Tappra martyrer och katolska bråkmakare. Om några historiskt betingade traditioner i den svenska bilden av Polen
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM
Title alternative
Courageous martyrs and Catholic rioters. An overview of selected historically qualified traditions of the Swedish image of Poland
I artikeln kartläggs och diskuteras fyra grundtraditioner i den svenska synen på polacker som har formats under seklens lopp och präglats av konflikter och närmanden men också likheter och skillnader i bägge ländernas samhälleliga utveckling. Dessa historiskt betingade föreställningar om polacker som tappra krigare, oskyldiga martyrer, anarkistiska bråkmakare och eller katolska fanatiker aktualiseras också i svenska presstexter publicerade efter 1989 där de ibland får en ny innabörd. Föreställningarna kan tolkas mot bakgrund av svenskarnas nationella berättelser eftersom bilder av de andra ofta används som hjälpmedel i att definiera den egna gruppen och bör därmed betraktas som en väsenlig byggsten i den nationella identiteten.
The article puts together and describes four main traditions of the Swedish perception of the Polish, which have been formed through the centuries by the conflicts and encounters, as well as similarities and differences in the development of societies in these two countries. The historically qualified notions about the Polish as courageous warriors, innocent martyrs, anarchy rioters and catholic fanatics reappear also in Swedish press articles that were published after 1989, sometimes gaining a new meaning. These notions should be interpreted in the background of national narratives of the Swedes, since images of the others are being often used while defining one’s own group and consequently they should be seen as a substantial constituent of national identity.
The article puts together and describes four main traditions of the Swedish perception of the Polish, which have been formed through the centuries by the conflicts and encounters, as well as similarities and differences in the development of societies in these two countries. The historically qualified notions about the Polish as courageous warriors, innocent martyrs, anarchy rioters and catholic fanatics reappear also in Swedish press articles that were published after 1989, sometimes gaining a new meaning. These notions should be interpreted in the background of national narratives of the Swedes, since images of the others are being often used while defining one’s own group and consequently they should be seen as a substantial constituent of national identity.
Svensk-polska relationer, Svensk nationell identitet, Svenska nationella berättelser, Bilden av Polen i Sverige, Swedish-Polish relations, Swedish national identity, Swedish national narratives, Swedish image of Poland
Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia, vol. 10, 2009, s. 123-142