Glottodidactica, Vol. 24 (1996)

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    Zu kulturbedingten Gemeinsamkeiten im phraseologischen Bestand des Deutschen und des Polnischen
    (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1996) Schatte, Czesława
    In this contrastive German and Polish study, the author focuses on the cultural conditioning of similarities in the phraseology of both languages. The purpose of this paper is to show those phraseological similarities in German and Polish which can be explained by the impact of common sociocultural background or by the origin from the common historiocultural sources. The similarities are evident in phraseologisms including expressions for body parts, names of animals, plants and colors, as well as those of biblical origin, in Greek and Latin literature, classic literary world masterpieces of Renaissance and Enlightenment. The article provides numerous examples of phraseology in German and Polish, of which systematic compilation constitutes an essential contribution to contrastive studies and can serve as database for teachers of German.
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    Zwischensprachliche Interferenz als Fehlerquelle in schriftlichen Arbeiten polnischer Germanistikstudenten
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1996) LIETZ, Gero
    The article looks at error cause analysis with particular reference to errors due to negative transfer from the mother tongue. It describes an empirical study including 537 essays and Polish-German translations written by advanced learners of German at two Polish universities. Based on the statistical results of this study, main fields of Polish-German negative transfer are pointed out and discussed. The results show clearly that interference is not only a problem of beginners, but also of advanced learners at university level. About 25% of the total number of errors are caused by negative transfer (mainly from Polish, in some cases also from English as a third language). The interference rate in the translations, however, has proved to be somewhat higher than in the essays. The results of the error cause analysis described in this article show once again that the learners’ mother tongue should be taken into account in the process of foreign language teaching. Realizing the contrasts and the similarities between two languages can help to prevent negative transfer.
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    Implications and Applications of Semantic Field Theory and Componential Analysis in Vocabulary Teaching
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1996) LAWAL, Adebayo
    Linguistics, which is primarily concerned with the nature and structure of language, is no doubt of great value to the language teacher. This is because the language teacher’s professional pre-occupation is with the “what” and “how” of language teaching. The “what” would largely be informed by the quality of his grounding in linguistic theories, principles, tenets and research findings, which also have a measure of relevance for the “how.” This paper employs this general background to assess the strengths and weaknesses of semantic Field Theory and Componential Analysis in accounting for the nature and structure of the lexical system in a language. Practical implications and applications of the two theories for the teaching of vocabulary are later discussed. Lexica] examples throughout the paper are drawn from the English Language.
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    Induktive Lehrverfahren im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Der Versuch einer zeitgemäßen Bestimmung des Begriffs und seiner Funktion in historischer Perspektive
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1996) HOSTYŃSKI, Paweł
    The following article attempts to analyse the concept of induction and its function in the mainstream methods in foreign language teaching. The paper presents the results of the research carried out on the effectiveness of the application of inductive vs. deductive approach. It also describes the influence of the collected experiences on the modern glottodidactic view according to the inductive or deductive approach. Throughout the description of past and present trends, the author demonstrates the understanding of induction, starting from its source meaning, through its meaning in glottodidactics, to terms related to various ways of inductive teaching.
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    Der Blütenflor des Halm-Dschungels - Paradies für Musikanten. Behindern Metaphern die rationale Erkenntnis?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1996) Feine, Angelika
    In the following paper the author tries to discuss the problem of metaphors as an occasionally created language unit. In the further part she puts a question of the metaphorical nominational units which are not language anomalies, and are not contradictory to the rational attempts of cognition. They may also play very various roles also in informational texts. In its multifunctional nature they are a means which in the process of text comprehension does not hamper but stimulates processes of cognition.
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    Die deutsche Substandivdeklination in pädagogischer Aufbereitung
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1996) Darski, Józef Paweł
    The author finds the current and commonly acceptable division of German noun declension very complicated. Instead, he proposes only four simple rules for noun declension, with the exclusion of proper nouns and the nominalizations that receive separate treatment. Next, the author discusses noun declension in singular in cases when the learner or student only knows the gender. Subsequently, he takes into account the variation in the declension and the omission of inflectional paradigm in the sentence.
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    Welche Konzeption der Sprache für die Giottodidaktik?
    (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1996) SKOWRONEK, Barbara
    In this article, glottodidactics is presented as an independent, empirical, interdisciplinary and humanistic scientific discipline, which is engaged in the teaching and learning of foreign languages. The goal of this article is to approach a justification by glottodidactic facts of social theories of language communication competence (Zgółka 1980) as well as the social theory of language acquisition competence (Wł. Zabrocki 1990).