits, obligatory insurance and a variety of non-insurance related types of benefits offered to different sectors of the population.
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    Niemiecki system ubezpieczeń chorobowych
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1995) Lehmann-Knapp, Jolanta
    The German system of sickness insurance is a reliable system which has been functioning efficiently for a number of years. For that reason, the main elements of that system have been presented in the paper. The paper is divided into three chapters. In the first one a general characteristics of the social benefits system in Germany is presented. That system has been divided into three sub-systems: social protection (prudence), social compensations and social support. Each of those has been discussed and their main objectives identified. The second chapter is devoted to statutoiy, or state sickness insurance in Germany. That system covers the majority of the population and therefore it has been given the most attention in the paper. Groups of insured parties covered by that system are presented, different types of patients insurance offices and their financing is discussed, and their relations with other elements of the social security system identified. Types of benefits payable to the insured parties within the scheme of statutory sickness insurance have also been described. The third chapter is devoted to private sickness insurance which covers a significantly smaller proportion of the more wealthy German population. In that chapter the conditions in which a change from statutory insurance schemes to private insurance systems took place are described. Methods by which insurance premium is calculated and types of benefits payable under private insurance are also presented. The last, fourth chapter, identifies the main issues related to the sickness insurance system in Germany.
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    Nowe formy pracy a prawo ubezpieczeń społecznych w Unii Europejskiej
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1995) Chobot, Andrzej
    Social security laws in member states (and in Poland), independently of different systems of financing which they use - contributions or taxes - is failing to keep pace with developments brought about by the new forms of work. The social security system, however, mostly used in dealing with traditional social risks has not yet taken a systematic and comprehensive approach to the new social risks engendered by the new forms, which have arisen in about the last twenty years and have shown constant growth. Certainly, an attempt has been made during that time to look at the special needs for social protection among atypical workers. Thus it became clear that this branch of law has remained anchored to outmoded preconceptions, such as the notion that unemployment is a non-permanent state or outmoded concepts which do not apply in other sectors, such as for example the concept of the head of family. The social security systems of member states - at the Community level and also in Poland - in the cotext of the trend towards harmonising social security systems - should approach the new forms of work as a new phenomenon which is destined to expand.
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    Pozycja zawodowa pracowników socjalnych i ich samopoczucie w zawodzie
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1995) Kotlarska-Michalska, Anna
    It is not easy to exercise the broadly understood role of a social worker in practice. The main difficulty is a rapid increase in the number of those who require help from social workers. On the one hand the poverty among the population is growing, on the other hand the demands and expectations from the social welfare institutions are also higher. Social workers are not adequately paid and yet they are given more duties which in effect leads to their tiredness and mental stress and their work is then often reduced to routine actions and mere provision of essential information and advice. Despite poor pay and low social prestige of the job, social workers feel good about the work which gives them satisfaction. The inconveniences of the job (which is also at times dangerous) and inadequate remuneration is compensated by acknowledgement, gratitude and appreciation of those who have received support and help.
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    Bezrobotni bez prawa do zasiłku
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1995) Chojnacki, Marian
    The paper presents the results of a questionnaire distributed among 400 unemployed in 4 towns in Poland (Warszawa, Katowice, Suwałki and Ciechanów). The financial situation of the unemployed and their families was investigated. Questions were asked about possibilities of finding work, social benefits, support or assistance received from institutions on the finding of employment. Further, the unemployed were asked to give their opinion on selected social issues and certain postulates of social nature.
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    Demometryczne modele umieralności ludności województwa katowickiego
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1995) Sojka, Elżbieta
    The paper presents an attempt to build simple demometric models of mortality rates by sex, age and selected causes of death in Katowice province, a region ecologically endangered in Poland. Those models allow to analyse the sensitivity of the mortality process to changes in some of the factors related mainly to the pollution of the environment, urbanisation and industrialisation as well as broadly understood conditions of living and living standards. Mortality of men and women was presented in three group ages: pre-productive, productive and post-productive. In the model of causes of death, the following causes of mortality were analysed: cancer, circulatory system diseases and accidents, injuries and poisoning. Those three are commonly considered as civilisation illnesses causing in Katowice province 80% of all deaths.
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    Sondaż w oczach polityków. Posłowie Sejmu RP o badaniach opinii publicznej
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1995) Sułek, Antoni
    The paper presents the results of an investigation carried out to determine how the public opinion and the knowledge learnt from the results of public surveys have influenced the members of the 2nd term Parliament of the Republic of Poland. The role of such surveys and their position among other sources of information expressing public opinion to the MPs has been analysed and the extent of the use of such knowledge determined. The degree of trust among members of the Polish parliament in the results of public opinion polls has been examined and their attitudes to the possibilities of manipulation in the survey investigated. Further, the views of the politicians with regards limitations put on the publication of survey results before elections and the possible use of pre-election surveys results in election campaigns has been presented. Finally, the opinion of MPs on the influence of such results on the attitudes and way of thinking of politicians and their electorates has been determined.
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    Przegląd piśmiennictwa RPEiS 57(4), 1995
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1995)
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    Sprawozdania i informacje RPEiS 57(4), 1995
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1995)