Związki partnerskie studentów. Jakość i trwałość a elementy struktury formalnej oraz uwarunkowania rodzinne relacji intymnych

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Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM

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Partnership Relations of Students. Quality and Durability vs. Elements of Formal Structure and Family Conditions of Intimate Relations


In the face of the social and cultural changes in the area of intimate relations, the forms of love relations and individual expectations as to functioning in the relations are changed. This research analyzes the connection between quality and durability of love relations with the elements of formal relations and family conditions. The results obtained showed that the forms of created relations (marriage, cohabitation without living together) are not related to its quality. At the same time, formal relations appeared to be stronger. Then analysis focused on family conditions and the durability of now created relations in two co-relating aspects. Both, the evaluation of own relations with parents and the relations between them and the styles of attachment. Both, the evaluation of happiness experienced in the relations with mother and father and in their own interactions influence the higher quality of current relations. The style of attachment developed in the childhood is the condition regulating the happiness or the lack of satisfaction in current relations. The safe style was related to the higher quality of relations whilst the slightly ambivalent, avoiding one to the lower quality. The particular attachment style is not related to the durability of intimate relations. The singles were researched too, which showed that the attachment style causes creating specific positive or negative expectations as to own abilities to start love relations with people currently not involved in romantic relations. The safe style was related to the positive expectations regarding the quality of potential relations, the avoidance style was related to the lower quality of anticipated relationships.




quality and durability of relations, styles of attachment, marriages, cohabitation relations, students


Studia Edukacyjne, 2015, nr 35, s.215-233.






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