Glottodidactica, Vol. 22 (1994)

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    (Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1994) Golonka, Joanna
    In this paper are described the German infinitive groups with „zu”. The author presents first of all the structure of infinitive constructions and the different versions of them. The second part of the article discusses the semantic and functional contexts of infinitive using in German.
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    Ziele bei der Entwicklung des Hörverstehens im Germanistikstudium
    (Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1994) MYCZKO, Kazimiera
    Listening with understanding is one of the most difficult skills in foreign language teaching and learning. This skill must be intensively developed during the philology study. The author presents some considerations on receptive competence and the conditions of it. In the last part of the paper are given the aims to attain by German philology students at the middle and advanced levels.
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    Schwierigkeiten im Gebrauch der deutschen Unterrichtssprache
    (Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1994) ILUK, Jan
    A very important problem for the foreign language teacher and learner is: how to use the foreign language structures correctly not only as paradigms but also as please, thank, question, aunswer or in other speech acts. The author thinks that the teacher should have at hislher disposal a full repertoire of such classroom phrases and be able to use them in all situations. Further he gives the semantic and structural description of some most often used German sentences contrasted with their Polish and English equivalents to eliminate the interlingual interference.
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    Alltagskommunikation und Lexikographie
    (Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1994) Dobrovolskij, Dmitrii
    The paper presents an analysis of some important aspects of everyday communication and their reflection in modern learner’s dictionaries. The basic unit of lexicographic description is a situational utterance, i.e. a linguistic entity which can be considered as a unit only from a functional (not a taxonomic) point of view. Lexicographic presentation of situational utterances has to include not only linguistic data but also information about relevant conceptual structures: frames and scripts. This attempt to present communicative situations with all their relevant components in learner’s dictionaries is exemplified by a new German-Russian dictionary which the authors are working on.
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    Sprachenpolitik in Polen
    (Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1994) PAPIÓR, Jan
    This article is a description of the history of foreign language teaching in Poland from the 13. century to the present day. Especially the author shows the situation of German language on the background of other languages, compares it with English and Russian language and illustrates it with detailed information about the trends in the language politics in each period. The paper ends with a picture of present situation in foreign language learning.
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    Literatur und Diskurs-Kreativität. Zur Deutscholympiade in Polen
    (Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1994) ORŁOWSKI, Hubert
    The author begins his article by presenting the German Language Olympic in Poland and refers very detailed the process and the results of it. This describing is however only a starting point for his considerations about the didactic of literature in Polish schools. Further the author gives a significant analysis of different trends in the history of literature and in the interpretation of literary texts and demands the change of present situation in the subject: Polish and general literature, because a lot of Polish learners choose German as first or second foreign language but their interests are conditioned not by German literature or culture but by German economy.
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    Principles of Language-in-Education and Planning
    (Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1994) INGRAM, David
    This paper discusses the principles that underlie rational language policy-making and language-in-education planning. It is argued that the ultimate determining factors are the nature and needs of the society, the goals identified for the society and its future development, and the consequent language needs. It is also argued that implementation should be an integral part of policy development and presentation since policy that cannot be implemented in practice is spurious. In addition, the policy statements must be set in a rational justification with on-going evaluation being an integral part of implementation. The principles discussed are illustrated by reference to a State language education policy recently prepared by the author and a colleague.
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    Developing Young Children’s Multingualism and Pluriculturalism
    (Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1994) TITONE, Renzo
    Multilingual and pluricultural education are strictly tied together. A definition of the basic ideas concerning both processes implies the clarification of several issues: 1. The study of foreign culture within language; 2. The understanding of divergent cultural patterns; 3. Cultural differences in nonverbal communication; 4. Understanding art of a different culture; 5. The training of teachers for intercultural and interlinguistic education. The final word of success rests in well-planned experimental projects, i.e. long range research on an international basis.
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    Q nekotorych woprosach tak. nazw. perekljuczenija kodow pri bilingwizmie i dwokodowosti
    (Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1994) MIKLUS, Michal
    Based on theory of information, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, methodology of teaching languages, and neurophysiology, the author of the presentation touches upon a whole number of important topics related to code coupling with bilingualism and dual code performance. Beginning with the problem of the correctly and incorrectly expressed and appercepted speech through a brief analysis of the so-called foreign accent and its types to fundamental bilinguistic types of codes or systems, the author explains some partial and optimal cases of the so-called code coupling also as the sources of inteference and the so-called foreign accent or foreign prosodic feature in generating speech in a foreign language.
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    Himhemisphären - Textstrukturen - Grammatikerkenntnis
    (Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1994) GÖTZE, Lutz
    In this article some of the new results of research in cerebral hemispheres are interpreted in order to get information about second language teaching and learning. Those factors are mentioned which enable foreign learners to read and to understand sentences and texts. On the other hand we now know something more about how grammatical rules could be understood. Nevertheless, there are still more questions than answers, especially about the problem whether our brain contains several specified areas (language centre etc.) or the brain is merely a neuronal system of networks. Further research is demanded urgently.