Wieloaspektowe badania właściwości nowych kompleksów metali d-elektronowych
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Multi-faceted study of the properties of new d-electron metal complexes
Chemia koordynacyjna wykorzystuje zjawisko rozpoznania cząsteczkowego pomiędzy jonami metali a ligandami organicznymi. Właściwości poszczególnych składowych supercząsteczek nie są jedynie addytywne, lecz kooperatywne. W wyniku połączenia indywiduów chemicznych o określonych właściwościach, można otrzymać produkt ważny aplikacyjnie o unikalnej i dotąd niespotykanej aktywności biologicznej, chemicznej, i/lub fizycznej. W doktoracie opisano syntezę nowych kompleksów metali przejściowych oraz charakterystykę i opis ich potencjału aplikacyjnego z ligandami heterocyklicznymi. W toku prac wykorzystano jony Ag+, Cu+, Fe2+ oraz VO2+ i VO2+. Wyboru dokonano na podstawie struktur elektronowych, które warunkują ich podstawowe właściwości. Następnie parametry te modyfikowano pod wpływem koordynacji przez ligandy organiczne. Na potrzeby badań wykorzystano dotychczas znane i dobrze scharakteryzowane ligandy polipirydynowe: 6,6’’-dimetylo-2,2’:6’,2’’-terpirydynę i 6,6’’’’-dimetylo-2,2’;6’,2’’;6’’,2’’’-tetrapirydynę, a także nowo otrzymane ligandy hydrazonowe z jednostką benzoksazolową lub benzotiazolową: 2-(1-metylo-2-(pirydyno-2-ylometyleno)hydrazinylo)benzokazol oraz 2-(1-metylo-2-(pirydyno-2-ylometyleno)-hydrazinylo)benzotiazol.
Supramolecular chemistry is a promising domain standing at the crossroads of chemistry, biochemistry, physics and material science. According to the definition proposed by Lehn supramolecular chemistry is the chemistry beyond molecule. It involves a wide spectrum of molecular forces such as hydrogen bonding, π-π ,van der Waals, hydrophobic/hydrophilic and electrostatic interactions and, last but not least, coordination bonding. Coordination bonding is formed as the result of the donation of the free electron pair from ligand molecule to empty orbitals of metal ion. Coordination chemistry focuses on systems consisting of metal ions and properly chosen ligands which enable them to form desired architectures. Coordination chemistry is a powerful tool in the design of new potentially applicable materials. Newly formed coordination compounds may exhibit greater properties than metal ion and ligand itself. The synergistic effect allows one to obtain entities with multiplied or slightly modified properties in comparison to starting materials. This doctoral dissertation entitled “Multi-faceted study of the properties of new d-electron metal complexes” investigates and describes the formation and properties of new d-electron metal complexes with a special emphasis put on their biological, magnetic and photocatalytic activity. It covers the topics of the cytotoxic activity of polypyridine complexes (terpyridine with Ag(I) and V(IV/V); quaterpyridine with Ag(I) and Cu(I)) as well as magnetic properties of Fe(II) complexes and photocatalytic activity of Ag(I) complexes with Schiff base type ligands.
Supramolecular chemistry is a promising domain standing at the crossroads of chemistry, biochemistry, physics and material science. According to the definition proposed by Lehn supramolecular chemistry is the chemistry beyond molecule. It involves a wide spectrum of molecular forces such as hydrogen bonding, π-π ,van der Waals, hydrophobic/hydrophilic and electrostatic interactions and, last but not least, coordination bonding. Coordination bonding is formed as the result of the donation of the free electron pair from ligand molecule to empty orbitals of metal ion. Coordination chemistry focuses on systems consisting of metal ions and properly chosen ligands which enable them to form desired architectures. Coordination chemistry is a powerful tool in the design of new potentially applicable materials. Newly formed coordination compounds may exhibit greater properties than metal ion and ligand itself. The synergistic effect allows one to obtain entities with multiplied or slightly modified properties in comparison to starting materials. This doctoral dissertation entitled “Multi-faceted study of the properties of new d-electron metal complexes” investigates and describes the formation and properties of new d-electron metal complexes with a special emphasis put on their biological, magnetic and photocatalytic activity. It covers the topics of the cytotoxic activity of polypyridine complexes (terpyridine with Ag(I) and V(IV/V); quaterpyridine with Ag(I) and Cu(I)) as well as magnetic properties of Fe(II) complexes and photocatalytic activity of Ag(I) complexes with Schiff base type ligands.
Wydział Chemii
chemia koordynacyjna, coordination chemistry, jony metali, metal ions, zasady Schiffa, Schiff bases, CT-DNA