Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 1997, nr 3


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    Determinanty oprocentowania kredytów w bankach komercyjnych (Część I - czynniki mikroekonomiczne)
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1997) Przybylska-Kapuścińska, Wiesława
    The article points out the increasing importance of credit as the most essential source of bank income. This situation makes it necessary to calculate properly and scrupulously the amount of interests on bank credits. The level of interests on bank credits is an element of price strategy of a bank, the aim of which is to assure an adequate scale of services offered with, at the same time, realization of the main task of a banking enterprise, i.e. maximization of profit. There is a very large number of factors determining the price of credit. So, their influence on calculation of interests on bank credits makes it very difficult to establish clearly these interests. The factors mentioned can be classified into two groups: micro- and macroeconomic. The article discusses the following microeconomic conditions which are susceptible to influence the price of credit: costs covered by a bank, credit risk, price strategy, dimension and kind of a debtor, credit period.
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    Problemy tworzenia i funkcjonowania rynku żywności ekologicznej
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1997) Łuczka-Bakuła, Władysława; Piasny, Janusz
    Some basic economic problems connected with establishing and development of ecological food market are discussed in the article. The market of ecological food differs fundamentally from the conventional food market when we consider both characteristic features of a product, price level, channels of distribution on one hand, and the buyers bracket on the other. Within this market not only a separate system of labelling the products and special procedures for controlling their production and processing are implemented but also - separate channels of distribution and distinct information system. Though it is a market which is constantly increasing, nevertheless the demand for the products is up to now not big enough to be able to guarantee effective exploitation of specific infrastructure necessary for its further existence and development, i.e. food processing, channels of distribution and information.
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    Zmiany w podstawowych strukturach wytwórczych w rolnictwie w gminach województwa poznańskiego po 1989 roku
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1997) Czyżewski, Andrzej; Bak, Urszula
    The article presents results of research work on structural changes within two fundamental production resources, i.e. land and labour, in the agriculture of the Poznań province after 1989. The most spectacular and advantageous transformations occurred within the scope of property structure. The share of private sector in total area of cultivable land has considerably increased. Progress in agrarian structure has been noted. The land concentration degree within privateowned farms was relatively high. Lack of demand for rural labour force on the scale of the whole national economy has limited transformation process within the labour resource. Relatively high level of employment in agriculture is still maintained.
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    Strategiczne aspekty zarządzania jakością oraz innowacji produktowej w przedsiębiorstwie
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1997) Nowak, Artur
    Quality management and innovation are two important aspects of the company strategic posture. They are fundamental elements of the firm strategic identity. Companies tend to use the same organizational platform for quality and innovation processes execution. Organizational platform is a system within which various, focused and specialized, primary and supportive functions of the company are performed. Quality and innovation processes dovetail and reinforce each other within the company value chain. Effective innovation and quality result in strategic uniqueness of the company's assets and/or competences. Hence, if the enterprise can maintain an effective organizational platform, it will be able to create a sustainable competitive advantage. One of basic functions of the organizational platform is to ensure that added value is being created and shared between the company and its stakesholders. In order to be effective in this area the firm must be effective in increasing its ability to accumulate, retain, and release strategic assets and core competences contingently to strategic situation on the market.
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    Podstawowe założenia interwencji psychologicznej wśród bezrobotnych
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1997) Chirkowska-Smolak, Teresa
    The article presents a model explaining the behaviour of those who are looking for job - as based on expectancy-value theory. Efficiency of looking for a job is a function of motivation to do so and, as well, depends on individual skills. Such an activity is being operated under definite conditions of social and economic milieu. The assumptions discussed lie in the grounds of psychological assistance programmes (now in elaboration) for individuals who are experiencing a passage between lack of a job and some more stable employment. Psychological intervention among unemployed people is aimed at giving them support in their search for a job and at preventing negative emotional states which can throw a person into transition.
