Badania Fizjograficzne, Seria A, Tom 63, 2012

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    Dependence of severe storm occurrence on circulation types in Poland
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Łupikasza, Ewa; Bielec-Bąkowska, Zuzanna
    The paper investigates the relationships between the occurrence of thunderstorms with heavy precipitation (> 30 mm) and atmospheric circulation types. The study covers the period 1951–1998 and is based on a matching span of records of thunderstorm occurrence and daily precipitation totals at 47 weather stations in Poland. A catalogue of circulation types by Osuchowska-Klein, data on frequency of fronts over south-eastern Poland by Niedźwiedź and weather maps were used. In Poland, days with a thunderstorm and more than 30 mm of precipitation are extremely rare and occur mainly in summer. Their recurrence period amounts to about two to four years, with the exception of mountain areas (southern Poland) where they occur nearly every year. The heaviest precipitation on a day with thunderstorm, 166.1 mm, was recorded at a high-mountain station on Mt. Kasprowy Wierch. Apart from this station the highest precipitation was 141.0 mm and only eight stations had at least one record of more than 100 mm. Four regions characterised by different circulation types most favourable for the occurrence of thunderstorms with heavy precipitation were identified. In all of them southerly advection was most favourable for the occurrence of the phenomena studied (Sc, SEc, Sa/c), but that effect was especially prominent in the south-western region. Most of the days with thunderstorm and heavy precipitation coincided with the passing of an atmospheric front over Poland (53.8–81.9% days depending on the station). Days with air-mass thunderstorm and heavy precipitation were rare and mostly occurred in areas of variable topography.
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    Zróżnicowanie przestrzenne i przebieg roczny opadów atmosferycznych w dorzeczu Stobrawy w latach 1954-1980
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Jaskulska, Alicja
    The characteristics of spatial diversity of the annual precipitation distribution in the Stobrawa River basin between 1956 and 1980 is presented in the article. The study was based on average monthly precipitation from 11 precipitation stations located in the research area, as well as from 6 precipitation stations and 1 meteorological station, in Opole, situated outside the basin’s boundaries. The yearly progress of monthly precipitation was the subject of the analysis. Maps of its geographical distribution were drawn, which allowed the areas of the highest and the lowest average monthly precipitation to be indicated, as well as to specify the factors that influence this variation. It was also determined what the maximum and minimum amounts of precipitation in the examined period were.
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    Wpływ sytuacji synoptycznych na anomalie termiczne w Poznaniu w latach 1971-2008
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Karolczak, Ewelina
    The aim of this work is the synoptic conditions analysis of thermal extremities in the city of Poznań in the XIX and XX century and contains 37 years of research. Two thermal seasons were analysed: summer and winter. These seasons were chosen because of their great temperature variability and because of their long duration in comparison to the other periods. The thermal extremes of the chosen seasons were combined with synoptic situations and types of atmospheric circulation over Europe. Furthermore the variability and instability of the beginning and ending dates of those periods, when the temperature threshold for these seasons was exceeded, was examined.
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    Wizualizacja wymiernych i plastycznych cech rzeźby na podstawie numerycznego modelu terenu dla Wielkopolskiego Parku Narodowego
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Medyńska-Gulij, Beata; Lis, Marcin; Wielebski, Łukasz
    The article presents a procedural algorithm used for developing time accessibility maps generated by means of a GIS application with a module for network analysis, constituting visualizations for decision-making purposes of emergency and rescue services. The research stages are presented on the example of the road network in Rokietnica Municipality near the city of Poznań, Poland. As a result of the cartographic visualization process, isochrone maps and assessment charts were developed.
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    Zastosowanie narzędzi invest do wyceny produkcji drewna jako świadczenia ekosystemów leśnych. Przykład Nadleśnictwa Złotów
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Lupa, Piotr
    The subject of this article is timber production in Złotów Forest District and the evaluation of wood produced in different forest habitat types. The main goals of the study are to show the process of timber production as a forest ecosystem service, to present InVEST tools abilities in the valuation of timber production (managed timber production model). Total volume of timber produced annually in the district has been estimated at 76,3 thousand cubic meters, while the potential value of this benefit was valued at more than 21,1 million PLN. These figures show a significant variation within different forest habitat types. The studies are the author’s first step on the way to determine the total value of the forest, and should be included among activities related to the protection of forest ecosystems.
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    Struktura fizyczna gruntu, zawartość substancji organicznej oraz skład chemiczny gleb w podłożach 21 stanowisk zieleni miejskiej na terenie Poznania. Część IV. Zawartość mikroelementów: Cl, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, B oraz Na, Pb i Cd. Wskaźnik zasolenia EC
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Łukasiewicz, Szymon
    This article presents the physical structure of the land, organic substances content and the chemical composition of soil comprising subsoil of 21 urban greenery locations in the city of Poznań. As they tend to be commonly underestimated, they have also been presented with view to their vital functions in plants’ life processes. The analysed microelements are referred to their levels, the so-called geo-chemical background of Polish soils and the limit values for field soils with medium levels of nutrients.
