Współczesne konflikty wyznaniowe na Łemkowszczyźnie
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Contemporary religious conflicts in Lemkovyna
Celem pracy jest opis i wszechstronna (przede wszystkim pod względem kulturowym) konfliktów wyznaniowych, które wydarzyły się w ostatnim półwieczu na Łemkowszczyźnie – dawnym terytorium etnograficznym zamieszkałym przez Łemków. Były to przede wszystkim konflikty między polską (rzymskokatolicką) i łemkowską (greckokatolicką i prawosławną) częścią społeczności, zamieszkującej to terytorium, o prawo do użytkowania pounickich cerkwi. Konflikty miały również swe inne źródła (narodowościowe, sąsiedzkie, obyczajowe). Rozgrywały się one także w łonie samej grupy łemkowskiej. Określenie „współczesny”, w odniesieniu do – będącego przedmiotem moich badań – zagadnienia konfliktu religijnego, oznaczać będzie okres mający swój początek w 1947 roku (ostatni etap wysiedlenia Łemków) i trwający aż po czasy nam teraźniejsze, a więc obejmujący całe półwiecze, w przybliżeniu – 2. połowę XX stulecia i początek XXI wieku. Konflikty mieszkańców „współczesnej Łemkowszczyzny” na tle wyznaniowym, które wydarzyły się w wymienionym okresie, są zasadniczym przedmiotem niniejszej pracy.
The term ‘Lemkovyna’ is a definition of a former ethnographical region, covering Beskid Niski, Eastern part of the Beskid Sadecki and Western part of the Bieszczady, which was inhabited until the end of 1947 by the Lemks – one of group of Ruthenian Carpathian highlanders, who counted circa 100-150 thousand people before the world war II. In this area there was 187 Lemkian villages and settlements at that time. As a result of the post-war deportation this population is now dispersed over western and northern Poland, as well as Ukraine. Only some of the Lemks stayed in their ‘homeland in the mountains’ or returned there in the 50's. Nowadays they stand for about 25% of the whole population of that area. The rest of the inhabitants consists of Polish post-war immigrants from different parts of the country, in the majority however – from neighboring, overpopulated foot-mountain villages. The term ‘contemporary’ with reference to religion conflict issue described in this work means a period since 1947 (the last stage of the Lemks’ deportation) to the present day (the beginning of XXI century). The main task of this paper was a comprehensive description and analysis of religious conflicts in Lemkovyna, which happened in this period or may happen in the future. Another task was the attempt to describe a behavioral model of local society in case of religious conflict and to work out a way to mitigate a religious quarrel.
The term ‘Lemkovyna’ is a definition of a former ethnographical region, covering Beskid Niski, Eastern part of the Beskid Sadecki and Western part of the Bieszczady, which was inhabited until the end of 1947 by the Lemks – one of group of Ruthenian Carpathian highlanders, who counted circa 100-150 thousand people before the world war II. In this area there was 187 Lemkian villages and settlements at that time. As a result of the post-war deportation this population is now dispersed over western and northern Poland, as well as Ukraine. Only some of the Lemks stayed in their ‘homeland in the mountains’ or returned there in the 50's. Nowadays they stand for about 25% of the whole population of that area. The rest of the inhabitants consists of Polish post-war immigrants from different parts of the country, in the majority however – from neighboring, overpopulated foot-mountain villages. The term ‘contemporary’ with reference to religion conflict issue described in this work means a period since 1947 (the last stage of the Lemks’ deportation) to the present day (the beginning of XXI century). The main task of this paper was a comprehensive description and analysis of religious conflicts in Lemkovyna, which happened in this period or may happen in the future. Another task was the attempt to describe a behavioral model of local society in case of religious conflict and to work out a way to mitigate a religious quarrel.
Wydział Historyczny: Instytut Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej
Konflikt wyznaniowy, Religious conflict, Religia, Religion, Łemkowie, Lemks, Łemkowszczyzna, Lemkovyna