Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2013, vol. 40, nr 4
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Le roman de l'extrême contemporain en langue française (red. nauk. Jerzy Lis)
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Item Les aventures du narratif dans deux romans de Pierre Senges(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-12-30) Kroker, WiesławIn his novels, Pierre Senges (born in 1968) constantly questions the limits of the literary representation as he emphasizes the textual nature of any fictional world. "Veuves au maquillage" (2000) is a relatively continuous narrative of an unusual suicide planned by the protagonist-narrator as a methodic murder gradually committed on him by his six mistresses, the six jealous widows; whereas "Études de silhouettes" (2010) consists of a series of short texts, each based on a phrase from Kafka’s drafts, without any thematic bounds between them. In Senges’s universe, the borders become blurred between different possible worlds so as the reader does not get the possibility to determine whether any of these worlds has a priority over the others. His postmodern writing is a lesson and a practice of relativity of values and significations.Item Écrire la danse, danser la vie. "Ego tango" de Caroline de Mulder(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-12-30) Siwek, Ryszard"Ego tango" is the debut novel by a Belgian writer, Caroline de Mulder. In 2010, it won the most significant literary award in the country. The story is set in a closed circle of the Paris tango dancers. The present study examines the original narration of the novel and the construction of the plot, which are both subordinated to the introvert nature of the tango – a dance that becomes an addiction and an obsession. De Mulder’s text is an interesting example of a theoretical problem of the “correspondence of arts,” their mutual overlapping and co-dependence; in this particular case, literature and dance. This concerns both the music and the lyrics of the tangos, which constitute an integral component of the structure of the musical piece and determine the rhythm of the story being told, its atmosphere, mood and type of the relationship between the protagonists. The novel was inspired by the personal experience of the authoress – a tango dancer and was structured in accordance with the nature and the spirit of this dance.Item Résister au monde. Déclinaisons historiques de l’identité contemporaine dans quelques romans de Véronique Bergen(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-12-30) Zbierska-Mościcka, JudytaFictional autobiographies of a Belgian writer, Véronique Bergen, describing fates of outstanding characters albeit marginalised by history (Kaspar Hauser, Ludwig II of Bavaria, Ulrike Meinhof), may be interpreted as a metaphor of a contemporary man’s fate, a man caught, often against his will, in a course of political or social events. The characters described here adopt an active resistance stand against life, the stand defined by Bergen in her essay "Résistances philosophiques", and manifested by striving to create one’s own, coherent world and a new language. In her reference to G. Deleuze, the author states that the said resistance is not only an act of existence but, also, an act of creation while creation of a new language involves, mainly, building of one’s own “I’. Identity of an individual is entangled within identity of a creator while reflection on language – with reflection on artistic medium.Item Aux prises avec la banalisation : la collection « L’instant érotique »(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-12-30) Swoboda, TomaszThe paper discusses contemporary condition of French erotic or/and pornographic novel. As social and cultural circumstances seem to put an end to its transgressive potential, the authors of this kind of writing tried, at first, to keep abreast of other media. Nevertheless the “trash” or “grunge” novel as well as autofictional erotic writings were not able to satisfy the critics. The novels from “L’instant erotique” collection, written by specialists of erotic art, change the strategy and exploit the new state of cultural relations in which the role of this sort of literature is rather to imitate or to play with erotic or pornographic tradition, creating a new model of reception: very conscious and erudite.Item Ranger le monde. "Féerie générale" d’Emmanuelle Pireyre(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-12-30) Lis, JerzyTo describe the world and to put some order into our contemporaneity, Emmanuelle Pireyre gathered in his novel titled "Féérie générale "(2012) numerous examples of situations that are symptomatic of the reality of the last years. Written in a way that highlights all the nuances of everyday life and interspersed either with the narrator’s opinions on modern society, or with dreams, extracts of electronic notices, anecdotes, or even with the presentation of a collection of kisses, the stories summarize the discontinuous and complex world. Denouncing the aberrations of society, the narrator confronts the clichés and the ideas people do not have time to think about, suggesting that we see in this world only the beautiful things, love and happiness, feelings considered futile by the thinkers and the creators. In this collection of magic things, Pireyre invites