Bohemistyka 2018, nr 4


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    Odbiorca ma znaczenie, czyli jak snuć opowieść o historii powojennej Czechosłowacji
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2018-10) Czaplińska, Joanna
    The article focuses on a role of recipient in creating world depicted by authors writing in different conditions: as a domicile writer and as a writer in exile. As an example three novels were used: Báječná léta pod psa (1992) by Michal Viewegh, Ledová tříšť (Treibeis, 1992) and Zjasněná noc (Verklärte Nacht, 1997) by Libuše Moníková. Pascale Casanova’s methodology of dividing literatures and languages into two groups: „weak” and „strong” or „small” and „large” was applied. Author’s different circumstances lead to different styles of composition of literary text: a domi- cile author is more intimate with their readers, uses mental leaps, irony and metaphors whereas an author in exile has to explain everything about their homeland, which results in comprehensive nearly essay-like passages of text. Reflections lead to a conclusion that writing is an act of patriotism for Moníková, who wants to familiarise her readers with the history of her motherland. On the other hand Vieweg’s writing is an act of self-expression.
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    Jubileusz Profesor Joanny Goszczyńskiej
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2018-10) Pająk, Aleksandra
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    Jedinečné a nadčasové dílo Vladimíra Holana v Německu
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO) Průša, Lukáš
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    Literární krajiny Martina Tomáška
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2018-10) Průša, Lukáš
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    Transgresja jako klucz do odczytania literackiego dialogu Egona Bondy’ego i Honzy Krejcarovej
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2018-10) Kijanka, Justyna
    The article attemp ts to analyse the literary dialogue between two representatives of Czech underground Culture: Egon Bondy and Honza Krejcarová. The authors were inspired by ideas and subjects which were forbidden in the countries of Eastern Europe under communism. Their focus was eroticism and liberated sexuality, mixing kitsch and transcendency, with use of the Bakhtin’s aesthetics of lower stratum of the body. For Bondy and Krejcarová art was a way to find refuge and seek freedom. In my opinion the key to interpret their work is transgression, especially as described in the philosophic work of Georges Bataille. It turns out, that ‘to go beyond’ is for the authors a way to break free from the bonds of socrealistic art. The dialogue held in the so called samizdat, by clandestine copying and distribution, has not lost its scandalous undertone in the course of time.
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    U otevřeného okna
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2018-10) Harák, Ivo
    The author of the study deals with two literary-historical monographs of Libor Martinek. This Czech literary scientist is known above all as an expert in Silesian (Teschen) literary regionalism. This context is also based on the study of two distinguished personalities of Czech literature writing in another (Polish, Lachian) langua- ge. For Martinka there is an important thorough knowledge of facts or familiarity with the texts of primary and secondary literature. Familiarity with world literary theory also allows him to make adequate interpretations of artistic texts. So he can pronounce a fair trial about the place of a personality in literary history or the debt that Czech lite- rature has so far.
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    Jakub Niemojewski i jego biografia Jana Husa, czyli o przekształcaniu się tekstu polemicznego w historiograficzny
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2018-10) Hanczakowski, Michał
    In this paper I focus on Jakub Niemojewski’s book Odpowiedź na książki… które pisał przeciwko Conffesiej bracie naszej krześciańskiej… Przy tym odpowiedź na historią kacerzstwa Hussowego, którego ten pobożny człowiek nigdy nie by winien in which Niemojewski tries to present Jan Hus biography in context of early modern confessional discusses between Catholics and Protestants. Niemojewski’s book is one of the first attempts to construct Protestant historiography in Polish language, yet it remains a typical example of humanistic historic writing. It leads to conclusion that Niemojewski is interesting but almost completely forgotten author, who played important role in Polish Reformation.
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    Jára Cimrman, geniusz urojony? Kilka uwag o najwybitniejszym Czechu i czeskiej tożsamości narodowej
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2018-10) Gierowski, Piotr
    The main aim of the paper is to present Jára Cimrman, a forgotten and underestimated Czech genius, the fictional literary character which has become very popular in Czech culture in the second half of XX century. The paper is an attempt to reconstruct the genesis of the character and to describe its role and function in the Czech culture. The study analyses the literary traditions connected with Cimrman (such as the writings of Karel Havlíček-Borovský or Jaroslav Hašek, especially in the context of the anecdote as a literary material), the role of the political context in Czechoslovakia in the second half of the 20th century is also emphasized. The author also describes Cimrman as an embodiment and personification one of the Czech self-stereotypes and focuses on his connection with myths and narratives from the period of Czech national revival.
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    Czy Czesi są narodem tchórzy? Josefa Škvoreckiego dyskusja z tradycją heroiczną
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2018) Gawarecka, Anna
    In Czech cultural tradition the heroic paradigm based on respecting the imperative of sacrifice lives for the homeland is often replaced by different identity patterns in which patriotism is not the matter of „great” and spectacular gestures but it is manifested itself through daily routine and the idea of the organic work. The heroes of this work are mostly writers, journalists, scientists or – sometimes – businessmen, but it is hard to find among them soldiers and insurgents fighting for ideals in heroic way. This situation, which some poets and prose writers (f. e. Viktor Dyk or Julius Zeyer) consider as a disadvantage, is comprehensively shown in famous novel of Josef Škvorecký Cowards.