Seria "Polemika Krytycznoliteracka w Polsce"


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    Spór o nowy „dramat narodowy”. Jeden wątek dyskusji o „Rachunkach” J.I. Kraszewskiego
    (2024) Kowalczuk, Urszula; Panek, Sylwia
    The ‘national drama’ highlighted in the title is the particular authorial proposition on the part of Józef Szujski and at the same time, a capacious metaphor for the so-called Polish experience of the 19th century and earlier, which can be gleaned from the polemicists’ statements. The subject of the discussion is as much obvious as it is difficult to grasp, because the main course of the polemic and its seemingly side currents changed rank and location in relation to each other. Moreover, in the proposed approach, the articles, linked by intersecting issues, constitute a (relatively) autonomous part within an immeasurably larger whole, comprising critical reactions to Józef Ignacy Kraszewski’s Rachunki. The main adversaries in the dispute were note bene the above well-known writer and Szujski, with Stanisław Tarnowski seconding them. The chronological framework of their statements is set by the years 1866–1869, while the historical and cultural context is the post-January Uprising in Poland and in exile, as well as the changes taking place in the first years of Galician autonomy.
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    Między „blaskiem duchowej prawdy” a „sprawami państwa współczesnego”. Spór o „czystą poezję” (1938/1939)
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2023) Antoniuk, Mateusz; Panek, Sylwia
    In 1938 two literary manifests appeared in the columns of the press – one by Ludwik Fryde titled: Dwa pokolenia (Two Generations) and the other by Czesław Miłosz: Kłamstwo dzisiejszej „poezji” (The Lie of Today’s ‘Poetry’). The former proposes the thesis that poetry has the right to be autonomous and be free from responsibilities such as presenting reality beyond the text itself, propagating ideas, expressing emotions and thoughts of the artist. The latter, on the contrary, opined that poetry should not look inwards towards its own self; rather it has the task to formulate points of view and demonstrate the author’s personality. Shortly thereafter, either by way of polemic or agreement, more than a dozen literary critics responded to both, mainly of the younger generation. Thus a constellation of critical texts was created, one focused around the motto of ‘unsullied poetry’. This publication therefore presents the above-mentioned discussion by means of a study and an accompanying essay on literary history.
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    My i Wy? Spór o kształt poezji pomiędzy pokoleniem ’68 a pokoleniami wcześniejszymi
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2024) Misiak, Iwona; Panek, Sylwia
    The polemic between the generation of ’68 and earlier generations, such as those of ‘Współczesność’ and ‘Hybrydy’, concerned the nature of poetry and its relation to reality. This collection of texts from the period 1967–1975 presents various driving forces for polemics as well as the intensity of intergenerational discussions, cultural climate of the era and oppressiveness of cultural policy in the People’s Republic of Poland. The participants in those events not only entered into vigorous discussion, they also often collaborated; influencing the intriguing, diverse shape of poetry and meta-poetic reflection. The anthology includes texts by established New Wave writers and representatives of older generations, as well as still lesser-known New Wave authors. Two events stand out in the course of these discussions: The 9th Kłodzko Poetic Spring and the subsequent poetic dialogue between Zbigniew Herbert and Ryszard Krynicki. These stories illustrate the dynamics of polemics in which the manifestation and confrontation of differing ideas leads to a mutual and creative understanding.
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    Powieściowe obrachunki. Spory wokół rewolucji artystycznej w prozie lat 70. i 80. XX wieku
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2024) Kozicka, Dorota; Panek, Sylwia
    The dispute over the ‘artistic revolution’ in Polish prose of the 1970s and 1980s would appear to be of interest and importance not only from a historical-literary perspective, but also because of its contemporary resonance. The traditions and moments of rift, conflict and agreeance, the nexus between the marginal and the central, all allow to see clearly the historical and political tensions underlying the expectations and realisations of Polish prose. They also make bold the transformations of critical consciousness and the (changing) positions from which critics speak about the possibilities and obligations of literature. A reconstruction of the discussion that took place over two decades makes it possible to see how the literary ‘critical camps’ (conventionally known as the ‘Warsaw School’, centred around Henryk Bereza, and the ‘Kraków School’ under the patronage of Jan Błoński) were formed, and what slings and arrows each drew against the other. Above all, this was a multifaceted polemic involving, among others, questions on the relationship between language and reality, questions on the truth and commitment of literature, as well as the need to revise principle notions and an attempt to establish literary authorities and models. It is impossible therefore to discuss Polish literature of the 1970s and 1980s without reference to this polemic, just as it is impossible to (reliably) discuss the history of Polish prose without a return to those particular literary ‘projects’ and achievements.
