Studia Germanica Posnaniensia, vol. 15 (1986)
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Item Bibliographie zur deutsch-polnischen Konfrontation, Teil II(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1986) Kątny, AndrzejItem Antworten auf Ergänzungsfragen im Deutschen und Polnischen(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1986) Prokop, IzabelaThe article - a contribution to contrastive syntactic studies, discusses the possible structural variants of the answers to the wh-(nominal and adverbial) questions in German and relates to them their equivalents in Polish. The replicas were divided from the point of view of semantics (according to types of questions), structure (into developed and elliptical ones) and according to the pragmatic criteria (into direct, indirect, and evasive ones).Item Exozentrische Konstruktionen im Deutschen und Polnischen(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1986) Prokop, IzabelaExocentric (aredundant) constructions to which belong e.g. prepositional phrases periphrastic forms within the verb phrase, phraseologisms, idiomatic expressions, are the result of analysis of syntactic constructions according to the method of immediate constituents. The article contains their survey together with the examples of derivation in Polish and German.Item Die Konstituentenstruktur der adjektivischen Komposita im Deutschen und Polnischen(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1986) Mikołajczak, SławomirThe subject of the article is the analysis and confrontation of adjectival compounds in German and Polish according to CS-rules. The goal of the analysis and confrontation is the classification of adjectival compounds in both languages and conclusions as for their differences, similarities and productivity.Item Zur adverbalen Funktion der für-Phrase aus kontrastiver Sicht(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1986) Koniuszaniec, GabrielaThe subject of considerations of this article is the prepositional phrase introduced by means of the preposition “für” in the confrontative interpretation (German-Polish confrontation). The author analysed first of all the main functions of this phrase, namely its syntactic adverbal function as a complement of the verb and as a predicative expression. The author has also made an attempt at a semantic analysis of selected nominal phrases with the preposition “für” and their equivalents in the Polish language pointing at the possibility of using such research work in the teaching of foreign languages.Item Zur Semantik der Tages- und Epochenbezeichnungen im Deutschen und Polnischen(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1986) Jankowska, IwonaThe article refers to Ph.D. dissertation in which the author investigated adverbials of time in German and Polish. Using a similar method of analysis, namely establishing the relations occurring between the point of time of the event, the reference and the speech act, the author describes the usage of definitions of a day and longer periods (epochs). The author refers at the same time to simple formulas of formal logic and juxtaposes all the relevant expressions in both languages.Item Zur Auflösung der Nulläquivalenz im nominalen Bereich bei der Translation aus dem Deutschen ins Polnische(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1986) Grabarek, JózefThe subject of the author's considerations is the phenomenon of the so called zero equivalence and the way of overcoming it in the process of translating of German texts into Polish and vice versa. The author investigated in particular the specificity of rendering in both languages the multi-word names of organizations and the like.Item Deutsch-polnische Äquivalenz aus der Sicht der Textstruktur(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1986) Gaca, AlicjaIn the article the author discussed the problem of coherence of text in German and Polish, namely the principle of indications on the line of the text. The author established a number of exponents (indicators) of the so called reference of the text whose interpretation has been extended with the aspect of the so called isotopy of the text. The established types of equivalence give a picture of regularity in the structure of the text and point to the systems possibilities and restrictions in the field of the so called language usage in both languages.Item Syntaktische Exponenten der Lexeme(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1986) Darski, Józef PawełThe author rejects the terms of traditional grammar: "the case ending" and "personal ending" because of their inadequacy and suggests the substitution of these terms with a new term "syntactic index". Restricting himself to the examples from Polish and German the author comes to the definition of syntactic index through the analysis of word forms of the same lexeme. The definition is much general that it may be applied to languages of various types.Item Soziativa im Deutschen und Polnischen(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1986) Bzdęga, Andrzej Z.The author describes and then compares the existing means of expressing sociativeness in German and Polish, formative (e.g. nouns in Ge-, nouns and verbs in mit- and ko/n/- in German, expressions with wspól- in Polisb), as well as lexical and syntactic (e.g. nouns of the type Gefährte, Geselle, Genosse, phrases of the kind zu zweit, zu zweien in German nouns of the type towarzysz, kolega and phrases of the kind we dwoje, we dwójkę in Polish). The author discusses in more detail the so called sociative of the kind of German selbander, selbdritt, Polisb samowtór, samotrzeć (cf. English the two of you/ us/ them), and especially their occurrence in the old legal parlance.