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    Struktura fizyczna gruntu, zawartość substancji organicznej oraz skład chemiczny gleb w podłożach 21 stanowisk zieleni miejskiej na terenie Poznania. Część III. Zawartość makroelementów: N, P, K, S, Ca i Mg
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Łukasiewicz, Szymon
    This article is a continuation of a four-piece work describing the condition of soil in what has been broadly defined as central Poznań. This article presents the content of active forms of six chemical elements which tend to be absorbed by plants in biggest quantities. Relations between these chemical elements are discussed and indications are made of how to counteract the negative effects of deficits as well as overdoses of specific chemical elements in the substrate.
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    Dostępność czasowa sieci drogowej gminy Rokietnica dla ochotniczych straży pożarnych na podstawie modelu sieciowego
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Wielebski, Łukasz
    The article presents a procedural algorithm used for developing time accessibility maps generated by means of a GIS application with a module for network analysis, constituting visualizations for decision-making purposes of emergency and rescue services. The research stages are presented on the example of the road network in Rokietnica Municipality near the city of Poznań, Poland. As a result of the cartographic visualization process, isochrone maps and assessment charts were developed.
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    Charakterystyka topoklimatyczna fragmentu wybrzeża klifowego w rejonie Białej Góry (Woliński Park Narodowy)
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Piękny, Miłosz
    The Meteorological Section at the scientific camp 2009–2010 conducted a series of meteorological measurements in the region of Biała Góra. The exploration area is located about 2 km east of Międzyzdroje, at the research station of the AMU Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences. Members of the section made measurements in the six selected points. The location of points had to reflect the specifics of the area (from the beach to the car park at the research station). The section focused on three basic measurements: air temperature (2009–2010), relative humidity (2009–2010) and atmospheric pressure (2009). This article aims to analyse a topoclimate section of cliff coast in the Wolin National Park. The compilation recognised the impact of various land surfaces, sea and altitude on the variability of air temperature and relative humidity. It notes the varied course of the daily meteorological elements analysed, which is directly related to the value of radiation balance dependent upon the intensity of direct solar radiation. In this article, particular emphasis is applied to the analysis of temperature amplitudes and humidity at different measuring points.
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    Zastosowanie analizatora wielkości i kształtu cząstek Morphologi G3 do badań teksturalnych osadów
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Szymura, Przemysław; Malinowska-Limanówka, Mirosława
    The aim of this paper is to explain the usefulness of the Morphologi G3 analyser, made by the Malvern company, for studies of the morphology and shape of sediment particles. The main part of this paper includes detailed data about the analyser’s structure and particle measurement methodology for characterizing sediment texture. It explains the measurement procedures (Standard Operating Procedure SOP), allowing measurement standardisation and validation. It is important to emphasize the value of this methodology in the light of former methods of particle description and in line with other current interpretations of particle morphology.
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    Wpływ czynników pozaprzyrodniczych na zmiany struktury krajobrazu rolniczego Regionu Północno-Zachodniego w ostatnim dwudziestoleciu
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Markuszewska, Iwona
    This paper presents preliminary results of the study on agricultural landscape structure changes as a consequence of the influence of non-natural factors. The study region includes provinces of the North- -Western Region while the time span covers the years 1990–2010. Quantitative analysis of farmland use changes, which were based on Central Statistical Office data, were made. Moreover, selected indicators of agriculture characteristic as well as Driving Force – Pressure – State – Impact – Response approach were used. The study showed that due to increasing pressure of the intensive manner of arable land management, the durability and stability of landscape structure are under potential threat. This is because the economic benefits associated with increasing productivity are not always favourable from the point of view.
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    Użytkowanie wód w średniowieczu na przykładzie zlewni Osiecznicy
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Kaniecki, Alfred
    This article analyses the activities aimed at exploiting water resources for power generation and fishing. From the end of the 14th century onwards, water provided energy to water mills located in the catchment of Osiecznica. Their considerable growth in number in this area, to a total of 28, was observed at the end of the 16th century as a result of the Polish-Lithuanian Union and economic growth. The water mills had a significant influence on the formation of the hydrological system of the catchment area. Their building and functioning was connected with the formation of mill-ponds, dams, weirs and mill ditches. The river network adaptation for these purposes included: river mining, river bed cleaning and changes of water discharge. Water from lakes and springs was guided to watercourses along which several water mills were built. Water mills were built mainly on the Osiecznica, Szczanica and Dopływ z Kwilcza, the greatest rivers of this catchment mainly below outflows of lakes. In the Middle Ages fishing was undoubtedly a very important form of water use. There was a lot of water in this catchment: the Osiecznica River and its tributaries, lakes and ponds. Often near the main mill ponds, which dammed the water for the mill, a few smaller ponds were dug out where fish were bred. The combination of pond management with water energy and fish breeding created an increase in so-called small retention in the Osiecznica catchment.
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    Jeziora Pojezierza Wielkopolsko-Kujawskiego jako baza rekreacyjno-wypoczynkowa
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Ptak, Mariusz
    The main advantage of the Wielkopolsko-Kujawskie Lake District for recreation and relaxation are its lakes. They are used mainly by residents of the region, due to their ability to access them quickly and thus the associated low costs of transport. The work on the base of topographic maps in a scale of 1 : 50 000, inventoried the recreation basis located around the district’s lakes. Altogether there are 502 such objects. They are located at over 178 lakes, which constitute only 14.7% of all the lakes in the Lake District. The distribution of leisure and recreation infrastructure is chaotic and random, often with better performances in the lake for recreational purposes (such as large surface area) do not have such a building over its banks and there is a smaller lake, with lower quality water, etc.