Stan psychofizyczny człowieka w terminalnej fazie życia

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Psychophysical state of human in terminal phase of life


It is difficult to determine the moment of oncoming death. This study attempts to find a relationship between occurrence and the intensity of selected biological, physiological and psychical traits and oncoming moment of death. Statistical analysis of the obtained results showed a relationship between psychophysical state of examined patients and time of their stay at palliative department. The evaluation of danger of bedsores appearance (EDAB) was used as an indicator of the approach to the moment of death. EDAB is a composed trait including five additive features – 1 – general state, 2 – psychical state, 3 – activity, 4 – ability of moving, 5 – the action of sphincters. Each feature was assessed in a four – point scale. The particular components of EDAB as well as their intensity show that the better biological and psychical state of the patients at the moment of their hospitalization (positive gradient from 1 to 4), the longer time of their stay at palliative department. These results were confirmed by a variance analysis of the total EDAB points conducted with regard to the first day of hospitalization and the last day of investigation (before death) – difference statistically significant. Other features, like swellings, state of nutrition and physical activity also had statistically significant influence on the patients’ time of stay at palliative ward. The study also shows that area of bedsores, sweating and other features (estimated every day) increased along with approaching to the patients' death. These features may be helpful in prediction of the moment of death. In future, more individuals of both sexes need to be studied and more thorough statistical analyses should be applied for better characterization of biological, physiological and psychical features affecting the moment of death at palliative departments.




śmierć, faza terminalna, moment of death, psychophysical state of organizm, death, moment śmierci, terminal phase, psychofizyczny stan organizmu


Czapla Z., D. Łasiński, Stan psychofizyczny człowieka w terminalnej fazie życia (Psychophysical state of human in terminal phase of life) [w:] Wszystkich rzeczy miarą jest człowiek (The Human is the Measure of all Things), Sopot: Tower Press, 2006, s. 154-158.





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