Dary dla Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu z lat 1921–1927
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Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu
Title alternative
Book donations for the University Library in Poznań in the years 1921–1927
Artykuł dotyczy darów dla Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu,
które wpłynęły do niej w latach 1921–1927. Biblioteka Uniwersytecka powstała
w 1919 roku na gruncie dotychczasowej Biblioteki im. Cesarza Wilhelma. Księgozbiór liczący 270 000 tomów miał charakter ogólnoświatowy i germanizacyjny.
Ważnym i odpowiedzialnym zadaniem dyrektora Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej dr.
Edwarda Kuntzego stała się polonizacja i dostosowanie istniejącego księgozbioru do
nowo powstałego Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego. Dzięki wielkiej ofiarności różnych
instytucji krajowych i zagranicznych oraz osób prywatnych udało się zbudować solidny księgozbiór naukowy. Zbiory biblioteczne zostały wzbogacone przez m.in. cenny zbiór książek ze zlikwidowanych rosyjskich bibliotek gimnazjalnych w Kaliszu,
księgozbiór prof. Erazma Majewskiego z Warszawy, dr. Leona Szumana z Torunia,
dr. Władysława Falgowskiego, prof. Tadeusza Ulatowskiego, prof. Aleksandra Zalewskiego, Władysława Reymonta. Kończąc swoją owocną działalność w Bibliotece
Uniwersyteckiej w 1927 roku, Kuntze pozostawił księgozbiór liczący 352 000 tomów.
The present article discusses the donations for the University Library in Poznań received by the library between 1921–1927. The University Library originated in 1919, after taking over the collections of the former German Kaiser Wilhelm Bibliothek. The book stock of the latter, amounting to 270,000 volumes, had a general character and was designed to promote German science and culture. In this situation it was an important and sensitive task for the director of the University Library Dr. Edward Kuntze to carry on with Polonisation of the library’s collections and to streamline the existing collections with the needs of the newly established University of Poznań. Thanks to the following generosity and dedication of various institutions at home and abroad, as well as to donations made by private persons, it was possible to create a sizeable collection of academic and research books. The library’s collections were successively enriched with valuable book collections from dissolved Russian gymnasium libraries in Kalisz and private book collections of Prof. Majewski from Warsaw, Dr. Szuman from Toruń, Dr. Falgowski and Prof. Ulatowski, Prof. Zalewski, and Władysław Reymont, among others. In 1927, when Dr. Kunze retired from the Library, its book collections amounted to 352,000 volumes.
The present article discusses the donations for the University Library in Poznań received by the library between 1921–1927. The University Library originated in 1919, after taking over the collections of the former German Kaiser Wilhelm Bibliothek. The book stock of the latter, amounting to 270,000 volumes, had a general character and was designed to promote German science and culture. In this situation it was an important and sensitive task for the director of the University Library Dr. Edward Kuntze to carry on with Polonisation of the library’s collections and to streamline the existing collections with the needs of the newly established University of Poznań. Thanks to the following generosity and dedication of various institutions at home and abroad, as well as to donations made by private persons, it was possible to create a sizeable collection of academic and research books. The library’s collections were successively enriched with valuable book collections from dissolved Russian gymnasium libraries in Kalisz and private book collections of Prof. Majewski from Warsaw, Dr. Szuman from Toruń, Dr. Falgowski and Prof. Ulatowski, Prof. Zalewski, and Władysław Reymont, among others. In 1927, when Dr. Kunze retired from the Library, its book collections amounted to 352,000 volumes.
dary, book donations, dwudziestolecie międzywojenne, interwar period, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu, University Library in Poznań
Biblioteka, 2016, nr 20 (29), s. 81-96.