Małżeństwo drogą do komunii z Bogiem w świetle "Familiaris consortio" Jana Pawła II
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Wydział Teologiczny, UAM
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Marriage as a Way to Communion with God in the Light of "Familiaris consortio" by John Paul II
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie małżeństwa jako drogi prowadzącej do komunii z Bogiem. W związku z powyższym poddano analizie treść adhortacji Jana Pawła II "Familiaris consortio". Całość refleksji została podzielna na kilka części, wzorowanych na poszczególnych częściach adhortacji. Ukazano w nich wpierw Boży zamysł względem małżeństwa, a następnie poszczególne zadania małżeństwa oraz ich realizację. Wnioski z przeprowadzonych badań zamieszczono w zakończeniu. Wykazano między innymi, iż Boży zamysł względem małżeństwa można uważać za podstawę uznania małżeństwa i rodziny za konkretną drogę prowadzącą małżonków do komunii z Bogiem. Stwierdzono również, że Jan Paweł II ukazując Boży zamysł wobec małżeństwa oraz zadania stające przed małżeństwem i ich realizację jednoznacznie wskazał na miłość, bez której wypełnienie Bożych planów względem małżeństwa i rodziny byłoby niemożliwe. Tym samym można uważać, iż podjęcie małżeńskiego powołania jest jednoznaczne z wkroczeniem na konkretną i zarazem specyficzną drogę prowadzącą do pełni komunii z Bogiem.
The objective of the article is to present marriage as a way leading toward communion with God. Therefore, the contents of the exhortation of John Paul II entitled "Familiaris consortio" has been submitted for analysis. The entire reflection has been divided into several parts modelled on the respective parts of the exhortation. Firstly, vocation to marriage in God’s plan has been presented followed subsequently by particular tasks of marriage together with the realization of these tasks. The findings of the conducted research are given in the conclusion. It has been revealed, among others, that God’s intention to marriage can be recognized as a basis to acknowledge marriage and family as a sure way leading the spouses toward communion with God. Moreover, it has been stated that John Paul II, unfolding God’s intention to marriage together with the tasks standing before marriage and the realization of these tasks, concurrently pointed out that without love the fulfillment of God’s plans towards marriage and the family would be impossible. Thereby it can be considered that undertaking the vocation to marriage is synonymous with entering on a definite and, at the same time, specific way leading to full communion with God.
The objective of the article is to present marriage as a way leading toward communion with God. Therefore, the contents of the exhortation of John Paul II entitled "Familiaris consortio" has been submitted for analysis. The entire reflection has been divided into several parts modelled on the respective parts of the exhortation. Firstly, vocation to marriage in God’s plan has been presented followed subsequently by particular tasks of marriage together with the realization of these tasks. The findings of the conducted research are given in the conclusion. It has been revealed, among others, that God’s intention to marriage can be recognized as a basis to acknowledge marriage and family as a sure way leading the spouses toward communion with God. Moreover, it has been stated that John Paul II, unfolding God’s intention to marriage together with the tasks standing before marriage and the realization of these tasks, concurrently pointed out that without love the fulfillment of God’s plans towards marriage and the family would be impossible. Thereby it can be considered that undertaking the vocation to marriage is synonymous with entering on a definite and, at the same time, specific way leading to full communion with God.
God, Bóg, John Pual II, Jan Paweł II, Family, Rodzina, Marriage, Małżeństwo, Communion, Komunia, Love, Miłość
Teologia i Moralność, Tom 9, 2011, s. 25-39.