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    Fosfofruktokinaza i kinaza pirogronianowa w tkankach skorupiaków i owadów
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1993) Lesicki, Andrzej
    Molecular and kinetic properties of phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase of crustacean midgut gland, hypodermis, muscle and heart as well as of insect fat body and flight, body wall and heart muscles have been characterized and compared. The results suggest that the reaction catalyzed by the phosphofructokinase is the most important point for glycolysis regulation in all studied tissues. The phosphofructokinases exist in different interconvertible molecular forms and their activity is regulated by several positive and negative effectors. It is suggested that fructose-2,6-bisphosphate is the most powerful one and it plays a role of the signal which turns the glycolysis on. The pyruvate kinase is also a regulatory enzyme but only in those tissues for which gluconeogenesis is postulated, that is in the crustacean midgut gland and hypodermis as well as in the insect fat body. In these tissues, the enzyme is found in different molecular forms, which are characterized by higher or lower activity in different physiological stages of the tissue. A mechanism of interconversion between them has been explained and the existence of forms of lower activity has been connected with those stages for which gluconeogenesis operation is expected. In strictly glycolytic tissues like crustacean abdominal muscle or insect flight muscle, pyruvate kinase exists in a singular molecular form of high activity. The role of the phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase in the carbohydrate metabolism regulation of particular tissues is discussed.
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    Stojące i płynące wody Poznania
    (Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań, 2019) Gołdyn, Ryszard; Basińska, Anna; Budzyńska, Agnieszka; Dondajewska-Pielka, Renata; Joniak, Tomasz; Klimaszyk, Piotr; Kowalczewska-Madura, Katarzyna; Kozak, Anna; Kuczyńska-Kippen, Natalia; Nagengast, Barbara; Piotrowicz, Ryszard; Szeląg-Wasielewska, Elżbieta; Szyper, Halina; Świdnicki, Kasper
    Zamiarem autorów tego opracowania było zebranie i przybliżenie czytelnikowi podstawowych wiadomości o jak największej liczbie zbiorników i cieków wodnych, znajdujących się w granicach administracyjnych Poznania. Do przedstawionych danych należy przede wszystkim położenie zbiorników, przebieg cieków wodnych, ich cechy morfometryczne, ale również tam, gdzie to było możliwe – informacje o walorach przyrodniczych, turystyczno-krajobrazowych i o jakości wody. Mają one zachęcić mieszkańców Poznania do odwiedzania opisanych miejsc w ramach wycieczek, spacerów czy choćby po to, by odpocząć od zgiełku ulic miasta i trudów pracy zawodowej. Mają również rozbudzić zainteresowanie otaczającą przyrodą młodzież szkolną, będąc uzupełnieniem wiedzy zdobywanej w ramach zajęć szkolnych.
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    EKOSYSTEMY WODNE: funkcjonowanie, znaczenie, ochrona i rekultywacja
    (Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 2019) Budzyńska, Agnieszka; Dondajewska-Pielka, Renata; Rosińska, Joanna; Kozak, Anna; Kowalczewska-Madura, Katarzyna
    W monografii zebrano jedenaście artykułów dotyczących zagadnień hydrobiologicznych, m.in. badań prowadzonych na jeziorach lobeliowych, nadmiernej eutrofizacji jezior oraz ich rekultywacji i odpowiedzi ekosystemu na prowadzone zabiegi. Odniesiono się do problemu toksycznych zakwitów sinicowych, skłaniających do podejmowania działań rekultywacyjnych. Omówione zostały założenia teoretyczne inaktywacji fosforu w jeziorach wraz z praktycznymi wskazówkami bezpiecznego dla ekosystemu stosowania takiej metody poprawy jakości wód. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na zbiorowiska organizmów planktonowych (fitoplankton i zooplankton) oraz makrofity i makroglony. Ważnym aspektem monografii jest także funkcjonowanie drobnych zbiorników wodnych oraz ich wykorzystanie jako obiektów dydaktycznych.
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    Dymorfizm płciowy południowoafrykańskich australopiteków
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań, 2010) Kaszycka, Katarzyna A.
