Quaestiones Geographicae vol. 31 (3), 2012

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    Preliminary assessment of coastal erosion and local community adaptation in Sayung coastal area, central Java – Indonesia
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych UAM, 2012) Marfai, Muh Aris
    Dynamic environment in coastal area, especially due to coastal erosion process, has negative impact on human environment. Sayung coastal area, located in Central Java-Indonesia, has experienced severe impact of coastal erosion. As the result of the coastal erosion, hundreds of settlement located in coastal area has been destructed. Moreover, fishponds as the land use dominated in the coastal area also has been severely destroyed. Besides the coastal erosion, increasing of inundated area due to sea level rise also threaten the local community. Although devastating impact suffering the coastal area, the people of Tambaksari, as the part of Sayung area, decided to live and adapt with the coastal erosion. This paper aims to identify the coastal erosion and understand adaptation strategies held by the local community related to reduce the impact of the coastal erosion. Based on this research, various adaptation strategies has been identified, namely (1) Planting mangrove alongside the shoreline, (2) elevating the ground level, (3) building staged house, (4) utilizing deep well for freshwater supply, (5), maintaining social interaction with mainland community, (6) Collecting fish from the mangrove as the food, and (7) changing work into the tourism sector.
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    Formation and role of Neogene sediments from Tatra Mountains in the shaping of Czarna Orawa River alluvial plain
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych UAM, 2012) Krzaklewski, Paweł
    The paper presents researches that were conducted in Czarna Orawa River catchment, situated within the Tatra and Beskidy Mountains. Czarna Orawa River channel is segmental meandering system with the index of tortuosity up to 1.6. The aim of the article is to characterize gravels which were transported from the Tatra Mountains and their role in valley bottom formation. The gravels; originating from Beskidy and Tatra mountains, supply the alluvial cone of Czarny Dunajec. In Czarna Orawa Valley we meet coarser gravel (the Tatra Mountains gravel) and more angular than grains from the Beskidy Mountains. On the Holocene terraces in the valley gravel layer is 1-2 m thick. The grains are 1-6 cm in diameter and the biggest are found on the south bank (up to 20 cm). Between Jabłonka and Orawa Reservoir the change of petrographic composition is observed. Beneath Jabłonka village flysh gravels are common, and in the lower part, in the neighbourhoods of Orawa Reservoir, more than 55% are granites and gneisses. Gravel sediments are basic material building Holocene plain, showing fast erosional incision into the higher terrace level.
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    Stratigraphy of organic-rich deposits in floodplain environments: examples from the upper Odra River basin
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych UAM, 2012) Wójcicki, Krzysztof J.
    Macrofossil analysis and radiocarbon dating were used to determine the age, composition and succession pattern of organic-rich deposits infilling oxbows and flood basins in the Rivers Kłodnica, Odra and Osobłoga valleys (southern Poland). Both detrital sediments representing the aquatic or terrestrial environments as well as five types of peat accumulated in amphibious or peatland conditions have been identified in cores analyzed. Studies have shown that an accumulation of organic-rich deposits was commonly initiated by terrestrialisation and was typically occurred under eutrophic conditions. In such circumstances, deposit sequences usually begin with aquatic detrital sediment (gyttja), or possibly brown-moss or reed peat. These deposits normally pass into sedge-reed peat and then alder peat. If the accumulation of organic-rich deposits was initiated by paludification, alder peat appears in the lowest sections of the fens. In the upper parts of the sequences, apart from wood peat, organic deposits dominated by sedge remains are also present. The latter were accumulated, probably, as an indirect effect of human activities in the floodplains.
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    Some geographical and geological aspects in Johann Forster’s posthumous Journals… controversy – HMS Resolution memoirs never refined
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych UAM, 2012) Vorbrich, Krzysztof K.
    The article takes part in the controversy surrounding the scientific heritage of Johann Forster born in Poland, of Scottish ancestry, writing in Latin, German and English. The main medium are Johann’s Journals drafted in English during Cook’s Second Circumnavigation. This article first presents the scientific controversy surrounding the posthumously published Journals…. Then in eleven topic-organised sections it depicts critically the geographical and geographo/geological character of these diaries.
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    Health statistics in international databases and their cartographic visualization
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych UAM, 2012) Štampach, Radim; Geryk, Edvard
    For health system management, relevant data and information are necessary. The first part of the paper describes databases of the important health data providers WHO, OECD, IARC and Eurostat. It analyses whether they are in discrepancy and whether it is possible to combine data from different databases. Cartographic visualization can be used for the analysis of situations and also for the publishing of statistics and other information. Selected international providers offering health maps are evaluated in the second part of the paper. There are differences in the possibilities offered to the user and in the quality of the provided maps.
