Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review, vol. 1, 2012


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    Umowny limit świadczeń zdrowotnych finansowanych ze środków publicznych a bezpodstawne wzbogacenie pacjenta
    (Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Studentów Prawa ELSA Poznań, 2012-05-18) Glanowski, Grzegorz
    The paper describes the behavior of a patient who in order to obtain medical benefits simulates symptoms which, according to special medical knowledge could be recognised as a threat to life or health. The main problem arises when despite the fact that the limits of medical benefits financed from the public funds have run short, a medical doctor, wishing to fulfil his statutory duty, decides to render medical assistance to such patient. Whether that assistance was really indispensible can only be determined after the patient has been thoroughly examined. It may then be too late, though, and the doctor may face serious difficulty in being reimbursed by the National Health Fund, or, if there was no actual threat to patient’s life or health, such compensation for rendered service becomes out of reach. The author analyses the abovementioned situation from the civil law point of view.
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    Elektrownie wiatrowe a inwestycje celu publicznego
    (Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Studentów Prawa ELSA Poznań, 2012-05-18) Koszowski, Michał
    On 22 December 2011, the Ministry of Economy presented a draft law on Renewable Energy Resources (RES), which fits into the discussion on the recognition of wind power plant as an investment of a public purpose (IPP). The author is of an opinion on that a wind power plant cannot be considered as an IPP for legal, rather than technical reasons. The investor’s objective is to obtain an outline planning decision, not a decision on the location of an IPP, which might otherwise prolong the investment process.
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    Instytucja mediacji jako „żywy przepis”, a nie „martwy zapis” – jak wypracować dogodną płaszczyznę pomiędzy teorią i praktyką?
    (Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Studentów Prawa ELSA Poznań, 2012-05-18) Knapczyk, Ewelina
    The subject of this paper is the institution of mediation, with a special emphasis on the formulation of postulates addressed to the Polish legislative, governmental institutions, local authorities, corporation of advocates, non-governmental organisations, and establishments of higher education. The Author outlines the general construction of mediation and the mechanisms of its functioning, the impact of the European Union on its Member States in the context of that institution, and touches upon the practical application of mediation in Poland, concluding that once the postulates enumerated in the paper have been addressed and realized, this will grossly reduce the piling number of unresolved disputes, and consequently will minimize the cost arising from the ever- -growing numbers of litigation and legal dispute.
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    Legalność stosowania środków przymusu bezpośredniego w kontekście gwarancji konstytucyjnych Studium proceduralno-prawne
    (Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Studentów Prawa ELSA Poznań, 2012-05-18) Kubanek, Anita
    State bodies have a right to resort to state compulsion, i.e. to a group of compulsion means which are an attribute of the state only. One of the most severe forms of state compulsion is direct compulsion which is applied predominantly by public officials in order to protect the rights and liberty of an individual and to ensure public safety. These means are designed to force a person to subordination to the commands based on law, which may entail the use of physical force. The purpose of this paper is to present the procedure and rules of using direct compulsion means and to discuss the level of legal interference in the individual’s rights and liberty.
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    Prawo do zapłodnienia in vitro w Polsce i na świecie
    (Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Studentów Prawa ELSA Poznań, 2012-05-18) Łowińska, Ewa
    In vitro fertilization involves many issues that need to be regulated by law. The main one is the status of the embryo and arising from it other concerns such as cryoconservation of embryos, assisted reproductive techniques, gamete donation, surrogacy, or preimplantation diagnosis. This paper surveys the legal regulation of in vitro fertilization at different levels of the law systems, from international standards, through regional regulations, to the national law.
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    Zmiany w Ustawie o prawach pacjenta i Rzeczniku Praw Pacjenta Kilka uwag o mechanizmie uzyskiwania odszkodowania lub zadośćuczynienia w postępowaniu przed wojewódzkimi komisjami do spraw orzekania o zdarzeniach medycznych
    (Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Studentów Prawa ELSA Poznań, 2012-05-18) Białkowski, Michał
    The objective of this paper is to present the amendments to the Patients’ rights and Patients’ Rights Spokesman Act of 28 April 2011. The paper focuses on the drawbacks of the provisions of the Act concerning claims for compensation for damage or injury caused by medical occurrences that are put before regional medical occurrences committees. Despite the undoubtedly right direction of the amended legislation, the purpose of the amendments has not been achieved. The renouncement by applicants of all the claims when accepting the insurers offer concerning the amount of compensation, low sums of the compensation which the patient or his heir may be awarded as well as restricting the places where medical occurrences may happen only to hospitals, narrow the applicability of the amendments and warrants further work on the existing solution.
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    Propagowanie totalitaryzmu i nawoływanie do nienawiści (art. 256 Kodeksu karnego)
    (Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Studentów Prawa ELSA Poznań, 2012-05-18) Radziejewski, Piotr
    The paper deals with the provision of Article 256 of the Polish Penal Code. The author discusses the offences of public propagation of totalitarian forms of government, and offence of inciting to hatred on national, ethnic, racial or religious grounds and offences connected with objects with such content. The author pays particular attention to the controversial and unclear wording used in the above regulation and identifies possible amendments that could make the article more precise and effective.
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    Kompetencja instytucji Unii Europejskiej do ustanawiania i kształtowania norm prawa karnego materialnego
    (Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Studentów Prawa ELSA Poznań, 2012-05-18) Gruew, Georgi
    The paper focuses on the competence of the European Parliament and the EU Council to adopt directives in the area of substantive criminal law provided in Articles 83 and 84 of the TFEU, which confirm the earlier ECJ rulings on the subject. The competence granted to those institutions also ensure greater effectives of the adopted directives in combating serious crimes within the European Union. The creation of certain ‘emergency brakes’ and application of the principle of proportionality taking into account the fundamental principles of criminal law systems of individual Member States, has enabled the EU institutions to establish common definitions of most serious crimes.
