Studia Edukacyjne, 2015, nr 37


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    recenzje_noty_TOMASZ SIODA, Historia ożywiania noworodków w Polsce, Plus Ultra, Poznań 2015, ss. 153
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Kabacińska-Łuczak, Katarzyna
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    Difficulties Experienced by Special Education Novice Teachers in Their Induction Year, At the Various Special Education Frameworks in Israel: Outline of a Research Study
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Bar, Nava
    The stage of the entry into teaching of the beginning teacher is a distinct stage in the circle of the professional development of teachers and is accompanied by many challenges and difficulties. The classic model of Fuller (1969) and its extension into the model of Fuller and Brown (1975) that addresses the beginning teacher’s concerns, presents three stages in the beginning teacher’s professional development: the stage of survival – concerns about the self, the stage of mastery – concerns about tasks/situations, and the stage of impact – concerns about the impact on students. This article seeks to present a research outline that addresses a population on which the research has not focused extensively, the novice teachers in special education, who work in the different frameworks of special education that present the novice teachers with challenges and difficulties. The research will examine what are the difficulties of the novice teachers in special education, in the different frameworks of special education, during the year of their entry into teaching. In addition, the research will examine whether there is a distinction between the different frameworks in the aspect of the difficulties with which the novice teachers cope, as well as in the solutions provided to them in coping with their difficulties. The importance of this research study is by extension the theoretical academic knowledge about the entry into teaching and the difficulties of beginning teachers in special education, and the possibility to use this knowledge to improve the mechanisms of absorption of the special education novice teachers in the educational field.
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    Pupils’ Misconceptions as a Psychosocial Barrier in the Context of Inclusive Education
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Pivarč, Jakub
    During the totalitarian regime the Czech education system significantly hindered or entirely prevented pupils with a developmental disability to exercise their right to education. Since 1989, the Czech schooling system has undergone a distinct transformation. In line with the qualities of today’s postmodern society, the idea of inclusion has been one of the changes, but has been evolving only at a theoretical level so far. Inclusive education is clearly a solution for pupils with a developmental disability, which in turn leads to equal and effective education. Some obstacles within the practical application of inclusion may be negative attitudes, incorrect understanding, prejudices and invalid generalisations (misconceptions) of intact pupils about their peers who have a developmental disability. The paper discusses psychosocial barriers at a microsocial level in a classroom which may inhibit the inclusion process. The main focus is on the issue of pupils’ misconceptions and some strategies to overcome them.
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    The Use of Code Switching as a Communicative Strategy by the Lubavicher Emissaries Working with Jewish American Students: The Interaction Between Lubavicher Emissaries and their American Students
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Hefer, Gila
    In this article there will be an endeavor to discuss the alternation of “Jewish English” to “standard”, “regular” English in the form of code switching (CS), by Jewish Lubavitch emissaries in university campuses in the United States of America. I will examine what CS, a widely observed linguistic phenomenon, especially seen in multilingual and multicultural communities, is, and who the code switchers are. I will explore what interests motivate them to switch their code, how competent they are at switching, and the circumstances in which they are prone to switch their code. I will trace the idiosyncratic use of CS by this exclusive ethnic community as an increasing socio-pragmatic linguistic devise. It will also be observed as a minor psycho-linguistic need at various gatherings and classes, as an unconscious act of teaching a similar but foreign language to their audience (i.e. interlocutors). Thus, the discussion and findings of this study might expand familiarity with, and understanding of, the CS phenomenon.
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    Emotional Intelligence and Education
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Keidar, Daniella
    In recent years, the study of emotions has broadened its scope and established its standing as a new scientific discipline. Humanity has become increasing conscious of the seminal role played by the emotional components in both intrapersonal and interpersonal behavior. Research into the brain, behavior, education and medicine have been presenting, with increasing frequency, new findings and evidence proving that people with a higher I.Q. are not necessarily happier, more sociable, more communicative, more moral, more ethical, or more successful. The integration of the rational with the emotional is what guides the individual towards a behavioral result. A deeply rooted and inherent correlation exists between emotional intelligence (EI) and positive social results (PSR): adaptive abilities, the capacity for healthy social behaviors, caring, altruism, empathy as well as the tendency to bond and establish quality social relationships. By using EI skills and techniques, an educator (and the educational system at large) will be better able to achieve his educational objectives with the students not only as individuals but also as a group. The educator and the educational process are responsible for building and developing the infrastructure of EI that constitutes a major and essential part of life quality from childhood to adulthood. Emotional intelligence in the teaching sphere is highly instrumental in mutual relations between educator and students. Understanding and application of emotional intelligence in the forms of self-consciousness, control of feelings, relationship systems and enlightened communication, pave the way to concord and harmony between mind, emotion and behaviour. This coordination equips the educator with the wherewithal to teach and react consciously and emotionally and ensures his effective and educative entente with his students. Their mutual understanding creates the best possible conditions for the teaching process and for scholastic success. Our social intelligence emphasizes sensitivity to others and enables us direct our actions towards the creation of enlightened and progressive interpersonal communication.
