Szwedzi a Polska, czyli o rodzimych księgozbiorach w Bibliotece Uniwersyteckiej w Uppsali
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The Swedes and Poland, or on Polish book collections at the University Library in Uppsala
W XVII wieku wskutek burzliwych dziejów polsko-szwedzkich został zagrabiony niezwykle cenny zbiór poloników. Księgozbiór pochodził głównie z bibliotek należących do kolegiów jezuickich w Braniewie, Fromborku i Poznaniu. Obecnie przechowywany jest w Bibliotece Uniwersyteckiej w Uppsali.
Spośród polskich zbiorów znajdujących się w posiadaniu uppsalskiej książnicy jedynie księgozbiór z biblioteki pojezuickiej z Braniewa doczekał się szczegółowego opracowania. Józef Trypućko, wybitny językoznawca, slawista i tłumacz, podjął trud prowadzenia systematycznych badań nad historią polskich zbiorów bibliotecznych, które znalazły się na terenie Królestwa Szwecji. Prace nad katalogiem były kontynuowane po jego śmierci, na podstawie porozumienia zawartego między Biblioteką Uniwersytecką w Uppsali a Biblioteką Narodową w Warszawie.
Wydanie katalogu wywołało kontrowersje wokół kwestii rewindykacji utraconych zbiorów, skłoniło do refleksji nad prawem do ubiegania się o zwrot zagrabionych skarbów kultury i jednocześnie nad zasadnością takich starań.
After a series of mid-seventeenth century campaigns and during the turbulent times of the Swedish invasion and occupation of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth a particularly valuable collection of Polonica was among the spoils taken by the Swedish army and transferred to Sweden. The collection was seized from Jesuit colleges in Braniewo, Frombork and Poznań. Currently, the collection is held at the University Library in Uppsala. From the existing holdings of Polish origin at Uppsala University Library, only the collection from the library of the Jesuit College in Braniewo has been reconstructed in catalogue form. Józef Trypućko, professor of Slavic languages, linguist and translator, was occupied with the project of studying the history of Polish book collections in the Kingdom of Sweden for many years. Following his death, it was continued by other researchers by agreement of the University Library in Uppsala and the National Library in Warsaw. The publication of the catalogue has triggered much controversy by challenging many concepts assumed to be fundamental for the issues of restitution of lost collections and prompted a discussion on available legal regulations and remedies concerning international displacement and cultural plunder, though, at the same time, questioned legitimacy of such claims.
After a series of mid-seventeenth century campaigns and during the turbulent times of the Swedish invasion and occupation of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth a particularly valuable collection of Polonica was among the spoils taken by the Swedish army and transferred to Sweden. The collection was seized from Jesuit colleges in Braniewo, Frombork and Poznań. Currently, the collection is held at the University Library in Uppsala. From the existing holdings of Polish origin at Uppsala University Library, only the collection from the library of the Jesuit College in Braniewo has been reconstructed in catalogue form. Józef Trypućko, professor of Slavic languages, linguist and translator, was occupied with the project of studying the history of Polish book collections in the Kingdom of Sweden for many years. Following his death, it was continued by other researchers by agreement of the University Library in Uppsala and the National Library in Warsaw. The publication of the catalogue has triggered much controversy by challenging many concepts assumed to be fundamental for the issues of restitution of lost collections and prompted a discussion on available legal regulations and remedies concerning international displacement and cultural plunder, though, at the same time, questioned legitimacy of such claims.
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Uppsali, University Library in Uppsala, Biblioteka kolegium jezuickiego w Braniewie, Braniewo Jesuit Library, Biblioteka kolegium jezuickiego we Fromborku, Frombork Jesuit Library, Biblioteka kolegium jezuickiego w Poznaniu, Poznań Jesuit Library, Księgozbiory zagrabione, Cultural plunder, Polonika w Szwecji, Polonica in Sweden
Biblioteka nr 14 (23), 2010, 109-118