Emotional Intelligence and Education

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Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM

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Inteligencja emocjonalna a edukacja


In recent years, the study of emotions has broadened its scope and established its standing as a new scientific discipline. Humanity has become increasing conscious of the seminal role played by the emotional components in both intrapersonal and interpersonal behavior. Research into the brain, behavior, education and medicine have been presenting, with increasing frequency, new findings and evidence proving that people with a higher I.Q. are not necessarily happier, more sociable, more communicative, more moral, more ethical, or more successful. The integration of the rational with the emotional is what guides the individual towards a behavioral result. A deeply rooted and inherent correlation exists between emotional intelligence (EI) and positive social results (PSR): adaptive abilities, the capacity for healthy social behaviors, caring, altruism, empathy as well as the tendency to bond and establish quality social relationships. By using EI skills and techniques, an educator (and the educational system at large) will be better able to achieve his educational objectives with the students not only as individuals but also as a group. The educator and the educational process are responsible for building and developing the infrastructure of EI that constitutes a major and essential part of life quality from childhood to adulthood. Emotional intelligence in the teaching sphere is highly instrumental in mutual relations between educator and students. Understanding and application of emotional intelligence in the forms of self-consciousness, control of feelings, relationship systems and enlightened communication, pave the way to concord and harmony between mind, emotion and behaviour. This coordination equips the educator with the wherewithal to teach and react consciously and emotionally and ensures his effective and educative entente with his students. Their mutual understanding creates the best possible conditions for the teaching process and for scholastic success. Our social intelligence emphasizes sensitivity to others and enables us direct our actions towards the creation of enlightened and progressive interpersonal communication.




Emotional Intelligence (EI), Cognitive ability, Emotions, Emotions, Self Effective Life (SEL)


Studia Edukacyjne, 2015, nr 37, s.327-348






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