Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 1992, nr 4


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    Funkcjonowanie ekonomicznych instrumentów ochrony środowiska
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992) Łuczka-Bakuła, Władysława
    High level of pollution in Poland points to the need of seeking the answer to the following question about the causes of such a state of affairs. The research carried out in enterprises responsible for high pollution proves that one of such causes is low efficiency of economic instruments stimulating the environmental protection. They play an insignificant role in economic decisionmaking and have little influence of the financial position of an enterprise. In market economy, environmental protection may create both new developmental possibilities as well as some risks for an enterprise. Enterprises may adopt an offensive or defensive ttitude towards such problems. So far, Polish enterprises have usually adopted a defensive attitude however, the process of transition to market economy brings about the need of changes in that sphere.
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    Profesor Zbigniew Zakrzewski - twórca poznańskiego ośrodka naukowego ekonomiki handlu
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992) Szulce, Halina
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    Funkcje handlu - spojrzenie porównawcze
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992) Pilarczyk, Bogna; Sławińska, Maria
    The subject matter of the article is a comparative analysis of selected approaches to the nature and functions of trade, published in Polish and German literature over the last decades. The basis for distinguishing those functions are the existing objective discrepancies between demand and supply or between the "types of activity" resulting from the position taken by trade between the production and consumption spheres. A point of reference for the analysis is the theory of trade, formulated in the Poznań circle by Professor Zb. Zakrzewski. Comparing various approaches to the functions of trade, the author distinguishes three groups of such functions: functions connected with commodity, functions connected with showing discrepancies in time and space and the remaining functions.
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    Spis treści RPEiS 54(4), 1992
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992)
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    Wielkopolska w warunkach transformacji - diagnoza istniejącego stanu gospodarki
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992) Chmielewski, Roman
    The purpose of the article is to present the state of economy of Wielkopolska region in the light of the present adjustment processes, as well as to show inter-regional differences and threats in various spheres of social life. Wielkopolska region is meant here to include the area of fìve provinces: Kalisz, Konin, Leszno, Piła and Poznań. It is connected with the availability of statistical data, which in the case of some phenomena make it possible to present them in a more precise way than if particular provinces were the point of reference. The analysis refers to the period 1989 -1992.
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    Restrukturyzacja gospodarki Wielkopolski - podstawy programu
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992) Wojtasiewicz, Lucyna
    In order to overcome economic recession and achieve economic growth it is necessary to modernize the economy and increase the productivity. It pertains to the whole territory of Poland, and thus also to Wielkopolska region. Although Wielkopolska region in many respects looks better than other parts of Poland, Wielkopolska also faces many problems to be solved, i.a. liquidation of unemployment, development of transport and some other spheres of public economy, as well as improvement of environmental protection. The restructuring of the region's economy is necessary. The first task to be implemented is the technological restructuring. Of great importance is also the selection of new motoric forces which could stimulate the growth of the whole region. Besides, one should not neglect the restructuring of ownership structure (privatization of the state sector). In the growth of the economy of Wielkopolska the leading role should be ascribed to innovative industries, to food-processing industry and to some services of supra-regional character (Poznań International Fair, transit). One should apply the following three scenarios: 1. activities of self-government authorities aimed at encouraging foreign investment; 2. creating incentives for new Polish companies by local authorities; 3. initiating a complex governmental and self-governmental programme aimed at finding innovative capital. The above tasks must be accompanied by legal and organizational reforms.
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    Wielkopolska wczoraj i dziś
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992) Matyaszczyk, Dorota
    Over the ages, Wielkopolska had been a uniform entity from the cultural, immigration and legal points of view. This structure was destroyed only by the 1815 partition of Poland, when Wielkopolska was divided between Prussia and Russia. In common understanding, the territory of Wielkopolska is limited to the former Prussian dominion, with Northern border along the Noteć river and Eastern border along t h e Prosną river. However, hardly anybody remembers that Northern territories (Wałcz and Nakło regions) and Southern territories (Wschowa region) for many ages were the integral parts of Wielkopolska. The area of Wielkopolska changed with the changes in political situation of the state. Wielkopolska occupied t h e largest area after 1945, when it comprised ca. 40.000 km and included a part of regamed Territories, inhabited both by immigrants from Eastern temtories of Poland as well as the immigrants from the Poznań province. In 1950 Zielona Góra province was created; in consequence for the first part in the Polish history Western border of Wielkopolska was not the border of t h e state. The unfortunate administrative reform of 1975, which divided Poland into 49 provinces, introduced the widest changes into a historically shaped area of Wielkopolska. Former Wielkopolska was divided into 5 provinces. However, the memories about belonging to Wielkopolska are still vivid. It was proved by questionnaire research carried out by the author in 1992 in 384 communes from the area of 8 provinces which formerly belonged, partly or wholly, to Wielkopolska. One of t h e gestions pertained to the choice of the territory to which a given commune would like to belong fi new administrative division of the state were introduced. From among 319 answers (84%), 213 communes indicated Wielkopolska, and 5 answered that Wielkopolska is their likely choice. In this way a former Wielkopolska region in its pre-1975 borders was reconstructed; moreover, included the area which belonged to Wielkopolska between 1945 and 1950, as well as the area of southern and central parts of former Bydgoszcz Regency from the period 1815-1938.