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    Światopogląd metafory. Spory o przenośnię w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2024) Stankowska, Agata; Panek, Sylwia
    The volume is devoted to the polemic over metaphor that continued to weave its way in the interwar period and deals with one of the most important phenomena in the historical poetics of the period. Peiper’s theses, making metaphor not only the most important trope in the linguistic sense, but also the key epistemological signpost of modern consciousness, were raised, transformed, developed and rejected by advocates of all the important literary currents and generations of the era. Taking part were both champions of the First Avant-Garde and the Second Avant-Garde, opponents and supporters of obstructed speech, aficionados of poetic imagination and critics of poetry’s autonomy. In formulating judgments on metaphor, poets and critics answered key questions on what the social role of literature is, how literature should be written and what literature actually is or should be. Commentaries by Irzykowski, Peiper, Przyboś, Brzękowski, Kurek, Kuncewiczowa, Krzywicka, Miłosz, Herling-Grudziński and others formed a polyphonic dialogue. They also often sowed the seed of regular polemics, carried out in the pages of magazines such as Zwrotnica, Linia, Wiadomości Literackie, Droga, Gazeta Artystów, Pion and Orka na Ugorze. Without a knowledge of these texts, it is impossible to responsibly find one’s way today in the maze of innovative poetics that the interwar period represented.
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    Romantyczne zmagania z przeszłością
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2024) Junkiert, Maciej; Panek, Sylwia
    The book contains three selected articles by Kazimierz Brodziński, Jan Śniadecki and Maurycy Mochnacki, accompanied by critical commentaries and an introductory essay. The above mentioned played a key role in the so-called struggle between the Romantics and the Classicists. The publications of the former between 1818 and 1825 were linked to the birth of Romanticism in Polish literature and the departure from neo-classical aesthetics. The polemic was both generational and political, while the discussion of literary topics in the Polish press was subject to the rules of censorship, and concerned not only literary matters but also the question of whether Polish culture belonged to particular circles of European civilisation. The aim of this publication is to place the articles in the context of the artistic and historical disputes of the era, and to a lesser extent those that took place in the national arena, as this has already been outlined in detail. The focus will be, in the main, on contexts drawn from German language and culture. The starting point here is the relationship between Kazimierz Brodziński’s work and the critical output of Johann Gottfried Herder, followed by articles from Śniadecki and Mochnacki, as to how Herder and Brodziński praised or denied the rightfulness of drawing on and subsequently imitating foreign literatures.
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    Irzykowski wobec futurystów
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2024) Panek, Sylwia; Panek, Sylwia
    Karol Irzykowski’s polemic with the Futurists took place in 1921–1924 on the pages of Ponowa, Robotnik, Ilustrowany Tygodnik Codzienny, Wiadomości Literackie, Zwrotnica, Gazeta Polska and Futurist ‘Occaisonals’. Irzykowski’s directly formulated polemical arguments against the Futurists focus on the accusation of plagiarism and abandonment of tradition. This makes impossible, according to the critic, the realisation of the so-called new – a declaration only, by the Futurists of their plans – that in reality was just a sham (originality). A deeper analysis of Irzykowski’s polemic with Bruno Jasieński, Anatol Stern and Stefan Gacki shows that the critic’s intention is not so much as to oppose crossing the line in respect to positioning art against life – a source of Futurists’ irritation – but that of the direction and autonomy of literature.