    The aim of this research was to determine the degree and pattern of sexual dimorphism in the South African Plio-Pleistocene hominids – the australopithecines – and to relate these to extant African apes (of known sex, behavior and ecology) in order to make suggestions about aspects of social behavior of these early hominids. The results are based on metrical analyses of craniofacial and dental remains. The magnitude of sexual dimorphism was evaluated by various statistical methods, based on assessing parameters of distribution of variables. This work reveals that the South African “robust” australopithecines possessed a combination of small canine size dimorphism and increased (almost gorilla-like) level of facial dimorphism.
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    Zastosowanie metod pomiarowych MRJ do określania wieku biologicznego w każdej fazie ontogenezy
    (Instytut Fizyki Jądrowej im. H. Niewodniczańskiego w Krakowie, 1998) Czapla, Zbigniew; Fojud, Zbigniew
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    Proces starzenie Indian Maja ze wsi Yaxcaba (Meksyk) oceniony metodą mikroelektroforezy wewnątrzkomórkowej – EMN
    (Tower Press Sopot, 2006) Czapla, Zbigniew
    The method of intracellular microelectrophoresis in the form of EMN (Electrophoretic Mobility of Cell Nuclei) index can assess well the biological process of human aging in the course of ontogenesis. The aim of this study is to present an application of EMN index as a measure of the biological process of human aging in Maja Indian population from Yaxcaba village (Yucatan, Mexico). The percentage of EMN index is calculated on the basis of the number of epithelial cells with mobile nuclei in reference to the cells with immobile nuclei per 100 cells counted by the researcher. Electrophoresis is performed using a special Biotest apparatus. In the examined (439 females and 337 males) a marked decrease of average values of EMN index was observed. Lower mean EMN value in females is observed. Confirmation of these negative tendency are the simple regression lines in the stable and involutional phases of the ontogenesis for males and females. The EMN index correlate negative with age (statistically significant p0,01) for males r = -0,28 and for females r = -0,35. It follows that the EMN index is a good criterion for assessment in biological process of aging (assessment of biological age). The collected material needs further studies.
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    Stan psychofizyczny człowieka w terminalnej fazie życia
    (Tower Press Sopot, 2006) Czapla, Zbigniew; Łasiński, Dariusz
    It is difficult to determine the moment of oncoming death. This study attempts to find a relationship between occurrence and the intensity of selected biological, physiological and psychical traits and oncoming moment of death. Statistical analysis of the obtained results showed a relationship between psychophysical state of examined patients and time of their stay at palliative department. The evaluation of danger of bedsores appearance (EDAB) was used as an indicator of the approach to the moment of death. EDAB is a composed trait including five additive features – 1 – general state, 2 – psychical state, 3 – activity, 4 – ability of moving, 5 – the action of sphincters. Each feature was assessed in a four – point scale. The particular components of EDAB as well as their intensity show that the better biological and psychical state of the patients at the moment of their hospitalization (positive gradient from 1 to 4), the longer time of their stay at palliative department. These results were confirmed by a variance analysis of the total EDAB points conducted with regard to the first day of hospitalization and the last day of investigation (before death) – difference statistically significant. Other features, like swellings, state of nutrition and physical activity also had statistically significant influence on the patients’ time of stay at palliative ward. The study also shows that area of bedsores, sweating and other features (estimated every day) increased along with approaching to the patients' death. These features may be helpful in prediction of the moment of death. In future, more individuals of both sexes need to be studied and more thorough statistical analyses should be applied for better characterization of biological, physiological and psychical features affecting the moment of death at palliative departments.
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    Charakterystyka elektroforetycznej ruchliwości jąder komórkowych (EMN) u trenujących dziewcząt
    (Tower Press Sopot, 2006) Czapla, Zbigniew; Szczepanowska, Ewa
    Metabolic activity of cells could be describe by changes of an index of Electrophoretic Mobility of Cell Nuclei (EMN) in epithelium cells. The examined group (N = 33) consisted of female juniors practicing rowing. In this study 3 exercise tests of an increasing intensity up to: anaerobic threshold, maximal oxygen uptake and supermaximal intensity were applied. Values of EMN index reflected an influence of physical exercise on metabolic status of an organism determining a concentration of acidic intermediates. Changes of EMN index were connected with the metabolic threshold of anaerobic processes indicating the oxygen potential of an organism. EMN index could be used as an additional parameter to evaluate physiological changes under the influence of physical exercise. In an aspect of the level of performance it could be helpful in evaluation of physiological changes during training process.
