Opinia biegłego w sprawach karnych gospodarczych i jej ocena sądowa
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Expert’s opinion in economic criminal cases and its judicial appraisal
Celem pracy jest ustalenie rodzajów i dokonanie charakterystyki merytorycznej i formalnej opinii występujących w sprawach o przestępstwa gospodarcze. Praca składa się z czterech rozdziałów. Pierwszy rozdział ma charakter wprowadzający do zagadnienia opinii gospodarczych. Jego celem jest ustalenie, czy istnieją w praktyce standardy kompetencji dla ekspertów, z których wywodzą się biegli gospodarczy oraz organizacje i stowarzyszenia skupiające tych ekspertów, pozwalające im na ustawiczne kształcenie i podnoszenie kwalifikacji zawodowych. W rozdziale drugim dokonano analizy rodzajów opinii gospodarczych oraz budowy merytorycznej i formalnej tych opinii. Celem rozdziału trzeciego jest ustalenie w jaki sposób najczęściej przeprowadzany jest dowód z opinii biegłego gospodarczego oraz jakie problemy wiążą się z jego przeprowadzeniem przez organy procesowe. W rozdziale czwartym pracy poruszono zagadnienie postulowanego algorytmu kryteriów oceny dowodu z opinii biegłego i jego zastosowania w praktyce przez sędziów dokonujących oceny dowodu z opinii biegłego gospodarczego. Podjęto również próbę ustalenia jakie problemy wiążą się z sądową oceną tego dowodu w praktyce i czym są one spowodowane.
The aim of the dissertation is to settle the types and provide substantial and structural characterization of opinions which appear in economic criminal cases. The paper includes four chapters. The first chapter is the introduction to the issue of the experts’ opinions. Its aim is to verify if there are any norms establishing experts’ competence from which economic experts derive and if there are any organizations and associations gathering them which enable the experts to educate constantly and to improve their qualifications. The second chapter contains an analysis of the types of economic opinions as well as of their substantial and formal structure. The aim of the third chapter is to define the most common way in which the evidence is conducted from the economic expert’s opinion and what problems may occur during it being tracked by the authorities conducting criminal proceedings. Chapter four discusses the issue of the postulated algorithm of the criteria assessing the evidence from the economic expert’s opinion as well as it being used by the judges assessing the evidence from the economic expert’s opinion. There has also been made an attempt to define both the problems that occur during the judicial appraisal of such evidence and their reasons.
The aim of the dissertation is to settle the types and provide substantial and structural characterization of opinions which appear in economic criminal cases. The paper includes four chapters. The first chapter is the introduction to the issue of the experts’ opinions. Its aim is to verify if there are any norms establishing experts’ competence from which economic experts derive and if there are any organizations and associations gathering them which enable the experts to educate constantly and to improve their qualifications. The second chapter contains an analysis of the types of economic opinions as well as of their substantial and formal structure. The aim of the third chapter is to define the most common way in which the evidence is conducted from the economic expert’s opinion and what problems may occur during it being tracked by the authorities conducting criminal proceedings. Chapter four discusses the issue of the postulated algorithm of the criteria assessing the evidence from the economic expert’s opinion as well as it being used by the judges assessing the evidence from the economic expert’s opinion. There has also been made an attempt to define both the problems that occur during the judicial appraisal of such evidence and their reasons.
Wydział Prawa i Administracji: Katedra Kryminalistyki
opinia, opinion, biegły, expert, ocena sądowa, judicial appraisal