at the same time the readers to distance themselves from the disorder of the world and to live on a kind of islands of happiness.Item Le roman sans événements : "Oreille rouge" d’Éric Chevillard(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-12-30) Maziarczyk, AnnaEven though absurd humour and surreal scenes are at first sight the characteristic elements of Eric Chevillard’s style, it is an oversimplifi cation to consider his novels as mere literary jokes. The appeal of this literature stems from the light and witty manner in which it transforms outdated novelistic conventions, deconstructs classic narrative strategies and refuses to fulfi ll the reader’s expectations. This article seeks to analyse minimal narration, an unusual mode of writing for Chevillard, in Oreille rouge: just like narrative excess, typical of his other works, it results in dematerialisation of the plot and redefinition of the novelistic structure.Item Eugène Savitzkaya : une quête formelle pour savourer la vie(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-12-30) Teklik, JoannaSavitzkaya, hardly known to French public, delights contemporary readers with his style, displaying both peculiar and variegated characteristics. Although he dispenses with the matters of genre, his latest texts (Célébration d’un mariage improbable et illimité, 2002, Exquise Louise, 2003, Fou trop poli, 2005) are still thought to represent the novel. His peculiarity lies in that he contrasts a daily routine with brilliantly worked form, nevertheless well suited to depict it. His predilection for language is pervasive in his style, showing strong preference for details (still, it stands in a stark contrast to the practice of the Nouveaux Romanciers of the 20th century). Savitzkaya asserts himself with the aid of conciseness, draws to a large extent upon surprising stylistic devices, juggles with words, even if paying careful attention to their precision. Finally, he acts as a genuine poet, reviving fragrances and colors of childhood. All in all, the whole of his work is designed to bring his readers to take pleasure in living.Item Les romans de Gilles Rozier ou les langues et la post-mémoire juives sorties de l’impasse du silence(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-12-30) Sadkowski, PiotrThe aim of the article is to provide a reading of Gilles Rozier’s novels in the context of the phenomenon of Jewish postmemory (Hirsch), which in recent literature acquires a new dimension. The texts selected for disscussion exemplify the return to narrative and to the subject in contemporary novel and signal a new approach to postmemory employed by the third generation of survivors, participants of the Jewish revival. In Rozier’s novels, and in texts by other contemporary writers (e.g., Daniel Mendelsohn in the USA or Piotr Paziński in Poland), while the memory of WWII does not disappear, the focus most often falls on the narrative of Jewish life before and after the Holocaust. Postmemory exists in those texts in the form of the transmission of the word, repossession of the language of ancestors, cultural continuity rather than silence and separation, which characterised the output of earlier generations of writers (such as, for example, Georges Perec).Item El enigma de las "montañas reales": propuesta narrativa de David Toscana(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-12-30) Kasperska, IwonaThe objective of this paper is to reflect on some features of David Toscana’s novel "Los puentes de Königsberg". In this contribution by the Northern Mexican writer there are unusual parallelisms between different realities of the cities of Monterrey (Mexico) and Königsberg (East Prussia), which become the basis of the structure of the novel. In this framework the author situates certain eccentric characters, providing them with a “double life”, a real Mexican one and an imaginary East-Prussian one, in order to contrast the cities and validate the superiority of Königsberg, the actual protagonist of the novel. Toscana uses selected criteria, such as scientific and cultural contributions by the cities, their different historical fates, and the moral attitudes of their inhabitants towards discrimination, war crimes and gender violence, which implies a severe critique of Monterrey’s society. The set of parallelisms between the cities is totally convincing as a fictional structure and emphasizes the most prominent quality of Toscana’s analysed prose.Item Le rêve communautaire de Marie-Claire Blais. Eschatologie et agapé dans le cycle de "Soifs"(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-12-30) Kyloušek, PetrMarie-Claire Blais seeks to innovate, throughout her career, her “antimimétique” writing. Her extensive pentalogy - Soifs (1995), Dans la foudre et la lumière (2001), Augustino et le choeur de la destruction (2005), Naissance de Rebecca à l’ère des tourments (2008), Mai au bal des prédateurs (2010) – offers a complex existential questioning of the actual situation of the man. The problem of Evil and Good, which is in the heart of questions and answers, is treated with an original narration, transforming Virginia Woolf’s stream of consciousness. This innovation, however, is rooted in the tradition, namely its baroque poetics and its community orientation, both attached to the affirmation / negation of the catholic heritage that marked Quebec.