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    O pewnych osobliwościach biologicznego i psychicznego pojmowania rozwoju
    (Kieleckie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 1997) Czapla, Zbigniew
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    Kształtowanie się wskaźnika EMN w ontogenezie u osób palących i alkoholików
    (Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, 2002) Czapla, Zbigniew
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    Biologia starzenia w świetle metody mikroelektroforezy wewnątrzkomórkowej - EMN
    (Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego Józefa Piłsudskiego, 2001) Czapla, Zbigniew
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    Przyczyny zgonów kobiet i mężczyzn w latach 2000-2005 na przykładzie powiatu gnieźnieńskiego w województwie wielkopolskim
    (Kieleckie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2010) Czapla, Zbigniew; Mróz, Anna; Skrzypczak, Magdalena
    The aging of the societies is one of the crucial problems of the present world. In developed countries the proportions of older people are still dramatically increasing. The process of society aging is becoming one of the main socio-economic problem for these countries associated with care of the elderly and pressure on the medical services. Reproductiveness, mortality and migrations exercise significant influence on this complex process. Mortality is particularly important for the reason if this work. The main aim of the present study was the analysis of women and men death causes in Gniezno district (Wielkopolska province). The material contains of the statistical data from 2000 to 2005 years. In the conducted analysis the information about causes of death rate, sex and age were used. The statistical analysis examined: 1) changes in the frequency of total deaths rates of women and men due to analyzed causes, 2) the death rates in the age categories, as well as 3) the trend of changes of frequency death rates in diseases categories, in 2000-2005 years, in Gniezno district. The causes of death rates were provide according to the X the Revision of International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) valid in Poland from the 1. January 1997. The most frequent causes of deaths of the women and men in Gniezno district were: the cardiovascular diseases and tumors as well as two different causes of death, described according to categorization the ICD-10 as "symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified" as well as "external causes of mortality".
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    O pewnych wybranych kryteriach "normy" w psychologii i psychiatrii
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2000) Czapla, Zbigniew
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    Zagrożenia dla zdrowia człowieka w warunkach wysokogórskich - fizjologiczne mechanizmy przystosowawcze
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2009) Czapla, Zbigniew
    According to the World Health Organization about 140 million people live permanently at altitude higher than 2500 metres above sea level. Man who was born and have been growing up on lowlands was able to adapt to height 5400 metres above sea level for a short time. The main reason of bad functioning of man at high altitude is low pressure of oxygen. Additional factors which are risk for health are: cold, dehydration and intense solar radiation. The consequence of these disturbances are symptoms described like as high-altitude illness (sickness), frostbite appeare very often too. The people which move quickly to high altitudes such as mountaineers and trekkers are exposed to the risk of high-altitude illness. There are two main forms of this sickness: acute mountain sickness and chronic mountain sickness so-called Monga’e disease. The symptoms of acute mountain sickness are headache, nausea, anorexia, insomnia, fatigue, lassitude, vomiting, dizziness, weakness, rapidly increase tiredness and neurological disturbances of physical coordination, impairment of memory and disorientation. The changeable mood and excitement are observed. The symptoms of acute mountain sickness are largely like Chronic mountain sickness is related with increase of erythrocyte number, hypertension of pulmonary circulation and hypertrophy of right ventricle of the heart. This sickness concern the people which are not able adapt to hypoxia in spite of spending the long time in high mountain. Characteristic features of this sickness are cardiac insufficiency, blueness of lips and nails and club-shaped fingers. This form of high-altitude illness finished death often leads to death. When the mechanisms of adaptation to high mountain conditions are insufficient, the pathophysiological processes will lead to high altitude pulmonary edema and high altitude cerebral edema. Apart from symptoms of mountain sickness in case of high altitude pulmonary edema appeared dyspnoea, cough, cyanosis, fever, a rise of pulse and a rise of breathing rating. The symptoms of high altitude cerebral edema are ataxy, nausea, vomiting, changes of behavior, disorientation, mental retardness, visual and/or auditory hallucinations, impairment of vision, convulsions and coma.