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    Spór o „Wyzwolenie” w roku 1903
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2024) Ratajczak, Wiesław; Panek, Sylwia
    The premiere of Wyspiański’s Wyzwolenie [Liberation] on 28 February 1903 sparking one of the longest and most important polemics in the annals of Polish culture. The subject of dispute became the work’s extremely innovative artistic form, as well as the ‘gauntlet’ it lay down to the Romantic tradition. Wyspiański was expected to continue his work Wesele [The Wedding], so the title of the new drama was treated as a foretelling of the National Programme, a take on the bardic tradition by a contemporary artist. Failing to live up to such expectations, the author instead confronted readers and viewers with a series of antonymous ideas, diagnoses-as-caricatures of Polish sensibilities and in no way did he suggest a simple means of overcoming the effects of slavery in its broadest sense. Prominent critics across the generations and with artistic tastes as well as across political circles, all took part in the polemic over Wyzwolenie. A reading of their speeches therefore provides insight into the stylistic diversity of literary and theatre criticism of the time and its intellectual horizons. The first stage of the polemic over this work (which continued in the following decades on the occasion of successive premieres) was the most important, as the cornucopia and variety of approach, and often contradictory or writ large antinomies consolidated the position of the work, one might say – as one untamed, disturbing, dangerous and a perpetual source of controversy.
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    Wpływologia. Międzywojenne dyskusje wokół „Pana Tadeusza” i futuryzmu jako elementy sporu o wpływy, zależności i plagiaty
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2023) Winiecka, Elżbieta; Panek, Sylwia
    The polemic over the role of literary sway-texts in the creative process took place in the early years of the interwar period. The beginning of the discussion was linked to the publication of the scholarly treatises on Pan Tadeusz by Stanisław Windakiewicz and Konstanty Wojciechowski. Critics and columnists pointed out to the above-mentioned the weakness of their analytical method, which – based on tracing the influence (swayness) of other works on Mickiewicz’s epic poem – was deemed to deprecate its stature and originality. Literary historian Wacław Borowy joined the polemic and in a series of articles explained in detail the arguments of researchers approaching the literary text from a scholarly perspective. Another participant in the discussion, Karol Irzykowski, formulated a categorical thesis on the plagiaristic nature of Polish literature, attacking the work of Polish Futurists as imitative and derivative. His criticism was countered by Anatol Stern and Bruno Jasieński. Stefan Żeromski and Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz also joined in the discussion. The former called for honesty in literature, the latter for making certain national culture and language was nurtured. The polemic over literary swayness coincided with work on Polish copyright law and also represented an early stage in the development of comparative and, albeit indirectly, intertextual studies.
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    Wacław Borowy versus Adam Grzymała-Siedlecki. Spór o racje literatury polskiej
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2023) Gorczyński, Maciej; Panek, Sylwia
    This book covers the polemic between Adam Grzymała-Siedlecki (1876–1967), historian and literary critic, and Wacław Borowy (1890–1950), literary scholar and historian. The publication unveils six texts from the period 1911–1957, where the polemic takes place over research methods in literature; the question being whether a scholar should accept the historical provenance and context of a work, or indeed also aim to explore a work independent of the external context of its essence. From the comments of the above-mentioned scholars it can be seen that what appears as a disagreement over a technical detail is treated as a fundamental matter on the issue of the very nature of Polish Literature. The introduction to the anthology places this polemic in a historical and political context in the first decade of Modernism and discusses both authors in relation to their biography, research in literature and literary criticism.
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    Między idealizmem i naturalizmem. Jana Gnatowskiego i Józefa Kotarbińskiego dyskusja o modelu literatury i krytyki nowoczesnej
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2023) Jauksz, Marcin; Panek, Sylwia
    The book presents the debate on the meaning of realism and naturalism for European and Polish literature. Jan Gnatowski’s 1878 study O realizmie w literaturze nowoczesnej (On Realism in Modern Literature) is a fundamental, though marked worldview, analysis of French 19th c. novels – from Musset, through Balzac and Flaubert, up to Daudet and Zola. This conservative attempt at analysis met with strong opposition from the positivist camp – its chief proponent being Józef Kotarbiński, who in 1879 published the article Wstecznictwo w krytyce literackiej (Backwardness in Literary Criticism). This edition contains the complete reprint of these two texts together with a commentary that shows Gnatowski, although strong in his judgments, reads texts ideologically foreign to him carefully – even with a certain fascination. Kortabiński when defending realism’s right to exist, however, approaches these uncompromising stories with a marked distance.