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    Kompetencje socjoterapeuty – wybrane zagadnienia
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Jankowiak, Barbara
    The aim of this article is to analyze the competences of sociotherapists, which make it possible to help members of groups. Sociotherapy consists in psycho-pedagogic group help for children and adolescents from risk groups or for those who have problems functioning in society. Five important basic competence areas have been signaled and described: 1) psycho-pedagogic, 2) diagnostic, 3) group work, 4) self-development, 5) moral. Describing these competences enables one to analyze various aspects of a sociotherapist’s work.
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    (She) Woman and (He) University. Attraction Fatale or L'amour Réciproque? The Academic Careers of Women
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Judzińska, Aneta
    The phenomenon of insufficient women representation in science and the problem of female academics “disappearing” from careers in the humanities and social sciences is the main area of the author’s reflection. The analysis is made within two perspectives: academic and feminist. The first one is organizational and locates reasons for the lack of female academics and postgraduate students in situational and personality factors in women, highlighting the problem of their individual competences and individual choices, between career and family life. The second, feminist/organizational orientation indicates presence of discrimination, with its manifestations in structures of higher and primary/secondary education. They are seen in context of numerous stereotypes and gender prejudices, generated by the essentialist perspective on gender, which influences how women’s cognitive abilities are assessed (the case of school mathematical competencies).
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    Związki intymne jako autorskie projekty życia – próba konceptualizacji ponowoczesnych wzorców relacji
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Kuryś-Szyncel, Karolina; Jankowiak, Barbara
    Today’s reality requires an individual to respond creatively to the challenges of the changing world and a liquid reality. Nonconformism and individualism are socially promoted. Still, many people want to live in an intimate relationship with a person close to them. There are visible changes of the individual life and anticipations about intimate relationships. Modern studies describe a lot of alternatives to the heterosexual marriage. The test results relating to the formal structure of compounds in the vast majority show no difference in the quality and durability of various forms of relationships. There is no in-depth analysis of the informal of relationship’s structure. In this article, it was assumed that an intimate relationship is a kind of life project through which people struggle with post-modern social reality. Via intimate relationships, partners can enhance personal creative potential and more creatively confront the events of life and face the challenges posed by developmental and life tasks. The theoretical analyses indicate the need to examine contemporary patterns of relationships. Perhaps those patterns will provide adequate socialization patterns. It was assumed that the relationship pattern includes: characteristics of partners, characteristic of the features of the formal and informal structure.
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    Szkolny kontekst psychologii pozytywnej. Studium empiryczne
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Czerniga-Puk, Paulina; Juńczyk, Tomasz
    Previous research on the effects of techniques of positive psychology on students’ psychological welfare and school grades bring very promising results. The authors decided to test the hypothesis of the impact of students’ attributional style on their grades in mathematics. For this purpose, a pilot study was conducted on a group of 68 students of lower secondary school. The results partially support the hypotheses tested. The article also provides a catalog of practical methodical recommendations for teachers. These recommendations have been implemented practically in educational context and its effectiveness have been proven.
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    Kompetencja narracyjna jako obszar nauczania i oceny w edukacji
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Soroko, Emilia; Wojciechowska, Julita
    The article presents an analysis of the concept of narrative competence and its educational connotations. Narrative competence is increasingly recognized as the key area of an individual’s language skills. Definitions and differences between the aspects of narrative activity are described. Stages of development of narrative competence in relation to the general phenomena of development are selected and presented. The development of methods of stimulating the narrative competence in the educational process is indicated. Finally, analyzed are general issues related to the development of narrative skills at school: building “narrative” relationships and new ways of assessing learning outcomes.
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    Perspektywy i nowe rozwiązania w doradztwie zawodowym. Coaching jako narzędzie pracy doradców zawodowych w kontekście idei lifelong learningu
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Kozielska, Joanna
    The requirement of lifelong learning has become a feature of our times, to the indeterminate nature, volatility and the need to respond to changing living conditions. Career models (Multi-vectored unstable), so different than those before the transformation period, indicate that the search for employment, its changing and adapting to the current socio – economic situation has become today’s challenge and task of a lifetime. Others, according to the author, the consequences are "necessary changes in the education system teleology. The aims and objectives of the educational system must be much more accentuated: air motivation to learn, triggering willingness and readiness to further learning, developing the ability to pursue interests and passions, developing independent learning skills, with proper self-monitoring and evaluation of their work by learners" (Wróblewska, 2006). Coaching is a method of work, which is based precisely on these indications. It is successfully used in the education system and counselling. In the context of a rapidly changing social reality, coaching has become a method of work that provides customer skills, which then can be used in everyday life, transforming from a person’s extra-control to self-control. In a world where algorithms, paradigms proceedings wane in importance to the multiplicity of social transformation and alternating tomorrow, you need to change from the teaching of the universal forms of behavior in specific situations to the teaching of specific forms of behavior in an imprecise reality. Coaching behavior may be a response to this demand.