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    Uwarunkowania procesów innowacyjnych w Wielkopolsce
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992) Kamiński, Ryszard; Mizgajska, Hanna
    In the 1990s, along the change in the system of functioning of the Polish economy a way of functioning of innovative mechanism has also been changed. Unfortunately, the market system had no impact on the increase of interest in technical progress. To the contrary; regress in that sphere has been noted. It has been caused i.a. by macroeconomic factors. The State policy, oriented at fighting inflation, creating the market, strengthening domestic currency, combined with the inefficient economy unable to adapt to the requirements of the market has resulted in deep recession. It proves that enterprises are unable to adapt to changed circumstances; one of the reasons for such a situation is insufficient innovative capacity. Some causes of regress in innovativeness of the economy are of microeconomica1 nature. Among such factors the most detrimental is the shortage of money for developmental ventures. Among the determinants of technical progress one should mention organizational, legal and informational infrastructure. Despite the fact that in Wielkopolska region the infrastructure is well grounded and diversified, it is insufficient in view of economic requirements.
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    Problemy ekologizacji infrastruktury w Wielkopolsce
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992) Wilczyńska, Kamila
    A basic condition of shaping the strategy of economic growth must be the conviction that further civilizational progress may be attained only if ecologie requirements are fully observed. Natural environment in village areas has not been adequately recognized from the point of view of ecological risks. Civilizational progress in the village areas and intensification of agricultural production, accompanied by shortages in agricultural infrastructure are the factors of growth of pollution. Similar situation exists in small towns; in turn, in large town ecological threats come from industrial activity. The review of the state of infrastructure in the Wielkopolska region shows the extent of ecological risks and the scope of infrastructural investment necessary from the environmental point of view. Infrastructural investment cannot be neglected or postponed, for it is one of the conditions of the speed of economic growth and environmental protection.
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    Problemy finansowania infrastruktury w gminach województwa poznańskiego w warunkach gospodarki rynkowej
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992) Chabierska, Ewa; Noweta, Dariusz
    The questionnaire research carried out by the authors were to provide the answer to the following question: "who, and to what degree, participates in costs of financing infrastructural investment in Poznan region villages?". The authors have included into their research the sources of financing of the following infrastructural elements: bank networks, including PKO outlets, village roads, dumping grounds, sewage and telephone networks. Much stress has been put on analyzing agricultural crediting system. Critical remarks of farmers on interest rates and changes in interest rates influencing the profitability of agricultural production, as well as on the circulation of documents in banks and the coiTelation between the repayment period and the production cycle are very important from a practical point of view. The research shows that in most cases the investment is financed by communal budgets, with little participation on the part of inhabitants in the form of labour and equally little participation on the part of other economic units, such as State Farms and Agricultural Cooperatives. However, the income of communes is diversified and may turn out to be insufficient for financing the investment. It may hinder the prospective development of infrastructure. It seems that a complex and rational development of infrastructure may be achieved only if communal budgets and the State budget were jointly engaged in a central and regional program of infrastructural investment.
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    Pozycja społeczna nauki w Wielkopolsce
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992) Stankowski, Jan; Ziembiński, Zygmunt
    The article offers a short presentation of the history of rise of scientific institutions in Wielkopolska, as well as the role and social function of those institutions, now and in the past.
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    Instytut Zachodni - wielkopolski ośrodek myśli politycznej
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992) Pospieszalski, Karol Marian
    The author, one of the first employees of Western Institute in Poznań, presents a history of rise of this scientific institution under the German occupation, its history in the People's Republic period and its present state, as well as its scientific output in the field of research on German politics, economic and cultural neighbourhood and - presently - on the problems of integration, especially of Western Polish territories with West European countries.
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    Socjologiczne aspekty kształtowania się pogranicza polsko-niemieckiego po II wojnie światowej
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992) Trosiak, Cezary
    The author presents borderland as a theoretical category, exemplifing his considerations by the findings of pre- and post war Polish sociology. The autor discusses the history of Polish-German borderland over the last 200 years, with special attention paid to contacts between the inhabitants of borderland. He also points to the symptoms of formation of Polish-German borderland along the Odra-Nysa rivers after 1972, and to the existence of a so-called borderland society (including German minority on Western Territories of Poland). Finally, the autor points to varions social, economic and cultural phenomena taking place in the Western Territories and indicates that those issues should become the object of extensive sociological research.
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    Elity polityczne w Związku Radzieckim
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992) Żyromski, Marek
    Soviet leaders exerted great influence not only on the functioning of social order but also on the functioning of elites and on the mechanisms of selection of member of elites. However, the sociological theory of elites neglects the role of on individual in the elite, lmiting itself to the level of mafia, clique or a similar group. The sociological theory of elits, with its roots in the analysis of parliamentary democracy, may also be applied to analysing totalitarian systems.
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    Przegląd piśmiennictwa RPEiS 54(4), 1992
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992)
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    Sprawozdania i informacje RPEiS 54(4), 1992
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992)
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    Nekrologi RPEiS 54(4), 1992
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992)