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    Spór o Polską Akademię Literatury
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2022) Zawiszewska, Agata; Panek, Sylwia
    The Polish Academy of Literature functioned in the period 1933–1939 and was established by the government in order to realise the programme of ‘nationalisation’ of literature. It should be noted though, its formation resulted first and foremost from demands put forward by writers since the beginning of the 20th century, who had been demanding the establishment of the Academy from the moment Poland regained its independence in 1918. The most coherent project of the Academy was presented in 1918 by Stefan Żeromski, which proved to be a constant point of reference for others involved in the polemic. Most called for the Academy to be a non-governmental institution, but one funded by the government as a means of preserving the high prestige of literature and the symbolic capital of the profession – as well as improving and stabilising the material situation of writers after the Great War.
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    Spory o powieść w dyskusjach krytycznoliterackich drugiej emigracji niepodległościowej
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2021) Pasterska, Jolanta; Panek, Sylwia
    The polemic presented in the work concerns the clash of swords over the concept of the novel led by Second Migration Over Independence circles and had two main aspects. First, in the context of so-called literary engagement and resulted directly from the goals of Polish Migration and the associated conceptual and moral aspects. The other aspect of the conflict was more universal in nature and was tied to discussion of the novel per se – its greatest possible ‘largeness’ for it to answer the challenges set by a postwar world amidst ruin. In the context of this worldview there occurs both a longing for the Polish migration ‘masterpiece’ (Epopee in Exile) and the polemic around the form of the novel. The discussion of standpoints is set against a historical-literary outline examined from three main perspectives: generational, aesthetic and that of worldview.
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    Młodopolski spór o Sienkiewicza. Kampania oskarżycielska „Głosu” i reakcje obrońców Litwosa
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2020) Fiołek, Krzysztof; Panek, Sylwia
    The work presents the polemical campaign of progressive Warsaw journalists against Sienkiewicz, one that played out in 1903 on the columns of the weekly Głos. The polemic presented their functions not only in respect to Literary Studies. It was also an integral part of the polemic over the assessment of the nobility’s heritage as well as a source of questions on a new formula of Polish identity – one viewed in terms of psychology, esthetics, life style and social organisation. The anthology contains both the texts of those attacking and defending Sienkiewicz, calls to uphold fundamental principles and to honour God and country, as well as that of pamphlets and libelous pasquinades.
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    Estetyka „zdrowego rozsądku”?
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2020) Budrewicz, Tadeusz; Okulicz-Kozaryn, Radosław; Panek, Sylwia
    The study discusses the polemic over the criteria and nature of realism in art. In 1885 Bolesław Prus criticized the means of determining values in art based on the categories of ideas because it defies common sense. Wiktor Gomulicki in turn, refuted the cognitive bases of realism. In this context, both sides advanced arguments for and against the concept of the ideal in art – taking as their palette of theories that of the aesthetic according to Hippolyte Taine and Eugène Véron. The brouhaha of 1885 saw a climax of polemics and the cut and thrust of opinions that concerned naturalism in literature, the historic in painting, painterly impressionism as well as that of monumental and allegoric art. The canvas upon which the war of words was waged concerned writers and painters grouped around the weekly Wędrowiec who campaigned for their manifesto, the polemic between Stanisław Witkiewicz and Henryk Struve on the meaning of colour and light in painting and the nation-wide discussion that ensued from the competition for a monument to the Polish bard Adam Mickiewicz. The most significant voices of polemic were published in the Warsaw press of the time and moreover, the echo of positions taken resounded throughout the breadth and width of Poland. Casting a glance as it were back to the polemic of 1885 affords one the opportunity to deepen and broaden discussion of what may be said to be a milestone in anti-positivist movements in the related arts of that period.
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    Spór o realizm 1945–1948
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2020) Mackiewicz, Paweł; Panek, Sylwia
    The polemic over understanding realism and its usefulness in literature was given birth in the early post-war years out of the need to refer to the rich tradition of Great Realism. This was to be a remedy to the problems with the literary presentation of current events and recent history, especially the war years and occupation as well as helping in ‘balancing the ledger’ in the Polish interbellum. The interest in realism swiftly reached beyond literature itself, while the polemic also moved onto the canvas of paining and the plastic arts. In the context of the polemic over realism there evolved also other disputes in the period 1945–1948 such as the discussion on the work Lalka. The subject of polemic under discussion in the present study ebbed and flowed over the columns above all the publications Kuźnica and Odrodzenie, but also Twórczość and Tygodnik Powszechny. Taking part in this exchange of viewpoints was a broad community of literary critics representing a greatly varied kaleidoscope of esthetics and beliefs. Among those clinking swords were Jan Kott, Kazimierz Wyka, Adam Ważyk, Stefan Żółkiewski, Artur Sandauer, Stefan Kisielewski and Melania Kierczyńska.
