Ewolucja metod terrorystycznych
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Title alternative
The evolution of terrorist methods
Dziedziczenie ideologii po poprzednikach wpływało na kontynuowanie metod stosowanych
przez terrorystów. Każda kolejna odmiana tego zjawiska opierała się w jakiś sposób na działaniach
poprzedników, każda też wprowadzała nowe metody działania. I tak anarchiści opierali
się w głównej mierze na zamachach indywidualnych, wymierzonych przede wszystkim w głowy
państw. Metodę tę przejęli dwudziestowieczni radykałowie lewicowi, jednak nie będąc w stanie
zabijać dobrze strzeżonych przywódców państw, zaczęli kierować przemoc przeciwko postaciom
mniej ważnym, pełniącym w państwach funkcje drugorzędne. Kiedy zamachy takie nie
wywoływały oczekiwanej przez nich reakcji, wzmocnili metodę, zamieniając zabójstwa na
uprowadzenia. Terroryści skrajnej prawicy, skoncentrowali się natomiast na odrzucanych przez
lewaków zamachach rozszerzonych. Kierowali przemoc przeciwko osobom całkowicie przypadkowym,
niemającym zupełnie nic wspólnego ze sprawą, o którą walczyli. Metoda ta przejęta
została przez fundamentalistów religijnych. Celem wielu grup stało się zabijanie ludzi całkowicie
niewinnych, co spowodowało dość drastyczną przemianę terroryzmu, jego przeobrażenie ze
strategii walki z silniejszym przeciwnikiem, w makabryczną strategię komunikacyjną.
The peculiar succession of ideology inherited from predecessors resulted in a continuity of methods used by terrorists. Each subsequent variety of this phenomenon derives in some way from the activities of its predecessors, albeit introducing its own modes of operation. And thus anarchists who resorted to the idea of tyrant assassination used individual attacks, generally aimed at heads of states. This method was adopted by the twentieth century leftist radicals, but being unable to assassinate wellprotected state leaders, they started to direct violence against less prominent figures, people, who fulfill functions of secondary importance in the state. However, when such attacks did not trigger the desired response, they reinforced the impact, implementing kidnappings instead of assassinations. Terrorist of the extreme right, on the other hand, focused on extended attacks, a method rejected by the extreme leftists. They would direct violence against completely random people holding no connection whatsoever to the cause for which the terrorists were fighting. This method, in turn, was taken over by religious fundamentalists with the precise goal of killing completely innocent people. In fact, the innocence of victims was deemed the essence of new terrorism. This change that consists in total separation of victims and the addresses of the attacks has resulted in quite a drastic transformation of terrorism, its metamorphosis from a method of struggle against a stronger adversary into a macabre communication strategy.
The peculiar succession of ideology inherited from predecessors resulted in a continuity of methods used by terrorists. Each subsequent variety of this phenomenon derives in some way from the activities of its predecessors, albeit introducing its own modes of operation. And thus anarchists who resorted to the idea of tyrant assassination used individual attacks, generally aimed at heads of states. This method was adopted by the twentieth century leftist radicals, but being unable to assassinate wellprotected state leaders, they started to direct violence against less prominent figures, people, who fulfill functions of secondary importance in the state. However, when such attacks did not trigger the desired response, they reinforced the impact, implementing kidnappings instead of assassinations. Terrorist of the extreme right, on the other hand, focused on extended attacks, a method rejected by the extreme leftists. They would direct violence against completely random people holding no connection whatsoever to the cause for which the terrorists were fighting. This method, in turn, was taken over by religious fundamentalists with the precise goal of killing completely innocent people. In fact, the innocence of victims was deemed the essence of new terrorism. This change that consists in total separation of victims and the addresses of the attacks has resulted in quite a drastic transformation of terrorism, its metamorphosis from a method of struggle against a stronger adversary into a macabre communication strategy.
Przegląd Strategiczny, nr 1, 2011, s. 203-218.