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    Wydajność asymilacji azotu na przykładzie wybranych gatunków roślin wodnych
    (2012) Rybak, Andrzej; Messyasz, Beata; Łęska, Bogusława; Pikosz, Marta; Fabrowska, Joanna
    Organizmy autotroficzne żyjące w ekosystemach wodnych, czerpią azot nieorganiczny z azotanów, azotynów i amoniaku. Związki te dostają się do zbiorników wodnych wraz ze spływem powierzchniowym, opadami oraz wodami gruntowymi. Wszystkie formy związków azotu ulegają licznym przemianom biochemicznym zachodzącym w słupie wody. Mowa tu głównie o amonifikacji, nitryfikacji oraz denitryfikacji częściowej i całkowitej. Jako, że z tymi przemianami wiąże się także zmiana stopnia utlenienia, zajście powyższych reakcji w głównej mierze zależy od stężenia tlenu w wodzie (Lampert i Sommer 2001). Glony z rodzaju błonica (Ulva) i gałęzatka (Cladophora) większą część swojego cyklu życiowego spędzają blisko powierzchni wody, gdzie przeprowadzają fotosyntezę i intensywnie się namnażają. Wiąże się również z wysokim zapotrzebowaniem na biogeny oraz z silną konkurencją o inne zasoby (jak np. światło) z innymi roślinami wodnymi. Obok węgla, wodoru i tlenu glony i rośliny wodne wymagają do wzrostu i swojego rozwoju dodatkowych elementów (między innymi N, P i mikroelementy). Większość z tych składników jest zwykle obecna w ekosystemie wodnym w odpowiednich ilościach w stosunku do potrzeb organizmów fotosyntetyzujących i nie należy od czynników limitujących wzrost. Jednak zawartości nieorganicznych form azotu i fosforu mogą być na tyle niskie, że powodują limitację wzrostu makroglonów w wodach powierzchniowych. Asymilacja pierwiastków biogennych (N, P) z wody zachodzi dzięki specjalnym, energo-zależnym i powiązanych z błoną komórkową systemom permeazy, których funkcją jest zapewnienie podwyższonego, wewnątrzkomórkowego stężenia tych jonów jako substratów do dalszych szlaków i procesów enzymatycznych (Gumiński 1990).
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    Health and Well-Being in Adolescence. Part two, Media
    (Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 2011) Kaczmarek, Maria
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    Health and Well-Being in Adolescence. Part 1, Physical Health and Subjective Well-Being
    (Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 2011) Kaczmarek, Maria
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    Infestation of the Northern white-breasted hedgehog (Erinaceus roumanicus) with Ixodes ticks in urban ecosystems of the city of Poznań
    (Akapit, 2010) Dziemian, Sylwia; Piłacińska, Barbara; Bogawski, Paweł; Michalik, Jerzy
    Between April and November 2009, infestation by Ixodes hexagonus and I. ricinus ticks on the northern white-breasted hedgehog, Erinaceus roumanicus, was investigated in urban environments of the city of Poznań. In total, 49 hedgehogs were trapped, 36 (73.5%) of which hosted 1,519 ixodid ticks, with a mean intensity of 42.2 ticks per infested animal. The most abundant tick species, I. hexagonus, constituted 67% (1,019) of all ticks recorded and infested 71.4% of the hosts. I. ricinus accounted for 33% (500) of all ticks recorded, and was identified on 51% of the hedgehogs. Mean intensities of ticks were higher for I. hexagonus than for I. ricinus (29.1 and 20.0, respectively). The proportion of the two tick species differed by life stage. I. hexagonus larvae (n = 744) strongly dominated over nymphs (n = 204) and females (n = 71). In contrast, similar proportions of three stages of I. ricinus were recorded (168 larvae, 194 nymphs, 138 females). Both tick species parasitizing hedgehogs showed seasonal differences in tick burdens and prevalences. The data obtained in this survey demonstrate that E. roumanicus hedgehogs hosting all developmental stages of Ixodes, contribute to the local amplifying and maintenance of tick populations within urban environments.