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    Uchwały Związku Pisarzy Polskich na Obczyźnie – stosunek emigracji do kraju
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2020) Moczkodan, Rafał; Panek, Sylwia
    The study is devoted to discussions taking place around the three resolutions of the Polish Writers Association in Exile, serving émigré writers as a community. These, passed the first resolution in 1947, calling for a refusal to work with Polish publishing houses and literary periodicals. This evoked a lively discussion, which took on another life in 1956 when the Association, distancing itself from the changes taking place in October 1956 in Poland, renewed its resolution, taking an uncompromising stand against the communist authorities in Poland. The second round as it were of the polemic revealed that the majority of writers in exile were in favour of making use of the possibility to publish their work in Poland. In the end, the Polish Writers Association in Exile tempered its stand on this matter and in the third resolution left such decisions up to individual writers to decide.
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    „Powinna być nieufnością”. Nowofalowy spór o poezję
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2020) Pawelec, Dariusz; Panek, Sylwia
    ‘Distrust Should Be Its Mission’. The New Wave Polemic Over Poetry The study undertakes the most important programme presentations from the period of the so-called ferment and tension (1967–1976) of pokolenie 68 (Nowa Fala) [Generation 68 (New Wave)] in Polish Poetry with poets such as Stanisław Barańczak, Adam Zagajewski, Julian Kornhauser and Krzysztof Karasek. The introduction outlines the circumstances tied to the beginnings of this generation’s awareness and subsequent crystallisation as well as the programme theses and polemics within Generation, as well as polemics with literary predecessors (Orientacja Hybrydy, pokolenia 56) [The Hybrid, Generation 56]. Source texts were chosen by dividing into 5 groups the collection of early manifestoes, important drafts of programmes and polemics, proven diagnoses concerning the Generation’s situation and discussion on the so-called thesis on the world not represented – including the intra-Generational polemic over the value of Zbigniew Herbert’s poetry. Finally, completing the study, a discussion on the period of Generation 68’s development of polemic over the actualization of Tomas Mann’s Magic Mountain and it’s reception.
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    Polemika wokół „Pułtawy” i „Jagiellonidy”, czyli oświeceniowy spór o kształt eposu
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2019) Kwiatkowska, Agnieszka; Panek, Sylwia
    The Polemic around Jagiellonida and Pułtawa: Enlightenment Controversy on The Nature of The Epic Genre In the 18th century the convention of the literary epic underwent radical changes. These were responsible for numerous episodes of discussion in regard to among others, the chronological distance of events described and the nature of the function of fantasy. The most renowned literary critics entered the fray (in Poland among others, Filip Neriusz Golański, Franciszek Ksawery Dmochowski and Ignacy Krasicki). Leading Polish writers in turn, created new epics, fusing traditions of the Antique World with that of innovative literary devices. Critical-literary opinions in regard to particular works can be seen to be part of the broad polemic in respect to this genre convention. Literary reception at the time to these particular works (Pułtawa by Nikodem Muśnicki and Jagiellonida by Dyzma Bończa Tomaszewski) provides a critical portrayal and undertakes the most vital issues concerning the genre per se.
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    Spór o przyszłość literatury polskiej, czyli polemiki ze Stefanem Żeromskim po jego odczycie Literatura a życie polskie
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2019) Olszewska, Maria Jolanta; Panek, Sylwia
    The discussion concerns the article Literatura a życie polskie [Literature and Polish Life] of Stefan Żeromski delivered on 28 of August 1915 in Zakopane. Under the influence of World War I events his views changed. Żeromski, the writer recognized as the conscience of the nation, in his lecture put a question regarding the contribution of literature to Polish independence. In his opinion the autonomy of literature depends on the conditions in which it arises and is perceived. Thus the freedom of art is a prerequisite for the liberation of the nation. This is very important from the perspective of community life. This lecture caused a heated discussion with the participation of polish eminent representatives of intellectual life. This dispute turned out to be one of the most important discussions in this time in the perspective of resurrecting of Polish statehood.