Przestrzenie Teorii, 2002, nr 1

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    Spis treści
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002)
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    „Sprzecznościowa" koncepcja literackości
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Balcerzan, Edward
    Among determinants of literary character indicated by successive schools there is none which could be described as existing always and everywhere in the word art. What is worse, every one of them can be found also in the inartistic forms of expression. A substantial component (an excerpt) of a text cannot become the universal distinguishing feature of literature as the essence of literature is determined by specific intratextual and extratextual relations. These are "antinomic" relations, embracing everything which is to be found within the bounds of poetics of the composition - the "hard" textual fact as well as the expected result of reading, not only attributes of one particular level of the composition's structure, but also features of different layers. It causes tensions between phenotype and genotype, between text and non-verbal reality. These antinomies do not have equal power, they could be graduated, and they are placed in between extremes of solvability and unsolvability, agreement and destruction.
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    Z problemów teorii powieści. Z problemów teorii śmiechu. <0 Majakowskim>
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Bachtin, Michaił; Brzostowska, Tamara (Tł.)
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    Przestrzeń i tekst
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Toporow, Władimir; Żyłko, Bogusław (Tł.)
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    Retoryka - o ile jest kłamliwa...
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Bachtin, Michaił; Brzostowska, Tamara (Tł.)
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    Dramat jako filozofia dramatu. Na przykładzie twórczości Tadeusza Różewicza
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Górska, Irena
    Tadeusz Różewicz's drama becomes philosophy in two ways. It poses the same questions as philosophy does (about the sense and the aim of human life) and it uses the same methods of expressing itself (it converses with other works, the world, the reader and the writer). Różewicz destroys the old drama rules to re-use them in order to construct some new ones and he rebuilds the world using these rules. However, the newly-built forms don't resemble the classical drama. The boundary between life and art disappears. Paradoxically, it turns out that destruction can be a tool to unite the world. In Różewicz's world everything loses its identity. On the level of genetic rules a fragment appears, whereas, on the philosophical level there is the idea of imperfection.
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    Tekst jako „anastylos". Przedmiot i ciało w twórczości Jarosława Marka Rymkiewicza
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Wojda, Dorota
    Text as Anastylos aims at reconstructing Jarosław Marek Rymkiewicz's poetics as well as his worldview. The present author sees them as inseparable orders. The category of anastylos, primarily describing a type of architectonic conservation is used here as a means of presenting the specificity of negative testimony given by Rymkiewicz to various forms of existence, inscribed by him into various genological forms and treated as the integrative factor in the entirety of his discourse. The author claims that the specificity of the negative testimony may be, in general terms, described as an effect of simultanuous identity and nonidentity between the text and the being it reconstructs as well as a presentation of its objects - a thing and a body - as related in an act of their mutual creation.
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    Portret intelektualisty w „Dziennikach" Raymonda Queneau
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Lubas-Bartoszyńska, Regina
    The intellectual portrait in R. Queneau's "Diaries" is built by the author himself and - to the same extent - by the reader, on the basis of the way in which the records are organized and their contents. Although the autobiographical speaker in the "Diaries" adopts many models of self-presentation (e.g. as an intimist, a traveller, a patriot, a humanitarian), one of them, that of an intellectual, encyclopaedist, erudite, writer and philosopher, pervades all the others; playing with them is one of the methods of presenting oneself as an intellectual, besides direct reference, biography, thematics, and artistic programmes.
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    Filozofia fizyki teoretycznej Einsteina i Diraca
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Staruszkiewicz, Andrzej
    The subject of considerations in this work are Einstein's and Dirac's views on theoretical physics. Using as an example the Euclidean geometry and its epistemological status through the ages, the author outlines the basic philosophy of the modern theoretical physics, emphasising in particular the prominent role of ideas of simplicity and beauty as the guiding principles of research in theoretical physics.
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    Translatologia z perspektywy końca (wieku)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Legeżyńska, Anna
    When summing up the history of translatology in the second half of the 20th century, the author points to undoubtful achievements of this discipline as well as disputable questions and tasks for the future. She proves that the postmodern conceptions of the exhaustion of literature (Lyotard) are not reflected in studies of translation. Just the opposite, this field has been developing dynamically, although its autonomy is still questioned. The chance of translatology is its interdisciplinary character, relation with methodology of linguistic studies, using the theory of interpretation and the theory of intertextuality. Some of the questions which are disputed are: equivalentisation, non-translatability, opposition of archaisation and modernisation. In the sphere of postulates is the synthesis of Polish knowledge on translation, Formation of proper criticism of translation and codification of terminology. All these motifs of considerations are supported by references to the most important conceptions and trends of the 20th century translatology.
