Varmt hjerte og kaldt blod. En kontrastiv analyse av uttrykk for følelser basert på indre organer og kroppsvæsker i polsk og norsk
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM
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Warm heart and cold blood. A contrastive Polish-Norwegian analysis of emotional expressions based on internal organs and bodily fluids
Artikkelen drøfter forskjeller og likheter i idiomatiske uttrykk for følelser i polsk og norsk. Selv om følelser er almenne menneskelige fenomener, varierer måten de blir oppfattet og uttrykt på. I alle verdens språk er det en tendens til å somatisere emosjoner, dvs. å plassere følelser i ulike deler av kroppen som utgjør den nærmeste referanserammen. Likevel er det ikke alltid man kan forklare somatiseringa utifra fysiologi. Den foreliggende undersøkelsen tar for seg uttrykk som benytter seg av indre organer og kroppsvæsker. Det framvises at de fleste uttrykkene som er felles for begge språkene, stammer fra den såkalte hippokratiske doktrinen om fire kroppsvæsker og dertil hørende indre organer. Det er stor grunn til å tro at uttrykk som bygger på den hippokratiske doktrinen finnes i de fleste europeiske språk som en del av den antikke kulturarven. I tillegg til den kulturbetingede mekanismen, følger uttrykkene metaforiske mønstre som for eksempel den såkalte BEHOLDER-metaforen. Dermed bevises det at kulturen gjennom språket kan øve en viss innflytelse på måten følelser blir konstruert og ansett på.
The paper investigates the nature of idiomatic expressions for emotions and analyses them in Polish and Norwegian. Emotions are a phenomenon universal for all human beings, yet their perception and expression differs across cultures. It seems to be a tendency in all languages to ‘somatize’ emotions, that is to place them in the human body, the nearest reference point. However, explaining this tendency by physiology is not always plausible as shown in the conducted study on expressions using internal organs and bodily liquids in Polish and Norwegian. Expressions that bear most similarity between languages coming from the same culture circle are not those motivated by physiology, but by culture, as for example those originating from hippocratic humoral doctrine. Metaphorical mechanisms, claimed by some linguists to be universal, for example the so called CONTAINER metaphor, are also to be found in the analyzed material. It has been proven that culture can influence the construction and perception of emotions. The language of emotions, which by default is a part of culture, calls therefore for more attention from researchers in all fields dealing with this topic.
The paper investigates the nature of idiomatic expressions for emotions and analyses them in Polish and Norwegian. Emotions are a phenomenon universal for all human beings, yet their perception and expression differs across cultures. It seems to be a tendency in all languages to ‘somatize’ emotions, that is to place them in the human body, the nearest reference point. However, explaining this tendency by physiology is not always plausible as shown in the conducted study on expressions using internal organs and bodily liquids in Polish and Norwegian. Expressions that bear most similarity between languages coming from the same culture circle are not those motivated by physiology, but by culture, as for example those originating from hippocratic humoral doctrine. Metaphorical mechanisms, claimed by some linguists to be universal, for example the so called CONTAINER metaphor, are also to be found in the analyzed material. It has been proven that culture can influence the construction and perception of emotions. The language of emotions, which by default is a part of culture, calls therefore for more attention from researchers in all fields dealing with this topic.
Norsk, Polsk, Kontrastiv, Metaforteori, Idiomatiske uttrykk, Følelser, Kroppsdeler, Norwegian, Polish, contrastive, metaphorical language, idiomatic expressions, emotions, body parts
Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia, vol. 10, 2009, s. 169-180