Uwarunkowania zmian efektywności gospodarowania w rolnictwie rodzinnym w Polsce
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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM
Title alternative
Conditions of changes in productivity of family farms in Poland
The article analyses, on the basis of mass statistics data gathered by Chief
Statistical Office, the changes in resources and relations of production factors
in family farms in years 1961 - 1987 together with their productivity and the level
of outlay on agricultural production. Besides, the above questions have been
analysed with respect to area groups of farms from two extremely different
The analysis shews that productivity in family farms depends on the level
and relations of production factors. The productivity is influenced mostly by the
improvement of turnover means-land and durable goods-land relations, while
the efficiency of labour is influenced mostly by the improvement of land-labour
and durable goods-labour relations. The productivity of these two production
factors in family farms in years 1961 -1987 showed upward tendencies in consequence
of a decrease in acreage of land and labour resources in those farms
as well as in consequence of providing more means of production for agriculture.
The latter increase was, however, insufficient and, as a result, the efficiency
of total outlay on a unit of production depended mostly on land-labour relation,
what manifested itself by a considerable participation of labour outlay in the
overall structure of outlay. At the same time, as the acreage of farms grew, and
in subsequent years, the participation of labour and land in the structure of outlay
decreased while the turnover and durable goods outlays increased. Simultaneously,
an increase in technical equipment of labour and a decrease in the level
of outlay on production could be observed. Providing more means of production
for family farms made it possible to substitute land and labour and increase the
scale of agricultural output. However, it also brought a decrease in efficiency of
utilization of those means, yet slower than a corresponding growth of productivity
of labour and land.
Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 51, 1989, z. 4, s. 205-220.