Studia Edukacyjne, 2015, nr 35


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    Zbigniew Galor, Barbara Goryńska-Bittner, Sławomir KalinowskiI (red.), Życie na skraju – marginesy społeczne wielkiego miasta, Wydawnictwo Societas Pars Mundi, Bielefeld 2014, ss. 810
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Barczykowska, Agnieszka
    recenzja kisążki: Zbigniew Galor, Barbara Goryńska-Bittner, Sławomir KalinowskiI (red.), Życie na skraju – marginesy społeczne wielkiego miasta, Wydawnictwo Societas Pars Mundi, Bielefeld 2014.
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    Maria Czerpaniak-Walczak (red.), Fabryki dyplomów czy universitas? O nadwiślańskiej wersji przemian w edukacji akademickiej, Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls, Kraków 2013, ss. 364
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Antonik, Aleksandra
    recenzja książki: Maria Czerpaniak-Walczak (red.), Fabryki dyplomów czy universitas? O nadwiślańskiej wersji przemian w edukacji akademickiej.
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    Roma Culture in Slovakia – Pedagogical and Social Reflection Research Report
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Kozubík, Michal; Kwadrans, Łukasz; Michelčiková, Lenka
    The paper is a contribution to the discussion on the possibilities and obstacles to supporting education of the Romany and their social situation through culture. Despite the fact that the Romological literature contains many scientific works or quality final research reports, there exists a blank page in the field of culture of Eastern Slovakia segregated settlements inhabitants. We humbly perceive that our explanation can raise several methodological questions. The presence itself of a non-Roma researcher in Romany society requires a description of the stay process in the field through his optics. In our case of pedagogue and social worker with a focus on Romany society, the combination of science and literary genre seemed a suitable method for drawing an image of poverty in 21st-century settlements.
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    Comenius’ Ethical Visions of the Improvement of Human Things
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Somr, Miroslav; Pavličiková, Helena
    The paradox about the Reformation is that, rather than consolidating European Christendom, it contributed to deepening the rifts between Catholics and Protestants as well as Lutherans and Calvinists, bringing about religious and civil strife. Comenius got involved in the antagonistic circumstances through his political philosophy, aspiring to weeding out the causes of hatred and mutual disagreement. This abiding endeavour of his achieved prominence in Panorthosia (Universal Improvement), which renders his best vision of permanent reconciliation resting upon educational, religious and civil reforms. Comenius’ ethical pursuit of improving human matters is rooted in his philosophical thought regarding man as an individual whose purpose in this world is to be humane: wise, moral and pious.
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    Teachers’ Authority in Relation to Their Social Competence
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Vališová, Alena
    This discussion contribution deals with the definitions of the terms “social competence” and “teacher authority”, explains the meaning of above competence in pedagogical interaction and mentions the possibilities of developing teachers’ social abilities and skills as an important part of their professional authority.
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    Czym jest antropologiczna teoria dydaktyki (ATD)?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Rybska, Eliza; Sajkowska, Zofia
    This paper is a short recommendation and introduction into ATD, or the anthropological theory of didactic. This theory seems to be absent in Poland, especially that most papers about ATD are written in French or Spanish. A very interesting phenomenon described by this theory is didactical transposition, which may play acrucial role, especially in teaching science.
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    Relacje rodzinne na łamach wybranej codziennej prasy wielkopolskiej w II połowie XIX wieku
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Kabacińska-Łuczak, Katarzyna
    Daily press in Wielkopolska in the 2nd half of the 19th c. played major social and educational roles. It can therefore be a precious source of information on the social relations of the time, including family relations. The text aims to analyze family relations as presented in selected dailies published in Wielkopolska. Addressed are marital relations, those between mother and child, father and child and press information on the death of a child. Moreover, the author indicates that daily press provided information about actual family ties and furnished models of good parenthood.
