Difficulties Experienced by Special Education Novice Teachers in Their Induction Year, At the Various Special Education Frameworks in Israel: Outline of a Research Study
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM
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Trudności napotykane przez nauczycieli w edukacji uczniów ze specjalnymi potrzebami w pierwszym roku pracy w różnych systemach edukacji specjalnej w Izraelu: przyczynki do badania
The stage of the entry into teaching of the beginning teacher is a distinct stage in the circle of the
professional development of teachers and is accompanied by many challenges and difficulties. The
classic model of Fuller (1969) and its extension into the model of Fuller and Brown (1975) that addresses
the beginning teacher’s concerns, presents three stages in the beginning teacher’s professional
development: the stage of survival – concerns about the self, the stage of mastery – concerns
about tasks/situations, and the stage of impact – concerns about the impact on students. This article
seeks to present a research outline that addresses a population on which the research has not focused
extensively, the novice teachers in special education, who work in the different frameworks of special
education that present the novice teachers with challenges and difficulties. The research will
examine what are the difficulties of the novice teachers in special education, in the different frameworks
of special education, during the year of their entry into teaching. In addition, the research will
examine whether there is a distinction between the different frameworks in the aspect of the difficulties
with which the novice teachers cope, as well as in the solutions provided to them in coping with
their difficulties. The importance of this research study is by extension the theoretical academic
knowledge about the entry into teaching and the difficulties of beginning teachers in special education,
and the possibility to use this knowledge to improve the mechanisms of absorption of the special
education novice teachers in the educational field.
induction, novice teacher, difficulties of novice teacher, special education, the educational system in Israel
Studia Edukacyjne, 2015, nr 37, s.377-392