Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 2002, nr 3

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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2002) Przybył, Iwona
    The aim of the article is to analyse the influence o f childlessness, in particular resulting from infertility, upon the scope of the partners’ co-operation and the self-appraisal of the marriage. The analysis has been carried out on the basis of relevant literature in addition to the author’s own research. The first part of the article includes an overview of the results of psycho- and sociological research on the mental and social results of infertility in a marriage. Although infertility heavily affects the emotional and sexual life o f a couple, it is difficult to ascertain to what extent this factor generates a marital crisis. The second part discusses the results of research done by the author on 140 voluntarily and involuntarily childless marriages. The co-operation intensification factor, proposed by the author, allows to distinguish three types of married couples: not co-operating, moderately co-operating, and strongly co-operating between one another. The results of the research show that the type of childlessness (voluntary or not, temporary or permanent) is related neither to the intensity of co-operation nor to the appraisal of the relationship by the couple itself. By contrast, it is rather the duration of time spent together in the marriage that does influence both the co-operation intensity and self-appraisal. The longer the marriage lasts, the less childless partners are likely to co-operate and consider their marriage happy.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2002) Pohl, Łukasz
    The aim of the article is to determine whether in article 298 of the Polish penal code describing the offence of feigning an accident in order to obtain indemnity and in article 286 of the penal code regulating the offence of fraud there is concurrence of provisions or concurrence of offences. An analysis of the problem, based upon the interpretation of relevant regulations of the penal code, allows the author to conclude that it is a case of concurrence of offences. Finally, the implications in the area of penalty are discussed.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2002) Zębala, Małgorzata
    The article gives a brief presentation and analysis of the French housing policy after 1945 with a view to demonstrating its rationality and consequent efficiency. One symptom o f this rationality was to concentrate the help of the State after the war on refurbishing the existing buildings. In the following years, as the needs of the society progressed, also the tools necessary to meet those needs were effectively adapted. At the time when a number of French citizens from overseas were repatriated an increased amount of public funds was earmarked to building new cheap council flats. However, later on it was realised that it is more effective to allocate funds to private housing, in particular detached one-family houses.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2002) Kaczmarczyk, Michał
    The article deals with the sociological theory of property, which belongs to the domain of sociology of law. The author mentions both classic and contemporary sources from the continental and Anglo-American legal tradition. The presented notion is based primarily upon Max Weber’s methodological assumptions and some of its newer interpretations as well as upon the theories of property by Niklas Luhmann, Jeremy Waldron, and Bruce Ackerman. The general theory o f legitimacy has been borrowed from Jurgen Habermas’ works.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2002) Pawłowska, Joanna
    Since the end of World War II Britain has been experiencing a very dynamic development in the domain of arts and culture. The funding system in this area is one factor that has proved crucial to this development. Eleven autonomous mediating institutions - the Arts Council of England and ten Regional Arts Boards, cooperating with both the private sector and representatives of arts and culture, are considered by many countries to be worth imitating. The main advantages of the system are said to be its flexibility and the independence of the institutions involved. Meanwhile, in March 2001 the Arts Council of England put forward a proposal to modify the current system of funding arts and culture in Britain. The aim is to create a system which better cooperates with the local, regional and national democratic structures and which is based upon simple funding principles. The changes proposed should also reduce the administrative expenses of the system. The article sets out to present and appraise the current British arts and culture funding system in addition to the basic assumptions and goals of the reform proposed by the Arts Council of England. The author also mentions the reactions of the British arts community to the proposed changes.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2002) Szarzec, Katarzyna
    The article attempts to give a chronological overview of the developing perception of the rationality of economic activity, from antiquity until the present time. In her discussion of the achievements of particular economic schools, the author tries to define the motives behind people’s economic decisions and the mechanisms of their actions.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2002) Rudawska, Edyta
    The sector of banking services in Poland is still evolving and at the current stage banks endeavour to strengthen their market position by winning over customers from the competition or gaming customers who have never used banking services before. However, as the banking market is becoming increasingly established, keeping the existing customers and gaining their loyalty gradually becomes the main goal of banks. At present, in the national banking service sector attaining a balance between gaining and keeping customers seems to be extremely significant. Admittedly, winning new customers is certainly still a very important task for Polish banks. However, banks should already anticipate future changes and consequently plan and prepare long-term programmes of gaining customers’ loyalty. It is a crucial issue, as maintaining customers’ loyalty in turn heavily affects the financial results of any bank. For instance, in the financial services sector, improving the customer retention ratio may boost profits by 80%. To gain customers’ loyalty, banks should prepare long-term loyalty-maintaining strategies, which should involve all the bank’s human resources. These strategies should focus on service quality, promotional activities, complaint policy, and the establishment of a permanent personnel basis (mainly in the direct customer service area). Loyalty-shaping strategies must be accompanied by effective loyalty assessment methods. The most helpful areas could be the analysis of customers’ readiness for multiple purchases, analysis of customers’ basic behaviour (such as purchase frequency, period of using the bank’s services) and secondary behaviour (such as e.g. willingness to recommend the bank to others). When creating customer loyalty strategies banks should keep in mind that the most valuable customers are not only those who generate the highest profits at a given moment, but also those with a prospect for long-term fruitful co-operation. For this reason, banks already understand the need to address their offer to university students in order to create lasting relationships. This study presents some selected results of an analysis conducted by the author among students of tertiary education, aiming at assessing the degree of their readiness to become loyal bank customers. Based on the loyalty assessment methods described in the article, the author presents the results which suggest to what extent students may develop into faithful bank customers. The above analysis is accompanied by a presentation of young peoples’ behaviour that may be a possible detriment to the process of becoming a loyal bank customer.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2002)
