Glottodidactica, Vol. 25 (1997)

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    Stereotype und Vorurteile im Fremdsprachenunterricht - sollte man sie bekämpfen, akzeptieren oder relativieren?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1997) ZAWADZKA, Elżbieta
    The author of the article touches upon an extremely important concept of national tereotype. The import of the issue incrosses when it comes to countries with tragic past, like Germany and Poland. The presentation includes features of stereotype as opposed to Fremdbild, as well as the concept of prejudice. The conclusion introduces a suggestion to contuct intercul-tural trainig together with the popularisation of issues related to stereotype, and challenging the stereotype through everyday contacts with other ethnic groups.
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    Zum österreichischen Deutsch
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1997) SCHLAFFKE, Robert
    The author presents the most fundamental differences between the Austrian (or rather southern German) and the northern variety of this language. The description covers the phonetic, morphological and syntactic level. Lexis is excluded, as this would go beyond the framework of this short article.
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    Epistemische Interpretation glottodidaktischer Theorien der Nachkriegszeit
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1997) SKOWRONEK, Barbara
    The goal of this article is to approach a justification by glottodidactic facts of social theories of language communication competence (Zgółka 1980) as well as the social theory of language aquisition competence (Wł. Zabrocki 1980).
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    Zu Farbbezeichnungen in phraseologischen Wendungen des Deutschen und des Polnischen
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1997) PŁOMINSKA, Małgorzata
    The purpose of the article is the analysis of German and Polish idioms including names of colours as the structural elements in the morphosyntactic and semantic aspect, concerning the symbolism of names of colours in the idioms of both languages. German and Polish idioms were divided into morphosyntactic groups of verb, noun, adverb idioms, idioms comparisons and, in the case of German, the group of the idioms exhibiting the Struktur of a sentence. Semantic analysis allowed as to distinguish among German and Polish idioms three basic types of semantic equivalence: full equivalence, partial equivalence and zero equivalence. Among the symbolism of German and Polish names of colours in their general and idiomatic use only slight differences can be noticed, which is due to the same cultural background of both.
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    Personennamen in der deutsch-polnischen Übersetzung als Teil der Problematik der Magisterarbeit “Übersetzbarkeit im Bereich der Personennamen”
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1997) Pieciul, Eliza
    The article discusses the question of translatability of literary proper names. An attempt is made to find a middle ground between the two extreme answers to the question of translatability (impossibility of translation vs. unconditional translatability); the nature of proper names is discussed and their position in the translation process is analysed on the basis of German, English and Polish literary texts. The article sums up the analysis of the possibilities for translation equivalence, as proposed in the thesis „Translatability of literary proper names”.
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    Zur Nachfeldbesetzung im Deutschen
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1997) MIKOŁAJCZYK, Beata
    The matter of the study was Nachfeld in the german language. I intended that the word-order in this fiels is not only an optional phenomenon but also conditioned by grammar. That is why, it ought to be refered not only to the stylistics as it used to.
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    Ein paar Bemerkungen zur Didaktik des Faches “Grundlagen der Translatorik”
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1997) JUREWICZ, Magdalena
    The paper A few remarks on exercises in the theory of translation is devoted to the problem of preparing practical training for future translators. The author is an assistant at the Department of Glottodidaktics and Translationstheory Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and presents her experiences in teaching translating. The exercises have been prepared on the basis of her master’s thesis in which she analysed the translation of Thomas Bernhard’s prose into the Polish language. The author presents the model of translation analysis and critique (based on the Katharina Reiß’s one) which she used, and she considers its applicability to teaching purposes.
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    Ersatzformen und selten gebrauchte Formen des Imperativs im Deutschen und im Polnischen — Versuch einer konfrontativen Analyse
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1997) IWAN, Piotr
    The autor discusses in a contrastive way the phenomena occurring during building the supplementary forms of the imperative mood in Polish and German. He also points out at forms of the imperative mood which are used only occasionaly. Various considerations concerning the language of the military and the forms „wollen” and „lassen” in German, and the construction „mech” in Polish show the diversity of those forms in both languages and underline the translation possibilities and difficulties in those areas. Because of their stylistic and pragmatic value, the phenomena of using the supplementary forms of the imperative mood in both languages should be considered in teaching German and Polish as foreign languages. They should also belong to the fundamental education of any translator or interpreter.
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    "Was wäre, wenn ich die Sonne wäre?” Ein Beispiel aus der schulpraxisorientierten Erforschung induktiver Lehrverfahren im (integrierten) Grammatikunterricht
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1997) HOSTYŃSKI, Paweł
    The article presents an exemplary fragment of empirical research based upon explorative-interpretative methodology. The research deals with forms of inductive approach to grammar teaching applied today. The presented two lessons, devoted to the introduction of conditional sentences (Konjunktiv II) chosen from a wider empirical base, have been further analyzied and discussed in the latter part of the article. The above-mentioned analysis has been completed by interviews with students who - in the majority - approve of the use of induction. The inductive approach may be one of adequate techniques of applicable within the concept of „integrierter Grammatikunterricht” (i.e. „integrated grammar teaching”), in which pressure is put on contens, situational context, developing linguistic skills, and - most of all - on the activi-sation of students and their independent, creative thinking.
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    Die Rolle der Elaboration beim Verstehen und Behalten von fremdsprachigen Texten
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1997) Domas, Oskar
    Topic of the article is the influence of the process of elaboration, as one of thinking processes taking place during text perception, on understanding and memorizing the text. On the basis of the topic literature, the author analyses psycholinguistic benefits of elaboration, explains the way elaboration causes better comprehension and memorizing. He presents the possibilities of using elaboration during work with a foreign language text. In the light of the results of the experiment conducted by the author, it becomes once again clear that the success of dydactic process is to a large extent dependant on the person of a teacherk, in particular on the techniques and strategies by them in text work.