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    Współczesny kształt pedagogiki pracy w Polsce
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Szłapińska, Joanna
    The article raises basic issues of the test subject pedagogy of work which deals with relations between a man, his upbringing and knowledge, thanks to which he acquires education, various qualifications and competencies and professional work based on lifelong learning. The article is directed primarily to students of pedagogy of work – fundamental subject at pedagogical studies, students of related studies in the field of professional orientation, guidance and job counseling and students of other pedagogy specializations. The author’s considerations assume a historical view of the test subject, the main tasks of the theoretical research of the pedagogy of work.
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    Między autonomią a urzędniczymi wymaganiami. Praktyka działania tzw. ram kwalifikacji w wybranych uczelniach europejskich. Wybrane aspekty
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Cyran, Karolina; Kurek-Ochmańska, Olga; Maj-Solarz, Dominika; Rozmus, Andrzej; Struck-Peregończyk, Monika
    For several years Polish universities have operated in new conditions defined by the National Qualification Framework. When it comes to implementing the Qualification Framework, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Germany, and France are regarded as the model countries. Many solutions applied by those countries can be treated as examples of good practice. Surveys conducted at the above mentioned universities showed that the key to the universities’ teaching (and other) success is the appropriate balance between university autonomy and requirements of the regulatory institutions. In Poland there are autonomous universities on the one side and a great amount of clerical regulation caused by the implementation of the Qualification Framework on the other side. The experience of the surveyed universities from the United Kingdom, Ireland and Germany shows that the more freedom universities have in implementing the Qualification Framework, the more extensive the benefits.
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    Czas pracy nauczycieli w polskiej debacie publicznej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Dzierzgowski, Jan
    The following paper presents findings of an analysis of public debates concerning teachers’ workload in Poland. The main conclusion states that the key subject of the aforementioned debates are the group interests of various actors participating in it. Debates concerning teachers’ workload is merely a pretext for delegitimizing other actors by stating that they do not attempt to serve the common good, but instead do what is good for them. In addition, on the basis of the debates analyzed it is possible to reconstruct a particular discourse concerning demands (of certain actors partaking in the debates) on the central government’ policymaking strategies.
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    Dyktat testocentryzmu w polityce edukacyjnej. Refleksje na marginesie książki Marka Piotrowskiego Od TQM do „żandarma”, czyli pod prąd
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Bielecki, Piotr
    The book is an adequate and novel response to the continually growing interest both in the effectiveness of the external evaluation of schools and students and in the improved quality of common education. Analyses of the data derived from an empirical research conducted by the Author of the book reviewed do not support the proposition that external standardized tests, given the reality of Poland’s schooling system, are appropriate and satisfactory (fair and objective) measures of students’ academic achievements. Moreover, a similarly poor effect has been observed in the field of continuous quality improvement. Research evidence provided by the Author reveals the high importance (also social) and complexity of the negative consequences of standardized high-stake testing. Bearing that in mind, the Author of the book addresses the issue of changing the so called “social paradigms” in education policy and schooling, that is a shift from “classic”, old-established patterns of teaching and testing to application of principles and tools of TQM. This primary claim constitutes THE correct base for considering current and future numerous initiatives for the sake of common education improvement. Owing to the positive final evaluation of the value of the topic, the major results of the study, the Author’s generalizations and conclusions, and the overall scientific contribution, the review notes are generally complimentary. Though largely favorable, the review contains some significant criticisms and items of concern (shortcomings and omissions) with regard to the research aims and objectives of the book, its range, contents, structure, style of writing, arguments used, theoretical approach, methods employed, and the literature used. Comments on some of the limitations of the book, especially related to its theoretical background, methodology and content of the study, provided the reviewer with the opportunity for a more critical discussion highlighting the topics in question.
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    Hejting jako przykład współczesnego zagrożenia w przestrzeni społecznej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Szymczak, Emilia
    In contemporary constantly changing world, which opens a network of contacts and cares about the anonymity of its users, we often experience hate speech, which is gradually gaining momentum in the form of increasingly sophisticated and at the same time less and less subtle forms of communication. Hate and trolling are concepts that are currently popular forms of psychological violence. The subject of this article is hate speech, in other words verbal aggression, criticism and widely understood negation, which take place in relation to other people and their actions. The aim of this article is to present the meaning and extent of this phenomenon based on theoretical sources and available studies.