Potrzeby jako czynnik wyznaczający rozmiary budownictwa mieszkaniowego w Polsce w latach 1970-1990

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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM

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Needs as a Factor Indicating the Size of Housing Estate Construction in Poland in 1970-1990


One of the currently important tasks that political economy has to cope with is to formulate a long-term consumption model. Such a model, being an optimal combination of all-social preferences with individual ones, should speed up the social and economic development to the highest degree. Admittedly houses occupy a special position among all the consumer goods. There has been definite improvements in the housing Situation, which is only another notable social and economic achievement of People's Poland. Over the years 1946 - 1970 the number of dwellings rose by 65%, which despite an increase of the population number by as much 36,6%, resulted in decresing the average number of persons per one housing unit and per one room by 0,87 and 0,80 respectively. Notwithstanding these achievements the improvement rate in the housing situation lagged behind the rate of beneficial changes in meeting other social needs, material and cultural. Also, as viewed against most other European countries, the bousing situation in Poland improved at a slover rate. In the years 1971 - 1990 changes in the demographic structure will cause the household number to increase particularly quickly, thus necessitating a rise in the residential construction output over that period. Other factors, which considerably influence the housebuilding volume through the housing requirements include: population country — to — town migration and necessity to replace the housing stock technically and economicly used-up. Since, in the period 1971 - 1990, both these factors will appear in Poland especially strong, the housing requirements can be fully met only through building 8 million dwelling units.



Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016



Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 43, 1981, z. 2, s. 61-84






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