Dyktat testocentryzmu w polityce edukacyjnej. Refleksje na marginesie książki Marka Piotrowskiego Od TQM do „żandarma”, czyli pod prąd
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The Dictate of Test-orientation in Education Policy. Reflections on Marek Piotrowski’s Book From TQM to “Gendarme”, i.e. Against the Mainstream
The book is an adequate and novel response to the continually growing interest both in the effectiveness
of the external evaluation of schools and students and in the improved quality of common
education. Analyses of the data derived from an empirical research conducted by the Author of the
book reviewed do not support the proposition that external standardized tests, given the reality of
Poland’s schooling system, are appropriate and satisfactory (fair and objective) measures of students’
academic achievements. Moreover, a similarly poor effect has been observed in the field of
continuous quality improvement. Research evidence provided by the Author reveals the high importance
(also social) and complexity of the negative consequences of standardized high-stake testing.
Bearing that in mind, the Author of the book addresses the issue of changing the so called “social
paradigms” in education policy and schooling, that is a shift from “classic”, old-established
patterns of teaching and testing to application of principles and tools of TQM. This primary claim
constitutes THE correct base for considering current and future numerous initiatives for the sake of
common education improvement. Owing to the positive final evaluation of the value of the topic, the
major results of the study, the Author’s generalizations and conclusions, and the overall scientific
contribution, the review notes are generally complimentary. Though largely favorable, the review
contains some significant criticisms and items of concern (shortcomings and omissions) with regard to
the research aims and objectives of the book, its range, contents, structure, style of writing, arguments
used, theoretical approach, methods employed, and the literature used. Comments on some of
the limitations of the book, especially related to its theoretical background, methodology and content
of the study, provided the reviewer with the opportunity for a more critical discussion highlighting
the topics in question.
education policy, education quality, TQM, standardized tests
Studia Edukacyjne, 2015, nr 37, s.109-134