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    Uznanie dziecka według przepisów Kodeksu rodzinnego i opiekuńczego w świetle regulacji prawa prywatnego międzynarodowego
    (Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Studentów Prawa ELSA Poznań, 2012-05-18) Uchańska, Joanna
    The paper discusses the current issues on recognition of paternity in the light of children’s rights. It identifies the proper tools necessary for determining paternity and maternity and highlights their growing importance in connection with common migration and free movement of persons in the EU. The issue of establishing the law applicable to the content or the form of declaration of paternity is presented based on judicial practice. 34 E. Skrzydło-Tefelska, op. cit., s. 149–150.106 | Przegląd Prawniczy Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza The paper describes the relationship between recognition of paternity and the process of establishing citizenship and the conditions that must be fulfilled to obtain legal residence in Poland. The conclusions de lege ferenda call for changes in the acquisition of Polish citizenship by operation of law by a child who has been recognized by a man of Polish citizenship. Currently, this possibility is limited by the annual date on which it is necessary to recognize to change a citizenship of a child by law
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    Uchwały zarządu i rady nadzorczej spółki akcyjnej w procedurze podwyższenia kapitału zakładowego w granicach kapitału docelowego
    (Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Studentów Prawa ELSA Poznań, 2012-05-18) Saczywko, Maksymilian
    The paper focuses on resolutions adopted by the management board and the supervisory board of a joint-stock company to increase the share capital of a public limited company within its authorised capital. The author outlines the origin and nature of the authorised capital, the content and form of the abovementioned resolutions, their legal nature and different types of possible defects in them. Challenging defective resolutions is particularly important in practice. That matter is not regulated explicitly in Polish law. The possible solutions available under Italian and Spanish regulations that are presented indicate that the challenging of defective resolutions of the management board and the supervisory board in capital commercial companies, particularly those adopted in connection with authorised capital, should also be regulated in Poland.
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    Przesłanki powództwa o uchylenie uchwały spółki kapitałowej
    (Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Studentów Prawa ELSA Poznań, 2012-05-18) Szczepańska, Katarzyna
    The paper presents the interpretation of grounds for repealing a resolution of a capital company (private and public limited) in the event of a conflict between such resolution and the company’s articles of association (statue), good practice, or when the intent of the resolution is contrary to the company’s interests or to the detriment of a shareholder,based on the views of representative legal doctrine and court rulings. These opinions are then confronted with views presented by legal theorists as well as the developments and changes of their interpretation in selected jurisdictions.
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    Analiza prawnej i faktycznej sytuacji poręczyciela – wybrane zagadnienia
    (Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Studentów Prawa ELSA Poznań, 2012-05-18) Jurek, Łukasz, Rafał Maciąg
    This paper highlights the issues arising from an obligation such as surety. Under the provisions of the Polish Civil Code, the legal position of a guarantor is closely related to non-legal factors. The ambiguity and uncertainty of the status of a guarantor are even greater due to the variability in time of the normative construction of a surety. Therefore, in addition to the measures available in law, a certain counterweight, such as the general public values, is necessary to address this state of affairs. The most widely understood trust, being the necessary condition for the proper development of a modern democratic state of law, may undoubtedly play that role.
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    Nabycie służebności przesyłu w drodze zasiedzenia
    (Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Studentów Prawa ELSA Poznań, 2012-05-18) Sokołowski, Łukasz
    The paper is an attempt to determine the admissibility of acquisition of a transmission easement by virtue of usucaption. It also contains the review and assessment of the main issues, doubts and discrepancies which are present in the doctrine and jurisprudence. The survey also deals with deliberations concerning the possibilities of usucaption of particular ways of using the facilities as referred in the article 49 of The Civil Code prior to the amendments of The Civil Code of 20 May 2008 that introduced a new legal institution of a utility of transmission easement.
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    Wedle dobrych obyczajów czy zgodnie z zasadami współżycia społecznego? Uwagi na tle funkcjonowania klauzuli generalnej z Ustawy o zwalczaniu nieuczciwej konkurencji
    (Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Studentów Prawa ELSA Poznań, 2012-05-18) Laszczyk, Anna, Michał Gajdus
    The aim of this paper is to analyse the application of the good practices blanket clause on the example of the Suppression of Unfair Competition Act. First, the authors characterise the general functions and use of blanket clauses, then they focus on the one of their main interest. The authors analyse the origin of the clause as well as the actual understanding of good practice both in the doctrine and in judicial decisions, and subsequently compare the functioning, or application, of good practices and principles of community life to conclude that the application of a good practice clause is not efficient and its use in the future should be discontinued.
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    Dyskusja nad modelem wykładni prounijnej w polskiej nauce prawa
    (Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Studentów Prawa ELSA Poznań, 2012-05-01) Rowiński, Wojciech
    The aim of this paper is to present the discussion on normative models of the pro-EU interpretation of national law in Polish jurisprudence. The European Court of Justice drew only general assumptions concerning the pro-EU interpretation, and left the Member States free to choose the methods of its implementation. The author analyses the proposals of the models described in the science of European law as well as in the theory of law, and on that basis comes to the conclusion that a universal and consistent model that would ensure full realisation of the EU law objectives regarding the pro-EU interpretation has not yet been developed.