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    Od polityki i teorii do literatury. Wokół „Théorie d'ensemble" grupy Tel Quel
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Dziadek, Adam
    This text aims at a description of the famous manifesto published by the group Tel Quel in France in 1968. The author gives a short analysis of chosen texts by Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Roland Barthes and particularly Julia Kristeva. The analysis shows important links between politics and literary theory of the Tel Quel. It also shows the way that politics and theory (based on such intertexts as Marx, Freud and Lacan) influenced new notion of the text, of the intertextuality and the others.
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    Ekran i kadr
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Hendrykowski, Marek
    Among the contemporary media through which to communicate images, human consciousness is still the most important manner of viewing reality. As it is no technology will replace perception of the world by means of the senses. Consciousness is a peculiar screen, because like any other screens, known for a long time (rock paintings, cinema and TV screens and the like) it always performs the separating function. An important problem is the distinction of a screen from a frame. The screen is the object of perception, and the frame is an imagined object - a conventional framework of a message. The space beyond the frame is an imaginary space which is external to what is perceived by the viewer. In this space a visual plan may be accompanied by an audial plan (e.g. monologue or dialogue "off" the frame). One should always remember (particularly at the time of modern technologies of the media) about the danger of obliterating the border which separates the (audio)visual screen message from reality.
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    Metodologie i mody metodologiczne we współczesnej humanistyce (literaturoznawczej)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Balbus, Stanisław
    Methodology is a "visiting-card" of nomothematicity within every science, and even if a given discipline as a whole is not considered a nomothematic one. However, behind every methodology stands a definite epistemology thanks to which a revelation of the subject of considerations and at the same time of the studying object. Thus, methodology is an epistemological necessity and only in this sense may aspire to scientific aesthetics which - as proved by P. Dirac - is identical with real science.
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    Pojęcie pola metaforycznego w poetyce kognitywnej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Ślósarska, Joanna
    The paper presents basic conceptualisations of the metaphoric field in the views of N. Babuts, G. Lakoff, M. Johnson, M. Turner, R. W. Gibbs, and R. Tsur. In the course of considering these views the following problems are discussed: differentiation of the conceptual from linguistic metaphors, hypothesis of a cognitive base for linguistic creation of poetical tropes, creation of poetical figures in relation to standard metaphors in natural language, dynamics of the processes of conceptual and linguistic métaphorisations, categories of the mental image and of the vantage point. The whole discussion is placed within a context of the two basic paradigms of cognitive science - mental and empirical.
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    Poststrukturalizm, dekonstrukcja, feminizm, gender, dyskursy mniejszości i co dalej?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Burzyńska, Anna
    The article is a brief summary of the last critical phase in literary studies. It considers some most important meanings of prefix "post-" according to opinions of its inventor, the French philosopher Jean-Franęois Lyotard. Deconstruction, feminist criticism, gender studies, discourses of the minorities etc. - all these have a "postic" character, because they transform the petrified traditions into new forms, revealing their unnoticed possibilities, and stressing their critical resources. The author introduces to poststructuralism, one of the most important trends of the European and American postmodern thought (the critique of epistemological foundationalism), for which deconstruction built a philosophical background. The author stresses metatheoretical dimension of the poststructuralist thought.
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    Od linearnej do cyrkularnej komunikacji literackiej, a stąd do milczenia (O sytuacji we współczesnych doktrynach literackich)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Kuźma, Erazm
    This paper is a part of a whole which will be published later in a book. The first section concerns ambiguities of contemporary terms: "communication", "literature", "literary communication". The second part is devoted to the turn from linearity to circularity in the philosophy of Jaspers and Heidegger. The third part - to the same turn in sociology of Habermas and Luhmann. The fourth part - not included here - examins the turn to circularity in hermeneutics, Marxism, structuralism and deconstruction. The last part contains the outlook on the future of literary theory and literary scholarship.
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    Mimesis - między udawaniem a referencją
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Mitosek, Zofia
    This study reformulates the old problem of mimesis in the spirit of pragmatics. It treats similarity as as a subjective-objective relation. Comparison of the conception of formal mimetism and literature as pretending of actual acts of speech leads to a conclusion on the asymmetry of these two modern applications of the category of mimesis. The first one attempts at restricting its use, the second attempts at globalisation, a kind of which is pragmatisation. Conception of mimesis as pretending strengthens the objective characterisation of categories. The function of convention is emphasised, which determines either the mimetic or referential reading of a text, which becomes particularly important in the reading of documentary and paradocumentary literature where we have to do with a permanent asymmetry of the sender's expectations and of the recipient's reactions. Attempts at defining mimesis in terms of cognitivist theories are conducive to pragmatisation of categories where the mental effects of a literary representation are involved, and the similarity is defined as closeness of a text and perceptual schemes located in the recipient's brain. All these processes lead to the questioning of mimesis as a palpable property in the structure of the text, stressing the reader's and the reading's role in the constitution of the mimetic effect.