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    (Nie)obecni – o roli rodziców w procesie resocjalizacji
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Barczykowska, Agnieszka
    So far pedagogy has seen the family as a source of disorders. However, the state of modern knowledge on scientific evidence (evidence-based practice) makes us see the family as a resource can be used in the process of rehabilitation. This is confirmed by experience of social work, various forms of cooperation are applied and increase its hidden potential. This idea, however, is poorly rooted in the indigenous practice of rehabilitation. In this text, the author refers to for the absence of the family and presents the possibility of including parents in the process juvenile rehabilitation.
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    Globalna Północ i Globalne Południe w dyskursie edukacyjnym. Krytyczna analiza treści podręczników szkolnych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Popow, Monika
    The aim of my paper is to analyze the representations of Global North and Global South, presented in geography textbooks in grammar school. First, the concept of global education is presented. Subsequently, representations of North and South and its inhabitants are reconstructed and analyzed. The method used is that of critical discourse analysis. Simultaneously, meanings of reconstructed representations are interpreted in a broad social and cultural context.
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    Bariery społeczno-kulturowe w dostępie do edukacji dzieci w Afryce Subsaharyjskiej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Lendzion, Kinga
    Sub-Saharan Africa is a region with the highest illiteracy and the lowest percentage of children attending primary schools. According to UNESCO in 2011, 41% of adults (over the age of 15) were illiterate. 30% of the illiterate adult population were aged between 16 and 24. Primary schools are attended by only 77% of children. As a result, Black Africa is home to more than half of the children of the world who do not access primary level education. There are many reasons that cause this situation. Apart from the insufficient number of schools, Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the poorest regions in the world, which means that children are forced to work, with an estimated one in three children starting work between the ages 5-14. However, it is Cultural Barriers that are the biggest obstacle preventing access to education in Africa. There are vast cultural differences between traditional Sub-Saharan African communities and West European civilisation. School education in Africa is not, as in Europe, the continuity of the values of family upbringing. In fact, school introduces children to an unfamiliar world and values, often contradictory to their previously held family values.
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    Związki partnerskie studentów. Jakość i trwałość a elementy struktury formalnej oraz uwarunkowania rodzinne relacji intymnych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Jankowiak, Barbara
    In the face of the social and cultural changes in the area of intimate relations, the forms of love relations and individual expectations as to functioning in the relations are changed. This research analyzes the connection between quality and durability of love relations with the elements of formal relations and family conditions. The results obtained showed that the forms of created relations (marriage, cohabitation without living together) are not related to its quality. At the same time, formal relations appeared to be stronger. Then analysis focused on family conditions and the durability of now created relations in two co-relating aspects. Both, the evaluation of own relations with parents and the relations between them and the styles of attachment. Both, the evaluation of happiness experienced in the relations with mother and father and in their own interactions influence the higher quality of current relations. The style of attachment developed in the childhood is the condition regulating the happiness or the lack of satisfaction in current relations. The safe style was related to the higher quality of relations whilst the slightly ambivalent, avoiding one to the lower quality. The particular attachment style is not related to the durability of intimate relations. The singles were researched too, which showed that the attachment style causes creating specific positive or negative expectations as to own abilities to start love relations with people currently not involved in romantic relations. The safe style was related to the positive expectations regarding the quality of potential relations, the avoidance style was related to the lower quality of anticipated relationships.
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    Profesjonalna komunikacja w opiece zdrowotnej jako element wsparcia pracowników zawodów medycznych i pacjentów – oczekiwania i potrzeby
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Deręgowska, Justyna
    Communication between medical personnel and their patients is not easy due to various legal regulations and complex emotional situations. Therefore, this type of communication depends on selecting an appropriate manner of communication and the choice of words. Teaching communication skills to healthcare professionals is absolutely essential and should be carried out according to the latest knowledge and standards developed in many countries. The Center of Clinical Communication was founded in Bydgoszcz to meet the needs and expectations of the Polish healthcare staff. In cooperation with the European Association of Communication in Healthcare, the Center is to work out and develop curricula for teaching clinical communication and adjusting them to the resources and needs existing in Poland. The Center of Clinical Communication is also planning to teach trainers who, according tohighest international standards, shall teach communication skills to future as well as active healthcare personnel.