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2002) Zieliński, Maciej
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2002) Polanowski, Janusz
    Alexander Brostl, Ján Klućka, Ján Mazák, Ústavny Súd Slovens kej Sepubliky. (Organizada, proces, doktrina), [Sąd Konstytucyjny Republiki Słowackiej. (Organizacja, proces, doktryna)], wyd. Sąd Konstytucyjny Republiki Słowackiej przy wsparciu programu PHARE, Koszyce 2001, ss. 162.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2002) Jantoń-Drzdowska, Elżbieta; Majewska, Maria; Grala, Jolanta
    The growth and development of any country depends on the quantity and quality of investment made in it. Therefore, both developing and developed countries compete in an attempt to create beneficial conditions for foreign direct investments (FDIs). In the era of globalisation it is becoming crucial to define foreign investors’ motives in addition to localisation factors that influence the decision about the selection of place for an investment (i.e. determinants), as well as the investment risk and attractiveness of a given country. Ignorance of those factors which condition the influx of investment plainly hinders investment-attracting policies and reduces the efficiency of promotional activities on the international scale. By contrast, awareness of the mechanisms and regularities of foreign investors’ decisions allows to increase the inflow of those FDIs that appropriately stimulate the development of the country. The aim of this article is to identify factors determining the degree of investment attractiveness of Poland and affecting the scope of foreign direct investments made in this country. The main assets of the Polish market are, beside its geographic location, also its economic and demographic size, since, according to the results of an analysis of FDI influx to Poland, foreign investors look for large capacious markets with a high development potential. A high GDP growth rate, a reduced inflation level, consistent privatisation as well as an efficient unemployment-fighting policy are all a necessary condition to maintain the influx of FDIs into Poland. Foreign investments in Poland, if appropriately encouraged and managed, can be among the main tools to be used for reducing the distance between the Polish and EU economies. This is especially true in the view of the small competitiveness rate of the Polish economy as compared to the economies of the European Union.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2002) Kokociński, Maciej
    Edward Hajduk, Kulturowe wyznaczniki biegu życia, Wydawnictwo Akademickie „Żak”, Warszawa 2001, ss. 199.
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    DOKĄD ZMIERZAMY? uwagi na marginesie książki Rolnicza Polska wobec wyzwań współczesności
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2002) Słodowa-Hełpa, Małgorzata
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2002) Bogacz, Daniel
    W związku z książką: Jerzy Zajadło, Formuła Radbrucha. Filozofia prawa na granicy pozytywizmu prawniczego i prawa natury, Wydawnictwo Arche, Gdańsk 2001, ss. 329
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2002) Ćwikliński, Henryk
    Gospodarka i polityka regionalna okresu transformacji, pod red. W. Kosiedowskiego, Wydawnictwo UMK, Toruń 2001, ss. 330.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2002) Znaniecki, Florian
    The text is F. Znaniecki’s so far unpublished project submitted to the Local Government Department of the Provincial Council in Poznań on the 3rd February 1934. The text, opened with the author’s introduction, bears out Znaniecki’s interest in the region and its social processes.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2002) Tarczyński, Waldemar
    Giełdowa alokacja kapitałów pieniężnych, Elżbieta Gruszczyńska- Brożbar, Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej w Poznaniu, ss. 145.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2002) Pokrzywniak, Jakub
    The aim of the article is to designate those characteristics of a brokerage contract that distinguish it from other types of contracts. The author begins by analysing the notion of insurance mediation on the basis of its legal definition as well as the practice o f the market. In consequence, he uses the notion in its strict sense, i.e. in reference to concluding transactions, and not denoting any form of consulting, especially risk management. Since the main area of insurance broker’s activity consists in rendering services of insurance mediation, the author proposes to define brokerage contract as contract for these services. However, if an insurance broker renders any additional services, in particular in the area of risk management, then two separate and different legal relations occur. Furthermore, a brokerage contract is characteristic on the one hand for its parties, as the broker is always a party to the contract, and on the other for the fact that the broker is remunerated by the insurer rather than the client himself, although it is the client that orders the services (the contract is thus considered gratuitous). The remuneration, called brokerage fee, is paid for the service of insurance mediation, which aims at facilitating the conclusion of an insurance contract. This leads to the conclusion that two types of services rendered by the broker should be distinguished: consultation (not remunerated by the insurer) and mediation services, which make the broker’s remuneration model so distinctive.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2002) Lemkowski, Marcin
    The article is an attempted discussion of some regulations introduced into the Polish Civil Code with the Act of 2nd March 2000 on consumer protection and accountability for a dangerous product. This regulation sets out the framework of consumer protection in the Polish law by means of two types of provisions. The provisions of the first type regulate consumer contract: its conclusion, form and amendments, as well as any additional obligations of the parties involved in the process of shaping the legal relation. In no way do they, however, refer to the content of the contract itself; instead, they create formal consumer protection. On the other hand, the other group of regulations allows an interference with the content of the civil law relation, and it therefore provides material consumer protection. The author discusses both groups of the regulations, analysing the extent o f their modification and their effect on the Polish goods market.