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    Spis treści RPEiS 59(3), 1997
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1997)
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    Systemy elekcji prezydenta - zagrożenia teoretyczne
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1997) Ciapała, Jerzy
    The main purpose of the article was to present some remarks on various systems of presidential elections adopted by contemporary democracies. With some simplification, we can say there are three basic systems: 1) general election based on common electoral law, 2) election by chambers of a parliament, 3) election by a special organ. All the above-mentioned systems are deeply connected with political, social and historical circumstances and backgrounds proper to a particular country. They involve various consequences for political systems and perception of the office by a nation. However, it is supposed that general elections based on common law do lead to strong legal and political position of the president. There are also some other factors which cause that these relations are rather complex. The systems discussed are also analyzed in context of the principle of sovereignty of a nation and of the principle of separation of powers. Moreover, some remarks and comments related to the situation in Poland and in other countries of Central and Eastern Europe are presented.
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    Kilka uwag o nowym kodeksie karnym
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1997) Patryas, Wojciech
    The article is an attempt to take a critical look on certain constructions inherent to the new penal code. Still, its article 1 raises reservation when it forces into recognition of omissions as being acts - just like corresponding article of previous code did it. The new article 2 of the code leads also to various complications through its definition of a responsibility for so-called offences by omission with criminal results. Doubts also arise from constructions of factual forms of offence foreseen in the code, and this concerns both construction of prepetration of a criminal offence and constructions of preparation for a crime and of incitement to crime.
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    Adjustment policy of Poland in 1990 - 1996
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1997) Gorynia, Marian; J. Otta, Wiesław
    Fundamental controversy concerning policy of transition of post-socialist economies to a market economy is discussed by the authors of this article. The controversy is related to a dispute between supporters of "big-bang" (the so-called "shock therapy") and those who support an evolutionary approach. The authors argue that: — "big-bang" policy was necessary in Polish circumstances but, the same time, it proved to be insufficient because it ignored - to a considerable degree - both institutional and structural levels of the transformation and focused mainly on macro level; — conceptions of evolutionary policy which focus on institutional transformation are not an alternative for stabilization policy and they take no account of restructurization problem; — there is a need for complex and harmonious policy of transition for to assure a stabilization and an institutional milieu favouring market transformation; such a policy should also stimulate restructuring processes on all levels of the economic system; — in the advanced phase of transition, the centre of gravity of respective policy slides from macro and mezo levels to incitement of adjustment processes issuing "from the tanks" - on micro and micro-micro levels.
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    Teorie struktury stóp procentowych
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1997) Gruszczyńska-Brożbar, Elżbieta
    The article presents and systematizes major economic theories of time structure of interest rates, depending on the maturity dates of credit instruments. The main considerations focus primarily on market factors, i.e. on demand and supply of monetary assets. Most of the attention has been paid to the publications which, through an explanation of changes within the interest rates structure, specify the mechanism of bond markets. In particular, the following theories are taken into consideration: the expectations theory, the liquidity preference theory, the market segmentation theory. The theories presented in the article provide basis for interpretation of empirical researchregarding the fluctuation of interest rates. Nevertheless, these interest rate changes on various markets can be explained by other theories that are based on more recent economic models.
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    Wizerunki kandydatów na prezydenta w opinii wyborców
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1997) Pawłowska, Barbara
    The article refers to the results of all-Polish research programme named "Matters of Poles. Autumn 1995". The key problem of this research work was a relation between particular types of social, cultural and economic orientations (understood as relatively stable structures of convictions inherent social consciousness) and electoral preferences of questioned respondents. The article represents images of candidates for presidential office of the Republic of Poland as constructed with technics of semantic differential. The differences in behaviour (emotional attitude) towards particular candidates depending on cherished convictions about social and economic life have been revealed. Also a question of ideas of the respondents about a set of desired features of a politician was raised in the article.
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    Pornografia dziecięca - charakterystyka zjawiska
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1997) Krawulska-Ptaszyńska, Anna; Smelkowska-Zdziabek, Alicja
    Child pornography is produced at the psychological expense of the photographed child. Child pornography can be defined as photographs, films, videotapes, magazines, and books that depict children of either gender in sexually explicit acts (alone, with other children, with adults, or with animals). The key word for persons interested in child pornography is the word collection, because all of them collect some depictions of children. Production of pornography is connected also with the phenomenon of child sex rings - groups consisting of one or more adult person (a lot of them are pedophiles) and several children making sex together or with other adult persons.
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    Przegląd piśmiennictwa RPEiS 59(3), 1997
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1997)
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    Sprawozdania i informacje RPEiS 59(3), 1997
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1997)