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    Serial jako narzędzie aktywizacji społeczno-zawodowej? Analiza „Głębokiej wody”
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Anioł, Joanna
    The aim of the article is a reflection on the possibility of using a TV series as a tool of social and professional activation. The author present changes in the world of mass media, the educational potential of popular culture and the educational TV series Deep Water. This show was produced by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy. It was advertised as educational and its role was the visualization of responsibilities and everyday work of welfare and offering knowledge on the institutional support and activation of minority groups and of groups at risk of exclusion. In the article the author reflects on what characteristics of Deep Water prevented the series from fulfilling the tasks envisaged by politicians.
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    Narracyjna promocja zdrowia. Założenia teoretyczne, metody pracy, obszary zastosowań
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Tokarska, Urszula
    The aim of the text is to point out the theoretical and applicative potential for the health promotion as embraced by a nexus of three approaches: narrative, existential and life span developmental. The human mental health defined in existentially oriented narrative approach could be described in terms of cognitive ability and skill of construction (and cyclical re-construction) of individual “life story”, fulfilling some specific structural and contextual criteria as well as effectively “embodied” in a real individual’s life. The narrative model of mental health incorporates the polyphonic and dialogic nature of individual experience, which eventually leads to “internal democracy”. At the same time, it emphasizes the importance of presence of the subjective and existential dimension of beneficial autobiographical narrations. The article characterizes basic directions and forms of realization of existentially oriented narrative approach to mental health promotion, taking into account leading psychological mechanisms of intentional influences, pointing to its potential benefits.
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    Młodzież, Facebook a problem partycypacji społecznej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Hejwosz-Gromkowska, Daria
    Over the past decade, Facebook and Internet-based technologies have become a central part in the social lives of many young people around the world. Social network sites such as Facebook are often conceived of as purely social spaces while there is growing evidence that they may serve as a powerful tool in communication and creating digital citizenship. Moreover, studies show that Facebook can be used in mobilising social participation. In this paper I will try to answer the following questions: does Facebook help make good citizens? Does it help to understand democracy? Is Facebook a real or only a virtual community? How to work with students to give them clear guidelines on how to be responsible digital citizens?
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    Time and Culture: Interrelations and Consequences
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Włodarczyk, Ewa
    Time is an inevitable ingredient of any culturally-determined individual and collective experience. Literature on the subject includes a range of theoretical approaches and research reports which prove that time is one of the considerations about culture. Many features that characterise various cultures and many regularities in the cultural functioning and change can be explained and understood by references to the ways of time perception typical of this culture.
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    Rola wczesnej edukacji i opieki z perspektywy zawodowej i społecznej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Pałka, Renata
    The article presents the evolution of the EU concept of early education and care (in legal, social and financial terms). This concept as presented in the Europe 2020 strategy is not limited to providing the secure environment in the early childhood period. The main focus is on the social importance of an easy access to early education as a necessary precondition of the child’s ability to effectively develop its potential in the future. The article evaluates the progress made by of EU 27 member countries in providing broader access to early education and care. The author points to the importance of proposed changes in the management of the EU economy and finance (the notion of “conditionality” i.e. access to the EU financial resources tied with the level of the countries’ fulfillment of the Europe 2020 strategy benchmarks). The changes should increase the weight attached by the EU member states to the assurance of broader access to early education and care in their National Reform Programs.
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    Niekonwencjonalna walka ze stresem – konteksty i kulturowe uwarunkowania
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Judzińska, Aneta
    The article seeks to investigate the contemporary, unconventional strategy of dealing with stress in Poland. Moreover, it represents the quintessence of various widespread tendencies of eliminating stress factors. The author examines specific remedial methods by its qualification according to the degree of conventionality and the influence on the health status. The study is extended by a sociocultural aspect which implies the culture of adrenalin and risk.