O stopniach naukowych i veniam legendi w II Rzeczypospolitej (Część II)
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM
Title alternative
Academic degrees and veniam legendi in Poland between 1919–1939 (Part II)
There were many important tasks that Poland had to address after it regained independence
in 1918. One was the ordering of the matters of higher education. This
included taking over control over establishments of higher educations which had
earlier functioned in partitioned Poland under a foreign rule, as well as establishing
study rules and academic regulations. The legislative actions had to be taken step by
step, as further portions of Polish territories had been regained, to ensure students
who had commenced studies in partitioned Poland their continuation under new,
Polish conditions, and to enable validation of examinations already taken, and in
the case of graduates, nostrifi cation of their diplomas.
Unlike as it was in the case of earning lower degrees (of a licencjat, physician,
or magister) and higher degrees (of a doctor), a completion of habilitation did
not result in earning an academic degree. The habilitation process consisted of
three steps: (i) submission of a print-out of a habilitation thesis, (ii) discussion
on the habilitation thesis, and (iii) presentation of a habilitation lecture to the
faculty members or members of another statutory body of a state institution of
higher education. Following positive opinions of the reviewers of the thesis, the
Council of the Faculty (or another competent organ of the institution) would
resolve to grant the habilitation candidate an exclusive right to lecture, so called
veniam legendi, and a title of a docent. The acquisition of that right did not tie
the candidate to the school conferring the right, or compel him to lecture, but
resignation from the right to lecture resulted in the expiry of such right, which
nevertheless was capable to be restored without the need to go through the
habilitation process again. A high education institution could off er a docent employment as a paid docent,
which required proper nomination and appointment by the School’s competent
authority, or contract with the docent the veniam legendi as a private lecturer (docent).
Habilitation was not recognised as an academic degree and consequently nostrifi
cation of the veniam legendi was not possible.
recognition of final university examinations, nostrification of academic degrees and diplomas, habilitation, Poland in the interwar period
Studia Prawa Publicznego, 2014, Nr 4 (8), s. 11-32