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    Natural and human impact on land use change of the Sikkimese-Bhutanese Himalayan piedmont, India
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych UAM, 2012) Prokop, Paweł; Sarkar, Subir
    Natural and human causes of land use transformation were analysed in the Sikkimese-Bhutanese Himalayan piedmont over last 150 years with special emphasize on period 1930-2010. A hydrologic and geomorphic approach was employed to delineate three study areas along river courses on alluvial fans stretching 10 km from the mountain front. The visual interpretation of topographic maps and satellite images combined with logical rules in GIS were used for determination of stable and dynamic areas from the viewpoint of land use changes. Analysis indicates rapid replacement of natural forest through location of tea plantations, crop cultivation and development of settlement in the late 19th century. The shift from natural to human dominated landscape caused increase land use stability through enlargement of areas with monoculture cultivation of tea and paddy between 1930 and 2010. The natural fluvial activity intensified by human induced deforestation of Himalayan margin and clearance of riparian vegetation along foothill channels became the most important factors of present-day land use changes of piedmont.
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    Problems of geotourism and geodiversity
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych UAM, 2012) Ollier, Clifford
    Early definitions of geotourism stressed tourism related to geology and geomorphology, though some drifted into other concepts such as education, sustainability, conservation and more. Later definitions, largely fostered by National Geographic, treat the topic as related to geography, or more simply place, and concentrate on the extraneous topics such as sustainability, conservation and so forth which should be part of any form of tourism. The earth science community is liable to lose its influence on creation and interpretation of geosites and related topics because the concept has been broadened to include everything. Geodiversity is a copy-cat adaptation of biodiversity, but while biodiversity might be a measure of the health of an ecosystem, the value of geological and geomorphic sites does not depend on diversity. Many geological and geomorphic features are restricted to a single rock or feature, which enhances their value. Geodiversity might be useful as a way of recording diverse features within a given area, but it should not be treated as a value-judgement on the significance of individual sites. The whole area of geoheritage is under threat from the redefinition of geotourism, and the mis-application of the concept of geodiversity.
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    Effect of mowing on the structure of sedge communities in the Chwiszczej River valley (Białowieża Forest)
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych UAM, 2012) Kołos, Aleksander
    The paper presents the results of the 4-year studies on the influence of mowing on sedge communities structure in the near-edge zone and in the riverbed-adjacent zone of the Chwiszczej River valley (Białowieża Forest). It was assumed that various habitat conditions in different parts of the valley could modify effects of mowing. The floristic richness of sedge dominated patches increases under the influence of mowing in both zones of the valley, mainly as a result of growing number of meadow species. These changes are determined by habitat factors only in the central part of the valley, where ground water’s dynamics is the biggest. Effects of mowing are almost completely canceled by long-lasting flooding. Such flooding may affect on sedge communities’ structure stronger than mowing. Irrespective of local habitat conditions, mowing is favorable to spread of Calamagrostis stricta, which is species of high competitiveness. Its domination could lead to decrease of floristic richness in rush communities.
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    Heavy thunderstorms on the Polish-German lowlands in the period 1951-2008 and their circulation conditions
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych UAM, 2012) Kolendowicz, Leszek
    The aim of the study was an analysis of the impact of atmospheric circulation over the territory of Europe on the frequency of occurrence of heavy thunderstorms on German Lowlands and on Polish Lowlands in the period 1951–2008. The atmospheric circulation in days with investigated phenomena was illustrated as the averaged image of the atmospheric pressure field over Europe (sea level pressure and 500 hPa geopotential heights). Heavy thunderstorm phenomena occur as a result of low pressure systems or low pressure troughs moving above investigated area and bringing cold air masses. Usually, the distribution of isobars at sea level indicates the occurrence of atmospheric fronts accompanying a low pressure system.
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    Digital aerial images land cover classification based on vegetation indices
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych UAM, 2012) Dzieszko, Maciej; Dzieszko, Piotr; Królewicz, Sławomir; Cierniewski, Jerzy
    Knowledge of how land cover has changed over time improve assessments of the changes in the future. Wide availability of remote sensed data and relatively low cost of their acquisition make them very attractive data source for Geographical Information Systems (GIS). The main goal of this paper is to prepare, run and evaluate image classification using a block of raw aerial images obtained from Digital Mapping Camera (DMC). Classification was preceded by preparation of raw images. It contained geometric and radiometric correction of every image in block. Initial images processing lead to compensate their brightness differences. It was obtained by calculating two vegetation indices: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Green Normalized Vegetation Index (gNDVI). These vegetation indices were the foundation of image classification. PCI Geomatics Geomatica 10.2 and Microimages TNT Mips software platforms were used for this purpose.